Physiology Review Flashcards
What is the function and alternative name of the Myenteric Plexus?
Function: Motility
AKA: Auerbach’s Plexus
Mnemonic: Myenteric Motility
What is the function and alternative name of the Submucosal Plexus?
Function: Ion and Fluid Transport
AKA: Meissner’s
Mnemonic: Submucosal Meissneir’s
What are the exceptions of Autonomic Innervation that have only** **Sympathetic Innervation?
Hair follicles
Thermoregulatory sweat gland
Adrenal gland
Mnemonic: Symply Hair TALK
Where do sympathetic and parasympathetic produce similar rather rather than opposing effects?
Salivary Glands
What neurotransmitter stimulates all pre-ganglinic receptors and what receptor type are they?
Acetylcholine stimulates all pre-ganglionic receptors, which are all Nicotinic Receptors
What is the sympathetic organ that is the exception to the rules and what type of receptors does it have?
Sweat Glands
-Has Muscarinic receptors that respond to Acetylcholine
What two locations do not have post ganglionic fibers?
Adrenal Medulla
Skeletal Muscle
What determines the action of an organ?
Dependent on type of receptor, as well as what is secreted by the POST GANGLIONIC fibers
What effect would be caused by blocking the autoreceptors of a nerve terminal?
INCREASE in effect
(Homotropic Interaction)
What are some mechanisms of withdrawl rebound hyperactivity/disuse hyperactivity?
- Proliferation of receptors
- Loss of mechanisms for removal of transmitter
- Increased post-junctional responsiveness
What is Neuropeptide Y (NPY) a good example of?
A neurotransmitter (works on own specific receptor) and a neuromodulator (modulates the release of other molecules)
How do Hemicholiniums effect Cholinergic Transmission?
Choline Carrier Blocker
-Block the ***Synthesis*** of Ach
Mnemonic: Hemicholiniums block Choline carriers
How does Vesamicol (VAT) effect Cholinergic Transmission?
Acetylcholine Carrier Blocker
-Block the ***Storage*** of Ach
How does Botulinum Toxin effect Cholinergic Transmission?
Inhibits SNAPs
***Blocks the ***Release*** of Ach
Mneomnic: “Ohhhh SNAP, you got poisoned!”
How does Neostigmine effect Cholinergic Transmission?
It’s an Anticholinesterase inhibitor
Blocks ***Termination of Action_***_ of AchE