Piecemeal acquisitions Flashcards
What is the accounting standard for Piecemeal Acquisitions?
Is the previously owned % included in the goodwill calculation at cost or FV?
FV - once you have control
What other calculated is required when there is a piecemeal acquisitions at the date control is gained?
Gain or loss on derecognition of previously owned holding
What is the proforma for gain/loss on derecognition? (A to S)
Inv in associate (X)
Gain/loss X/(X)
What is the proforma for gain/loss on derecognition? (I to A)
Most recent FV (X)
Total. X/(X)
If FVTPL - to P/L
If irrevocable election - to OCI
What is the proforma for adjustment to equity for a piecemeal acquisition?
Cash paid. (X)
Decrease in NCI. X
Adjustment. X/(X)