Physiology Final Review Flashcards
What is the short term adjustment for low arterial blood pressure?
Detection by the baroreceptors–> increased sympathetic activity which would increase CO–> generalized arteriolar vasoconstriction which would increase TPR–> both of these would increase the arteriole blood pressure
What is the long term adjustment for low arterial blood pressure?
Detection by baroreceptors–> increase sympathetic activity–> generalized arteriolar vasoconstriction–> decreased glomerular capillary pressure–> decreased GFR–> decreased urine volume–> increased conservation of fluid and salt–> increased arterial blood pressure
Distinguish between cortical and juxtamedullary nephrons.
Nephron is the functional unit of the kidney.
Cortical nephrons: 80% of the nephrons, glomerulus located in the outer cortex away from the medulla.
Juxtamedullary nephrons: 20% of nephrons. important in establishing the medullary vertical osmotic gradient. form hair pin loops like vasa recta, long loops of Henle plunge into the medulla glomerulus is located in the inner cortex.
What are the vascular components of the nephron?
afferent/efferent arteriole
peritubular capillaries
What are the tubular components of the nephron?
Bowman’s capsule
proximal tubule
loop of Henle
Distal tubule and collecting duct
What is a part of the combined vascular and tubular component?
*Juxtamedullary apparatus: produces substances involved in the control of kidney function.
Describe in sequence the tubular segments through which filtrate flows after it is formed at the Bowman’s capsule to when it enters the renal pelvis. Identify each structure as being located in the renal cortex or renal medulla.
Bowman’s capsule (cortex) –> proximal tubule (cortex)–> descending loop of Henle (medulla)–> ascending loop of Henle (cortex)–> juxtaglomerular apparatus (cortex)–> distal tubule (cortex) –> collecting duct (medulla)
Describe in sequence the blood vessels through which blood flows when passing from the renal artery to the renal vein
renal artery –> afferent arteriole –> glomerular capillaries–> efferent arteriole –> peritubular capillaries/ vasa recta–> renal vein
Identify the filtration barriers if any which impede the filtration of H2O, Na+,inulin, albumin and red blood cells.
fenestrated endothelium, more permeable, podocytes with filtration slits that can contract (less flow) and relax (more flow)
RBCs cannot make it past the fenestrations
The basement membrane prevents the passage of proteins that made it through the capillaries. Glycoproteins are negatively charged and repel the negatively charged proteins.
Inulin and sodium can pass through the glomerular membrane and water as well.
Describe the processes of glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion and urine excretion.
Glomerular filtration is the non-discriminant filtration of a protein free plasma fro the glomerulus into Bowman’s capsule.
Tubular reabsorption is the selective movement of filtered substances from the tubular lumen into the peritubular capillaries
Tubular secretion is the selective movement of nonfiltered substances from the peritubular capillaries into the tubular lumen.
urine excretion is how urine is eliminated from the body.
*20% of the plasma that enters the glomerulus is filtered and 80% of the plasma that enters the glomerulus is not filtered and leaves through the efferent arteriole.
Given the Bowman’s capsule hydrostatic and oncotic pressures, calculate the net filtration caused by increases or decreases in any of those pressures.
Glomerular capillary BP (major in, favors filtration): 55 mm Hg
Plasma colloid osmotic pressure (major out, opposes filtration): 30 mm Hg
capsule hydrostatic pressure (opposes filtration, out): 15 mm Hg
Net filtration is equal to 10 mm Hg, (in, favors filtration)
Describe the relative resistances of the afferent and efferent arterioles and the effects on renal blood flow and GFR of selective changes in each.
vasoconstriction results in a decreased GFR.
pathologically the plasma colloid osmotic pressure and the capsule hydrostatic pressure can change.
Plasma colloid osmotic pressure decreases in protein deficiency or severely burned patients.
GFR decreases when it comes to kidney stones as well.
increase in pressure increases the blood flow which would ultimately increase the GFR.
Describe the myogenic and tubuloglomerular feedback mechanisms that mediate the autoregulation of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate.
myogenic mechanism is the physical stretch of the arteriole (smooth muscle automatically constricts when stretched).
tubuloglommerular mechanism: juxtamedullary apparatus (regulates BP and filtration rate) comprises of the macula densa which are cells that sense the salt amount and the granular cells which release renin.
increased salt triggers ATP and adenosine for vasoconstriction and decreased salt signals for NO release and vasodilation.
extrinsic: sympathetic stimulation- arteriolar constriction
* macula densa cells release vasodilators if the flow is too slow and vasoconstrictors when the flow is too fast
Describe the cellular mechanisms for the transport of Na+ , Cl- , K+ , Ca2+ , phosphate, organic solutes (e.g., glucose, amino acids, and urea), and water by the major tubular segments
Sodium reabsorption:
80% of the kidneys energy is used for sodium transport, this explains how important it is.
It is also involved in glucose, amino acid, water, chloride and urea reabsorption. In the DCT, that is where it is under hormonal control and can be changed in the amount (RAAS and ANP), this is important in ECF volume control, think BP
It is reabsorbed everywhere except the descending loop of Henle because it only absorbs water there.
Transport maximum: yes
To be reabsorbed a substance must pass through 5 distinct barriers:
luminal membrane–> cytosol–> basolateral membrane–> interstitial fluid–> capillary wall
Describe the cellular mechanisms for the transport of Cl- , K+ , Ca2+ , phosphate, organic solutes (e.g., glucose, amino acids, and urea), and water by the major tubular segments
Chloride reabsorption is passive along with sodium through a leak channel.
Potassium reabsorption: actively reabsorbed in the PT and the ascending LOH
Urea reabsorption: reabsorbed at the end of the PT, 50% excreted and an increase in urea in plasma= kidney failure
Ca2+/ Po34- reabsorption: reabsorbed in the PT
Tm= normal plasma concentration of each, parathyroid hormone can alter Tm, increase calcium means decreased potassium
glucose/ amino acid reabsorption: glucose–> reabsorbed in the proximal tubules through secondary active transport, Tm= 375 mg/ min, normally 100% reabsorbed
water reabsorption: through AQP-1 and 2, descending LOH
Predict the change in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration caused by: increased synthesis of angiotensin II,
Increased angiotensin II: arteriolar constriction causes the release of aldosterone stimulates thirst causes the release if ADH/ vasopressin decreases GFR
Describe the role of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone systems in the regulation of sodium balance and arterial pressure with emphasis on the actions of angiotensin II on renal hemodynamics and tubular transport.
granular cells of the juxtamedullary appartus secrete renin in response to low NaCl or low volume
- renin activates angiotensinogen (liver) to angiotensin I (kidney) and by way of ACE it becomes angiotensin II which causes the release of aldosterone to reabsorb Na+ and adds Na+/K+ in DCT
Predict the change in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration caused by increased release of atrial natriuretic peptide
Increased ANP:
inhibits the reabsorption of sodium
lowers BP
released when heart muscles in atria are stretched from high ECF
inhibits renin, aldosterone and ADH Secretion
increases GFR
decreases sympathetic NS activity and the smooth muscle of afferent arterioles
Predict the change in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration caused by: increased nitric oxide formation.
increases the GFR
NO is a vasodilator so it will result in increased BF and ultimately increased GFR