Physics test 3 Flashcards
What type of wave is a light wave?
Electromagnetic wave
What are electromagnetic waves with frequencies that are a bit higher than visible light called?
ultraviolet (UV)
Are electromagnetic waves longitudinal or transverse?
What are 2 things all electromagnetic waves have in common?
They are Transverse and travel at the same speed (3 x 10*8) in a vaccum.
What are electromagnetic waves with frequencies that are a bit lower than visible light called?
Infrared (IR)
Who was the first person to investigate infrared radiation?
British astronomer William Hesrschel
During which years did he study Infrared radiation?
How did he investigate infrared radiation?
he put a dark coloured filters on his telescope to help him observe the sun safely. He noticed that different coloured filters heated up his telescope to different extents and he wondered whether the different colours of light contained different ‘amounts of heat’
What did he do to test this idea?
To test his idea he used a prism to split sunlight into a spectrum and the put a thermometer in each of the colours in turn. he also measured the temperature just beyond the red end of the spectrum ,where there was no visible light.
Give me three examples of electromagnetic waves have higher frequencies than visible light.
X - rays
Gamma rays
Give me three examples of electromagnetic waves have lower frequencies than visible light.
Radio waves
Micro waves
What are some uses of infrared radiation?
Infrared radiation can be used for short term communication such as communication between two computers in the same room or a tv to its remote. also the information sent along optical fibers is also sent using infrared radiation
In simple terms how do thermal images work?
thermal images show the amount of infrared radiation given of by different objects
What are some uses of Microwaves?
Micro waves are used for communications and satellite transmissions
including mobile phone signals
How are radio waves produced?
radio waves are produced by oscillations in electrical circuits