Physiology of Puberty Flashcards
Which endocrine organ is primarily responsible for most disorders of puberty?
The pituitary
What is the first hormone detected in association with onset of puberty?
Normally, about 1-3 years before puberty is clinically evident, LH levels become detectable during sleep. Levels continue to increase as clinical puberty approaches.
Which hormone is responsible for the initiation of puberty?
Hypothalamic pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion is responsible for the onset and progression of puberty.
Which hormone is responsible for epiphyseal fusion and cessation of growth?
What might the presence of a high BMI indicate with regard to puberty initiation in girls?
High BMI typically leads to early puberty in girls.
Under what ages should an early puberty workup be initiated for girls and boys?
Workup is recommended for onset of puberty in boys <9 years of age and in girls <8 years of age.
How long does it take to progress from Tanner stage 2 to Stage 5?
2-5 years
What is the first sign of puberty in girls?
The breast bud is the first sign and usually appears at 10-11 years of age.
After the initial sign of puberty, how long is it before menarche begins in most girls?
After the appearance of the breast bud, it takes an average of 2-2.5 years for menarche to occur, but can be as long as 5 years.
Describe the typical pubertal progression in girls.
Thelarche, adrenarche, peak height velocity, menarche
Describe the typical pubertal progression in boys.
Testicular enlargement, pubarche, increased penile length, peak height velocity, spermarche
When is the mean age of menarche initiation?
12.5 years
When does peak height velocity occur in girls?
Peak height velocity occurs at Tanner breast stage 2-3, typically between 11 and 12 years of age, and always precedes menarche.
At what Tanner breast stage does menarche typically occur?
Menarche occurs at Tanner breast stage 4.
How much can girls be expected to grow following the start of menarche?
They typically grow an additional 3 inches following initiation of menarche.
When is normal female puberty considered late?
If there are no secondary sexual characteristics after 13 years of age or if >5 years have passed between the beginning and completion of puberty.
What are the first signs of puberty in boys?
Testicular growth and thinning of the scrotum are the first signs of puberty in boys.
Which occurs first, penis lengthening or growth of pubic hair?
Penis lengthening is followed by growth of pubic hair.
When does the growth spurt occur in most boys?
In boys, growth spurts occur 2 years later than for girls and are usually during Tanner stages 4-5, usually between 13 and 14 years of age.
When is normal male puberty considered delayed?
If there are no secondary sexual characteristics after 14 years of age or if >5 years have passed between the beginning and completion of puberty.