Pics Flashcards
Splint for scaphoid fracture
Scaphoid fracture from FOOSH, use thumb spica splint
-splint just in case b/c worried about avascular necrosis
Tx of Boxer’s fracture
Reduction and ulnar gutter
-want 4th/5th MCP joints at 90 degrees and wrist slightly extended
Name the bones of the wrist
“So long to the pinki, here comes the thumb”
scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform
hamate, capitate, trapezoid, trapezium
Why are you concerned about scaphoid fractures?
Avascular necrosis given location of radial artery
What’s the fracture?
Thumb spica split for scaphoid fracture
Where’s the fracture?
Sugar-tong splint for distal radial fracture (from FOOSH or falling directly on wrist)
Where’s the fracture?
Volar slab for triquetrum fracture (chip fracture) from hyperextension or hyperflexion of the wrist
Where’s the fracture?
Ulnar gutter for boxer’s fracture of the 4th/5th metatarsal
Triquetrium (chip) fracture
- mechanism: hyperextension/hyperflexion of wirst
- Tx = volar slab
Distal radial fracture from fall on outstretched arm or directly on wrist
-Tx = reduction then sugar tong splint
Ulnar gutter splint for Boxer’s fracture of 4th/5th metatarsal
Thumb spica for scaphoid fracture
Distal radial fracture from FOOSH or fall directly on wrist
-sugar-tong splint
Triquetrum/chip fracture
Tx = volar slab