piaget Flashcards
define cognitive development
process which human beings acquire, organise and use knowledge
explores the ability to think and reason
define a schema
web of information collected to help you navigate new experiences
what was Piaget’s ideas with schemas?
thought children were born with a small number of schemas (me-schema)
cognitive development found to be the development of complex schemas
outline Piaget’s theory of the role of schema within motivation to learn
a new experience is encountered, if it appears similar to something a child already has a schema for (e.g. schema of a cat but seeing a dog for the first time) the child will assimilate and add to their existing schema
if someone corrects them or explains what the new experience is (e.g. an adult correcting a child that the animal they see is a dog), the child will go through disequilibrium and will have to equilibrate and adapt their understanding to create a new schema for this experience through accommodation
define disequilibrium
an uncomfortable feeling being put in a position of unknowing
define equilibration
adapting by exploring understanding of schema
define assimilation
adding new info to an existing schema
define accommodation
making a new schema to process the new information gained
evaluate Piaget’s theory of the role of schema in motivation to learn
A: Howe studied children by making them watch and discuss movements of objects falling down a slope- had increased understanding of what happened but all came to different conclusions -> supports idea
C: Lazonder + Harmsen reviewed popular learning styles inspired by Piaget (discover learning) + found no firm evidence that learning styles were effective without input from others -> lacked validity
C: Vygotsky
what are Piaget’s 4 stages of cognitive development
sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational
define Piaget’s sensorimotor stage in his theory of cognitive development
focus on physical sensations and babies not being able to see outside of object permanence
define object permanence
understanding object continues outside of visual field
define Piaget’s pre-operational stage in his theory of cognitive development
demonstrating errors in reasoning regarding conservation, egocentrism and class inclusion
define conservation
quantity remaining constant despite change in appearance
define egocentrism
only seeing word from own point of view
define class inclusion
understanding categories but not subsections
define Piaget’s concrete operational stage in his theory of cognitive development
performing better on tasks relating to conservation, egocentrism and class inclusion but bearer at looking into concrete situations (e.g. things they can physically see and interact with)
define Piaget’s formal operational stage in his theory of cognitive development
capable of formal reasoning (focus on form of argument and not content)
evaluate Piaget’s theory of the stages of cognitive development
C: 72% accuracy in conservation task during pre-operational ages (McGarrigle + Donaldson)
understood class inclusion when given feedback on choices made during study overtime (Siegler + Svetina)
90% accuracy in egocentrism task with 4yr olds when asked to move doll where the ‘police’ doll couldn’t see it
-> finding don’t align with Piaget’s theory as he says children should not be able to comprehend this at the stages- suggests maybe explaining the situation to the child in a better way produces a better outcome