PIC Flashcards
What does #fuses NOWDT do?
Disables the watch dog timer
What does delay() do?
Stops the entire program
What does #fuses WDT do?
Enables the watch dog timer
What does #fuses NOPUT do?
Means there’s no power up timer
What does #fuses NOPROTECT do?
Allows the code to be read from the chip
What does #fuses NOBROWN do?
Disables brown out protection on the chip
What does #fuses NOMCLR do?
Allows use of the internal reset circuitry
What does #fuses NOLVP do?
Disables low voltage programming
What does #fuses NOCPD do?
Means there’s no EE protection
What does #fuses RSTOSC_HFINTRC_64MHZ do?
Allows the use of the 64 MHz internal oscillator
What are the 5 steps to implement program?
2) #use delay (internal = ‘’ clock_out)
3) set up structure (IO pin definition)
(in main void)
4) set IO port direction
5) actual implementation
Why would you use a volatile character array?
To allow the character array be changed externally at any time
What is serial buffer?
Is an internal data store
What does getc() do?
Fetches a character from the terminal
What does the duty cycle do?
Sets the amount of time that the pwm is high for