Physiology Flashcards
How do changes in oxygen concentration differently affect the pulmonary arterioles and the systemic arterioles?
Increased oxygen concentration causes pulmonary arterioles to dilate, but systemic arterioles to constrict
Decreased oxygen concentration causes pulmonary arterioles to constrict, but systemic arterioles to dilate
How do the lungs achieve V/Q matching?
Increased perfusion results in increased concentration of CO2 in the alveoli - this causes bronchorelaxation, decreased airway resistance and increased ventilation to match perfusion
Increased ventilation leads to increased concentration of oxygen in alveoli - this causes vasodilation of pulmonary arteries to increase perfusion, matching the increased ventilation.
What four factors influence the rate of gas exchange across alveolar membrane?
- Partial pressure gradient of O2 and CO2
- Diffusion coefficient of O2 and CO2
- Surface area of alveolar membrane
- Thickness of alveolar membrane
What would a large difference between alveolar PO2 (PAO2) and arterial PO2 (PaO2) suggest?
Problem with gas exchange in the lungs or a right to left shunt in the heart.
What is apneusis and what prevents it?
apneusis is prolonged inspiratory gasps with short expiration - prevented by the pneumotaxic centre which is stimulated when the dorsal respiratory neurones fire - firing inhibits inspiration, preventing apneusis.