Piaget Schemas And Formation Flashcards
Who developed intelligence test using cc
Piaget and Binet
Who was interested thinking of cc particularly young
What did Piaget later do
Investigated thinking cc
Often used own
Different ages
Focus on error made describe intellectual capabilities 
What did Piaget recognise
Nature n nurture
What did Piaget believe human intelligence is
Bio adapt
Cc interact w the world in increasingly effective ways
What did Piaget believe cc we’re
Little scientist
Testing confirming and refuting form own personal rep of world
Concept help organise n interpret info
Cc comfortable
new experiences can be explained in terms of their current understanding of the world
adding new experiences to schemas to make your existing schemas stronger.
When is schema cannot explain experience
Uncomfortable and child is driven to return to equilibrium 
In order to return to equilibrium
This needs to happen
Schema needs to be improved in order to include these new experiences 
A03 real world application in education
 - Kids in class construct own knowledge
- learning Environments suit diff. ages
- PG’s ideas on knowledge construction
- Schemas get clearer and complex over time
A03 individual difference
- PG: All kids driven to understand experiences
- School: Diff. in curiosity levels
- Factors not fully considered for child motivation
Piaget ‘ if adults interfere and try to teach they prevent children from coming to understand of the world works’
Vygotsky- guided learning
Freund- cc better able to sort furniture into dolls house if Mum had guided them through a similar task already
An expert guides a child, learn more efficiently than to work things out themselves so he was wrong

Cc form their own personal representation of the world
- Howe et al; Kids 9-12 studied objects on slope
- Tested understanding before & after
- Kids made own conclusions post-activity
- Shows scheme development from experiences