Piano Ped Quiz Ch. 15-17 Flashcards
Q: Name five of the thirteen major advantages of group teaching: (only doing 5, the rest are on Pg. 288)
A: 1. More efficient use of teaching time 2. Higher hourly income for the studio 3. Students are exposed to a larger repertoire 4. Students learn from one another through group interaction 5. Listening skills are sharpened by hearing others play regularly.
Q: Name two of the five major advantages of private teaching: (only doing 2, you can find the others on Pg. 287)
A: 1. The teacher can do more demonstrating 2. The instruction can be tailored to the student’s individual temperament
Q: It is well known that ___ ____ is a far stronger influence on ones behavior than ___ ___ particularly during the adolescent years.
A: Peer pressure; Authority figures
Q: _____ is one main element that is learned more effectively in groups.
A: Rhythm
Q: An absolute requirement to successful group teaching is a good ___ ____.
A: Lesson plan
Q: When grouping students together for teaching care must be taken to choose students who have similar characteristics such as:
A: 1. Age 2. Intelligence 3. Physical dexterity and coordination 4. Motivation 5. Practice habits
Q: Name five of the elven personal qualities found in most successful group teachers: (Not about to write all 11 fam)
A: 1. The love of children’s energy and spontaneity 2. The ability to control and steer the energy of a group 3. Multi-tasking skills 4. Being organized and skilled at detailed planning 5. Being comfortable with a fast paste and being able to change quickly form one activity to another 6. Being skilled at disciplining students firmly but kindly 7. Being perceptive of group dynamics and skilled in managing them
Q: What two personality types seem to be suited to group teaching?
A: Dolphin and Bear
Q: Group teaching is obviously a more efficient use of teacher ___, since the teacher can present something to several students at once rather than repeating himself or herself to each individual. And it works equally well for ____ __ _____
A: Time; Adults or children
Q: Positive ____ ____ is an important aspect of group study.
A: Peer pressure
Q: What are the two concerns about the future of music teaching?
A: 1. College music majors are not leaving college with the resources necessary to ensure success of all their students 2. Independent music teaching does not provide the kind of income that attracts the finest musicians and teachers
Q: Name two of the conditions that produce successful group teaching: (I only wrote two of the four because they are the ones she said in the recording and I also didn’t feel like writing the other two “Kanye shrug”)
A: 1. The teacher believes that the group learning situation is best for every student in the group 2. The teacher is alert to pitfalls of group teaching and is able to avoid them
Q: The healthiest environment for learning is when enlightened teachers encourage ____ __ _____ ____.
A: Students to teach students
Q: Besides Frances Clark, three other pioneers of modern group teaching include:
A: 1. Duckworth 2. Chronister 3. Pace
Q: Name one of the factors that caused the shifting from group teaching to private teaching:
A: 1. The invention of the piano with its enlarged keyboard 2. The popularity of competitions
Q: In one sense, a teacher’s role (any teacher) can be thought of as _____ the change process through which a student learns and continually improves his performance on an instrument (or whatever activity he is involved in).
A: Managing
Q: A simple action plan consists of a ___ ____, ____ to be taken to achieve the objective a ____ _____ to be responsible for each action, and a ____ for the completion of each action.
A: Stated objective; Actions; Designated person; Deadline
Q: A good way to ensure that solutions are put into practice is through an ____ ______.
A: Action plan
Q: The best solution in the world will have no effect until it is ______.
A: Implemented
Q: When analyzing causes and solution, ____ of the time should be spent on analyzing and ____ on solutions
A: 80%; 20%
Q: Asking “why” no more than ____ times is almost always sufficient to get down to the root cause.
A: Five
Q: Problem causes include:
A: People; Equipment; Methods; Materials; Environment
Q: The important rule to remember about brainstorming is that you must not _____ or ______ any idea until all of them are out on the table.
A: Evaluate; Judge
Q: The reason it is so important to define the problem properly in terms of _____ is that doing otherwise limits our creativity and choice of solutions.
A: Performance
Q: A problem is defined in terms of the difference between the present and desired levels of performance. The distance usually involves one or more of the following factors:
A: Quantity; Quality; Time; Cost; Scope
Q: The problem solving process has three steps
A: 1. Define the problem 2. Identify its cause 3. Devise solutions
Q: A bear trapping question is actually a ____ _____ disguised as a question
A: Critical statement
Q: _____ is one of the best ways to get to know a student
A: Listening
Q: Active listening is a two-step technique that includes
A: 1. Ask probing questions to trigger deeper learning or to licit more info 2. Give feedback to show you hear and understand and that he understands the issues
Q: If a student fails to make normal progress over an extended period of time, especially after the teacher has tried a variety of techniques, ______ ______ suggest that perhaps the student should be referred to ____ _____
A: Professional ethics; Another teacher
Q: Name 3 of the 6 benefits of collaborative problem solving
A: 1. Higher quality solutions 2. Student motivation and commitment 3. Accelerated learning 4. Student responsible for his own behavior 5. Less stress on teacher 6. Enhanced student/teacher relationship
Q: Problems can be resolved more effectively through an approach in which the _____ involves the _____ as a _____ in a collaborative problem solving process.
A: Teacher; student; partner
Q: The four functional skills that should be taught to every piano student are?
A: Harmonization, Improvisation, Composition, Transposition