Physio Ch 13 Flashcards
Abnormalities in the rhythmicity-conduction system of the heart;
- abnormal rhythmicity of the pacemaker
- shift of the pacemaker from the sinus node to another place in the heart
- blocks at different points in the spread of the impulse through the heart
- abnormal pathways of impulse transmission through the heart
- spontaneous generation of spurious impulses in almost any part of the heart
means fast heart rate, that usually defined in an adult person as faster than 100 beats/min
Causes of Tachycardia
✓ increased body temperature
✓ stimulation of the heart by the sympathetic nerves
✓ toxic conditions of the heart
it causes tachycardia because increased temperature increases the rate of metabolism of the sinus node, which in turn directly increases its excitability and rate of rhythm
simple weakening of ___________ usually increases the heart rate because the weakened heart does not pump blood into the arterial tree to a normal extent
means a slow heart rate, usually defined as fewer than 60 beats/min
the most striking example of any circulatory reflex that stimulates the vagus nerves causes release of acetylcholine at the vagal endings in the heart, thus giving a parasympathetic effect
carotid sinus syndrome
is an instrument that records by the height of successive spikes the duration of the interval between the successive QRS complexes in the electrocardiogram
during ______________, the heart rate increased and decreased with each respiratory cycle by as much as 30 percent
deep respiration
can result from any one of many circulatory conditions that alter the strengths of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve signals to the heart sinus node
sinus arrhythmia
cause alternate increase and decrease in the number of impulses transmitted through the sympathetic and vagus nerves to the heart
spillover signals
The only means by which impulses ordinarily can pass from the atria into the ventricles is through the?
A-V bundle
A-V bundle also known as?
bundle of His
Conditions that can either decrease the rate of impulse conduction in this bundle or block the impulse entirely are as follows;
- Ischemia of the A-V node or A-V bundle fibers
- Compress of the A-V bundle
- Inflammation of the A-V mode or A-V bundle
- Extreme stimulation of the heart by the vagus nerves
often delays or blocks conduction from the atria to the ventricles
Ischemia of the A-V node
by scar tissue or by calcified portions of the heart can depress or block conduction from the atria to the ventricles
Compression of the A-V bundle
can depress conductivity from the atria to the ventricles.
Inflammation of the A-V node
rare instances block impulse conduction through the A-V node.
Extreme stimulation of the heart by the vagus nerve
usually decreases in length with faster heartbeat and increases with slower heartbeat
P-R interval
In general, when the P-R interval increases to greater than 0.20 second, the P-R interval is said to be prolonged and the patient is said to have?
first-degree incomplete heart block
period fainting spells are known as?
Stokes-Adams syndrome
a small battery-operated electrical stimulator planted beneath the skin, with electrodes usually connected to the right ventricle
artificial pacemaker
this means that ventricular excitability is at first in a suppressed state because the ventricles have been driven by the atria at a rate greater than their natural rate of rhythm
overdrive suppression
results from partial intraventricular block every other heartbeat
electrical alternans
A premature contraction is a contraction of the heart before the time that normal contraction would have been expected. This condition is called?
extrasystole, premature beat or ectopic beat
Most premature contractions result from ___________ in the heart, which emit abnormal impulses at odd times during the cardiac rhythm
ectopic foci
Possible causes of ectopic foci;
- local areas of ischemia
- small calcified plaques
- toxic irritation of the A-V node, purkinje system or myocardium
the interval between the premature contraction and the next succeeding contraction is slightly prolonged
compensatory pause
disorders that delay depolarization of ventricular muscle following the action potentials and therefore excessively long Q-T intervals on the electrocardiogram
long Q-T syndrome (LQTS)
The major reason that the long QT syndrome is of concern is that delayed repolarization of ventricular muscle increases a person’s susceptibility to develop ventricular arrhythmias called?
torsades de pointes
literally means “twisting of the points”
torsades de pointes