physiology of swallowing Flashcards
What is the daily amount of saliva secretion?
What is the normal pH of the saliva?
- It is made up of 99.5% water and 0.5% solute
What are the major glands that secretes saliva?
1) Parotid gland (serous secretions containing ptyalin “a-amylase” for starch digestion)
2) Submandibular gland (it secretes a mix of serous and mucus secretions)
3) Sublingual gland (it secretes a mix of serous and mucus secretions)
What does the tiny buccal glands secrete?
- It secretes mucus that contains mucin-lubrication and surface protection
What is the process of saliva secretion?
1) First stage (involves acini)
- The primary secretion is produced by acini and contains ptyalin and or mucin and it is isotonic
2) Second stage (involved the salivary ducts)
- The primary secretion flows through the ducts and are modified
2a) Sodium and chloride are absorbed
2b) Potassium and bicarbonate are secreted
2c) The ducts are relatively impermeable to water
- The final saliva secretion is a hypotonic aqueous solution
What is are the different composition of the saliva during rest compared to maximal salivation?
1) During rest:
- The saliva contains sodium and chloride ions only about 15mEq/L
- Potassium is 30 mEq/L
- Bicarbonate is 50-70 mEq/L
2) During excessive salivation:
- Sodium and chloride ion conc increases
- Potassium conc increases by 4 times
How is the salivary secretion regulated?
By the autonomic nervous system, (Parasympathetic “Ach/Muscarinic”, Sympathetic “Norepinephrine/neurotransmitters)
What is the effect of the parasympathetic regulation on the production of the saliva?
1) It increases the production of saliva
2) The saliva produced will have a watery texture
- This will occur as there will be more vasodilation and because blood will flow more to the glands
What is the effect of the sympathetic nervous system on salivation?
1) It increases the modification of the saliva
2) The saliva produced will be thicker
3) The saliva will have a more proteinaceous content
What is the route of parasympathetic regulation of the saliva?
- Parasympathetic nervous signals from the superior and inferior salivatory nuclei located at the junction of the medulla and pons
- The Facial nerve takes information to the submandibular and sublingual glands
- The glossopharyngeal nerve takes information to the parotid gland
What inhibits or stimulates the salivatory nuclei of the parasympathetic control
1) Taste
2) Tactile stimuli
3) Mouth
4) Pharynx
- Sour food → increased saliva production
- Smooth food → increased saliva production
- Spiky food → decreased saliva production
- Favorite food → increased saliva production
What is the relationship between the dilation of blood vessels and saliva production?
- Increased blood supply will increase the production of saliva
- Parasympathetic stimulation moderately dilates blood vessels, in addition to the secretion of kallikrein via activated salivary cells which splits the blood protein (a2-globulin) forming bradykinin which is a strong vasodilator
When does salivation occur as a reflex?
Salivation occurs as a reflex originates in the stomach and upper small intestine, when irritating foods are swallowed or when a person is nauseated due to some GI abnormality
What is the route of sympathetic control of salivation?
The originate from the superior cervical ganglia and travel to the salivary glands
What are the functions of saliva?
1) It contains bactericidal agents like (thiocyanate ions, lysozymes and antibodies)
2) It lubricates the ingested food with mucus
3) It dilutes and buffers the ingested food
4) It Aids in speech by facilitating the movement of the lips and tongue
5) It facilitates swallowing
6) It keeps the mouth and teeth clean
7) It starts the initial process of starch and lipid digestion via the salivary enzymes
8) It serves as a solvent for molecules that stimulates the taste buds