physio Flashcards
what is cenrtal nervous system made up of?
brain(necephalon) and spinal cord
what is peripheral nervous system made up of
cranial and spinal nerves
3 functions of nervous system
controlling neurons, their response to environment chnage and their signal sneding.
list 3 functional types of neurons
sensory, interneurons and motornuerons
list 2 types of synapses
electrical and chemical synapse
what is electrical synapse
cells joining together by electrical synapse, to send sginals quickly
what is chemical synpase
neurotransmitters join to neurons receptors which cause electrical response
function of somatic nervous system
controls the movements of skeletal muscles
function of autonomic nervous system
controls the bodies essential function. eg heart rate, breathing
cerebro spinal fluid functions 3
decreases intracranial pressure,prtoects brain from trauma,and buoyancy for brain to not prevent blood flow
brain is protected by what 3 layers?
skin, skull, meninges
list 3 types of intrinsic fibres
projction fibres, commissural fibres, association fibres
main cortex sulcus divides brain into what 4 parts lobes
frontal,parietal,occipital and temporal lobe
function of frontal lobe
memory, eye movement
function of parietal lobe
sensory percpetionz9shapes,touch, pressure.