Physiology Flashcards
What is the root cause of gynecomastia and what are some pathologic causes?
Root cause increased estrogen or decreased testosterone
Endocrine/hyperthyroid: This increases binding of SHBG which then decreases free T, in addition thyroid hormones increase the production of aromatase and the conversion of testosterone to estrogen
Liver disease: decrease metabolism/clearance of estrogen
Neoplasm producing HCG (LH like) stimulate androgen production and peripheral conversion to estrogen like in PCOS. Where increased ration of LH/FSH
Other: marijuana, puberty, RX, klinefeiter syndrome (increase T and decreased E2) unresponsive sertoli cells.
When thinking of PCOS in females what other diseases and conditions come to mind?
21 beta hydroxylase deficency
11 beta hydroxylase defiencency (androgen excess)
Decrease in GNRH leading to involution
Rx, or CNS lesions ect