PIES Lifestages Flashcards
Define the term ‘growth’
A change in size or weight, easy to measure
Define the term ‘development’
The learning and development of new skills.
Define the term ‘physical development’
The changes to the human body throughout our lifetime. The development of physical skills such as fine and gross motor skills. Growth.
Define the term ‘intellectual development’
Development of the brain and the acquiring of thinking and reasoning skills. Development of memory and the ability to problem solve.
Define the term ‘emotional development’
Understanding and managing of feelings. The development of self-image and self-esteem. Forming bonds and attachments
Define the term ‘social development’
The ability to interact with others in society and build relationships.
Describe the difference between fine and gross motor skills
Fine motor skills are smaller, more refined movements using small muscle groups in the hands and feet, e.g. drawing, painting. Gross motor skills are larger movements of the larger limbs of the body e.g. running and jumping.
Describe how an infant develops emotionally from the age of 0-2
Bond and form attachments with those that care for them
Recognise their main carer
How do infants communicate?
Communicate through their senses, smiles and noises such as crying
Language develops throughout
What are the two types of play that infants model?
Solitary and parallel play
What gross and fine motor skills should an infant have mastered by the age of two?
Walking Crawling Climb stairs Put spoon to mouth Grasp objects with whole hand
What physical skills should a child have by the age of 8?
Good hand-eye coordination
Good sense of balance
Catch, throw and bounce a ball
Describe the intellectual development of a child
Good vocabulary
Follow rules and routines, e.g. how to behave at the dinner table.
Describe the emotional development of a child
Learn how to control their feelings
Develop their self-image and self-esteem
Define the terms ‘self-image’ and ‘self-esteem’
Self image is the mental picture we have of ourselves
Self esteem is how much you like, accept and respect yourself. It is how you think others see you.
What is the name of the female hormone responsible for puberty?
What is the name of the male hormone responsible for puberty?
List two physical changes for girls, and two for boys, that occur during adolescence
Periods start Breasts develop Grow taller Body hair develops Voice deepens Testicles develop
What does the term ‘abstract thinking’ mean?
The ability to think using more complex concepts and ideas
What does peer pressure mean?
When people (normally teenagers) are influenced by the views, opinions and behaviour of their close friends
State three key changes in the physical development of early adulthood
Fertility declines
Weight gain
Possibly at the peak of physical fitness in the earlier part of adulthood
How do people develop emotionally during early adulthood?
Develop close relationships with others
Choose to get married
Choose to start a family
Choose to live together
Define the term ‘menopause’
The natural and permanent stopping of periods.
From the age of 45-65, how do you think a person develops socially?
More time and money to spend to extend their social lives
Travel more
More quality time with friends
Define the term ‘dementia’
An illness that affects the brain and memory, meaning you gradually lose the ability to behave normally.
What physical changes occur during later adulthood?
Joints stiffen Skin becomes thinner Muscles become weaker Grey hair Less mobile
What is the difference between solitary and parallel play?
Solitary play is when a child plays alone, parallel play is when a child plays alongside another child but not with them.
List two symptoms of the menopause
Periods stop
Hot flushes
Mood swings
Weight gain
Define the term ‘physical peak’
Optimum physical fitness, when a person is at their fittest and strongest.
Describe the term ‘empty nest syndrome’
A feeling of sadness and loss when children have left the family home. Parents often feel at a loss as their main role of being a caregiver does not play as big a part in their lives.
How many words on average should an infant know by the age of 2?
List two ways that a child’s intellectual development can be encouraged.
Read to them Talk to them. Encourage problem solving games such as jigsaws Drawing and painting activities Creative play e.g. role play Encourage them to play with others
Provide an example of a gross motor skill a child should have mastered by the age of 8.
Riding a bike without stabilisers
Balancing on one leg
Running quickly and being able to change direction
Throw and catch a ball
Define the term ‘egocentric’
Seeing things from only their point of view. This is evident in childhood.
Describe how a person could be affected emotionally by the death of a partner.
Feel angry and frustrated
Isolate themselves
How would a person benefit socially from retiring?
More time to spend with friends
Can start a new hobby.