Physics With Toys - Electricity & Magnetism Flashcards
Electric conductor
Material in which electric charges easily move
Electric discharge
Loss of an unbalanced electric charge
Electric field
Invisible region around a charged object where an electric force is applied
Electric Insulator
Material in which electric charges cannot easily move
Electric force
A force that two electrically charged objects apply to each other
Electrically charged
Having an unbalanced amount of positive charge or negative charge; positively charged objects have lost electrons and negatively charged objects have gained electrons
Electrically neutral
Having equal amounts of positive charge and negative charge
Small, dense region consisting of protons and neutrons at the center of an atom
Definite quantity of electricity
Electric circuit
Closed, or complete path in which an electric current flows
Electric current
Movement of electrically charged particles
Electric resistance
Measure of how difficult it is for an electric current to flow in a material
Machine that transforms mechanical energy to electric energy
Electromagnetic radiation you can see
Amount of energy used to move one coulomb of electrons through the circuit