pig Flashcards
opening of digestive tract where all remaining digesta from the digestive system is excreted. Located beneath tail
Scrotal sac
contains testes. in males - sac of skin beneath the anus between hind legs
urogenital opening
males-opening for penis
females- reproductive and urinary organs
location: opening immediately under umbilical cord
umbilical cord
carrys blood w o2 and nutrients to fetus from placenta
carries blood w/o o2 and waste away from fetus to placenta
umbilical arteries
2 arteries in umbilical cord that remove deoxygenated blood from fetus
umbilical vein
carries blood w O2 from placenta to fetus through umbilical cord
layer of membrane located under the muscle layers of abdomin
produces: -bile -glycogen breakes down toxins produced in digestion of protien major storage site for nutriants
stores bile that can be released into small intestine
small, green, tear shaped organ embeded under right lateral lobe of liver
Bile duct
transports bile from gall bladder to duodenum
consists of cystic duct and hypatic duct
produces acid for chemical digestion
filters blood
thin organ lying on stomach and matching it in colour
canal for food and liquids that have been swallowed
long thin muscular tube that connects pharynx to stomach
cardiact sphincter
between esophagus and stomach
opens at approach of food that can be swept into stomach
pyloric sphincter
`controls flow of partially digested food from stomach and small intestine (duodenum)
produces hormones that rgulates blood sugar
produces digestive enzymes
produces sodium bicarbonate
dorsal to spleen within fold of duodenum and stomach
Pancreatic duct
carries digestive enzymes and sodium bicarbonate from pancreus to small intestine (duodenum)
sheets of connective tissue that suspends organs, provides bridges for ducts and veins and holds together coils of small intestine
recives chyme from stomach allong with secretory enzymes from gallbladder and pancreus
located at begining of small intestine
responsible for majority of nutriant absorbtion and reabsorbtion of water
seccond section of small intestine
continues process of of nutriant absorbtion and reabsorbtion of water
final part of small intestine
Large intestine (colon)
responsible for reabsorbtion of water and electrolites
produces feces
final site of water absorbtion and feces production
attached to posterior end of large intestine
breaks down cellulose, protozoans and anaerobic bacteria
large pouch found at begining of large intestine
creates urin
enables urin flow
2 thin tubes that connect kidneys to urinary bladder
Urinary bladder
temprorary storage for urine
large sac like organ connected to top of abdominal wall near ambilical cord area
Adrenal gland
produces adrenilin and hormones
cresent shaped, narrow band of light coloured tissue at anterior medial edge of each kidney
production of sprem and hormones
joined at scrotal sac
storage place for sperm
whitish mass of tightly coiled tubes, connected and cupped thightly against each teste
Ductus Deferens (sperm duct)
caries sperm from epididymis to urethra
where urin exits
transfers sperm
flap with ambilical cord
allows urin to flow from urinary bladder to urogenital oppening
located at bottom of urinary bladder
Ingunal canal
passageway through abdominal wal in groin of males through which the sperm duct and blood vescles pass to testes
Bulbouretal Gland
produce seminal fluid
near base of penis in pelvic canal on eather side of urethra
store all developing eggs and produce hormones
located below kidneys
fallopian tubules (oviducts)
recive egg from ovary at ovulation anf lining propells eggs to horns of uterus
found between ovaries and uterine hornes
zygote develops into fetus
at midline of body at joining of 2 uterine hornes
where urination and birth occur
carries blood to body from heart
large vescle lying on mid dorsal wall
Inferior vena cava
large vein carrying blood w/o O2 from posterior part of body tyo right atrium
Superior vena cava
large vein carrying blood w/o O2 from anterior part of body tyo right atrium
Renal Artery
carrys blood to kidney
2 large arteries brach off aorta
Renal Vein
carry blood from kidneys to claudal vena cava
pump blood to body
filmy membrain around heart
Thymus Gland
Production of lymphocytes
spongy tissue anterior heart
Pulminary arteries
provides deoxygentated blood to lungs
ductus ateriosus
connects pulminary artery to systemic trunk
neer point of emergance from trunk
Corotid arteries
supply blood to head and neck
each side of trachea
Jugular veins
removes deoxygenated blood from head
1st set of vescles to emerge from superior vena cava
Thyroid gland
determines matabolisim and hormine sensitivity
posterior to larynx and below trachea
wind pipe
between larynx and bronchi
voice box
between glotis and trachea
passagway for food to enter esophagus and air to enter larynx
cavity at back of mouth
carry air to lungs
at lower end of trachea
oxygentae blood
Pleural membraine
protects lungs
membrain surrounding each lung
aids in respiration by moving up and down
seperates thoracic and abdominal cavity
bellow lungs
protects vital organs and blood vescles in thoracic cavity
minipulates food for chewing and swallowing
seals off wind pipe to prevent food from entering
above glottis
hole at opening of trachea
under epiglotis
seperates nasal and oral cavities
roof of mouth
salivary glands
secrete digestive enzymes that begin the breakdown of food
riegon of brain responsible for all volentary activities
main area
region of brain that coordinates and ballances body movment
back of brain
3 connective tissue layers covering organs of central nervous system
Olfactory lobes
controls sence of smell
front of brain