Physiological Norms Flashcards
What is a normal adult resting HR?
60-100 bpm
What is normal resting BP for men and women
120/80 for men, 110/70 for women
What is the maximum BP that a patient can reach before exercise should be terminated?
250/115 if monitored,
200-220/100 clinically
What is normal fasting blood glucose?
What is fasting blood glucose indicates pre-diabetes?
100 to 125 mg/dL
What is fasting blood glucose indicates diabetes?
126 mg/dL
What is normal result for an oral glucose tolerance test?
What result for an oral glucose tolerance test indicates pre-diabetes?
What result for an oral glucose tolerance test indicates diabetes?
What blood glucose level range indicates that it is safe to exercise?
What blood glucose level range indicates that it is not safe to exercise?
250 mg/dL warrants caution as too much production of ketones may indicate severe shortage of insulin to break down sugar
What is a typical VO2 max for an individual post MI?
22 mL/kg/min
What is a typical VO2 max for an individual with severe pulmonary disease?
13 mL/kg/min
What is a typical resting respiratory rate?
12-18 bpm
What is respiratory rate indicates distress?
20+ bpm
What is a normal forced vital capacity?
3-5 L
What is a normal FEV1?
2.5-4 L
What is a normal FEV1/FVC?
What is a normal tidal volume?
0.5 L
What is a normal blood pH?
7.40 (range 7.2 to 7.6)
What is the Bohr Effect?
Shift of the oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve either right (7.2) or left (7.6)
What happens to oxygen desaturation as body temperature increases and/or blood pH decreases?
Shifts the curve to the right; this results in decreased affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen at any given pO2.
What is a normal PCO2?
35-45 mmHg
What is a normal PO2?
What is normal SpO2?
What is a normal ejection fraction?
> 55%
What is a normal % body fat?
Men 15–18%
Women 22–25%
What is a MET?
One MET is the amount of energy expended sitting quietly at rest adjusted to body weight
How are METs and VO2 related?
1 MET = 3.5 ml oxygen consumed/kg of body weight/minute)
What is a typical intensity for vacuuming, expressed in METs?
3.5 METs
What is a typical intensity for bicycling, expressed in METs?
8 METs
What is a typical intensity for dancing, expressed in METs?
6.5 METs
What is a typical intensity for jogging, expressed in METs?
7.0 METs
What is a typical intensity for running a 7 min mile, expressed in METs?
14 METs
What BMI qualifies as underweight?
< 18.5
What BMI qualifies as normal weight?
What BMI qualifies as overweight?
What BMI qualifies as obesity class I?
What BMI qualifies as obesity class II?
What BMI qualifies as extreme obesity class III?
> 40.0
What is a normal level for red blood cells?
Men: 4.5-5.3 106/mm3
Women: 4.1-5.1 106/mm3
What is a normal level for white blood cells?
4,500-11,000 cells/mm3
What is a normal level for hematocrit?
Men: 37-49%
Women: 36-46%
What is a normal level for hemoglobin?
Men: 13-18 g/dl
Women: 12-16 g/dl
What is a normal level for platelets?
150,000 – 400,000/mm3
At what level of white blood cells should exercise be restricted?
< 5,000/mm3 no exercise
> 5,000/mm3 light exercise
At what level of hematocrit should exercise be restricted?
25% light exercise
30-32% resistive as tolerated
At what level of hemoglobin should exercise be restricted?
10 Resistive as tolerated
At what level of platelets should exercise be restricted?
< 60,000/mm3 No resistive exercise
<5,000/mm3 No activity
What is a normal International Normalized Ratio?
0.9-1.1 sec
2-3 sec is ok with anticoagulation therapy
What are signs that a stress test should be terminated?
o Angina
o 10-20mmHg drop in systolic BP
o Failure of systolic to rise with exercise
o Systolic rise to >250mmHg or diastolic >115mmHg
o Light headed, confusion, ataxia, pallor, cyanosis, nausea, cold and clammy skin
o Failure of HR to rise
o Subject requests to stop
o Noticeable change in heart rhythm
o Physical or verbal manifestations of extreme fatigue
o Failure of testing equipment