Piaget Theory of Cog Development Flashcards
What is Cognitive Development ?
Process humans acquire, organise and learn to use knowledge
Piagets Work
. Highly influential - shaped current understanding of how we learn
. HOW knowledge is acquired not WHAT
. Interested in where motivation for learning comes from and how it develops
Role of schema in motivation to learn
We are motivated to learn when we don’t have an already existing schema
^ leads to disequilibrium
. Adapt, exploring/discovering understanding to achieve equilibrium
What is Assimilation and Accommodation
Assimilation = adding info to an existing schema
Accommodation = creation of new schema
Sensorimotor Stage (0-2)
(Stages of Cog Development)
. Physical sensations and develop basic physical co-ordination. Learn by trial and error
^ Object Permenance = object continues to exist outside of visual field (8 months)
Pre - Operational Stage (2-7)
(Stages of Cog Development)
. Mobile and can use language - lack adult reasoning
Conservation = quality constant when appearance changes
Egocentrism = only seeing world from 1 POV. E.g: 3 mountain task
Class Inclusion = understand categories not classifications
Concrete Operational Stage (7-11)
(Stages of Cog Development)
. Preform better on pre-operational tasks
. Better at concrete not abstract situations
Formal Operational Stage (11+)
. Capable of formal reasoning
. McGarrigle and Donaldson = ‘naughty teddy’ condition - 72% accuracy on conservation task
. Hughes = 90% accuracy amongst 3-4yr olds in egocentrism tasks