Physics/Radiopharm 2 Flashcards
Define X, A, Z, and N on an illustration of an element
X = element symbol A = mass number o (vs. atomic mass = total mass of protons, neutrons and electrons in a single atom) Z = atomic number N = neutron number
Name four primary forces that act on an atom.
o Electromagnetic force
o Weak force
o Strong force
o Gravity
As atomic number increases why is there an excess of neutrons?
Neutrons/protons -> attractive residual strong nuclear force (act over very short distances)
Protons ->repulsive Coulombic forces (act over longer distances)
So, with ↑Z, ↑ N to counteract longer range Coulombic repulsion by protons
Question on nucleons – what they are, what the differences are between them and what they are made of
Nucleons = particles making up atomic nucleus = protons and neutrons, consist of quarks bound by residual strong nuclear force, mediated by gluons
Question on isotopes, isotomes, isobars, etc.
Nuclides with same: o isotopes – proton number o isobars – mass number o isomers – proton and neutron number, but different energy state o isotones – neutron number
Define binding energy, do heavier elements have higher/lower BE, explain
Binding Energy (BE) = energy released by dissociating a system into constituent parts = (Σ (masses of individual components) – (mass of bound system)) c2
2 types of BE: atomic vs. nuclear, both ↑ with ↑A, due to ↑ constituent parts, therefore >energy released by dissociating
For an endoergic nuclear reaction, what are the starting and threshold energies, and which of these two quantities is equivalent to the energy required to make it go? Define coulomb barrier.
Endoergic nuclear reaction: a reaction that requires energy to be injected in order to proceed.
Threshold energy = minimum kinetic energy of bombarding charged particle for nuclear reaction to be energetically possible
Starting energy = minimum kinetic energy of bombarding charged particle required to overcome the Coulomb barrier and to conserve momentum
Minimum kinetic energy for endoergic nuclear reaction is the larger of these two
Coulomb barrier: minimum energy to overcome repulsive electrostatic force between a bombarding charged particle and the target nucleus
What is the relationship between energy and wavelength of a photon
Inverse relationship: E=hc/λ
Question about the radioactivity of one Curie and what it initially represented, i.e. number of decays in a second for Radium-226.
1 Ci = 3.7 x 10^10 Bq = disintegration rate of 1 g of 226Ra
Define gamma ray, line of stability.
Gamma ray: electromagnetic radiation released from nucleus during decay
Line of stability: (draw arrow to line of stability on graph) N:Z ratio where more stable nuclei tend to lie
Question on types of decay for varying nuclides, i.e. proton rich or neutron rich, as well as stability of very small and very large nuclides.
proton rich: β+ decay, electron capture
neutron rich: β- decay, high Z: α decay and spontaneous fission
small nuclides stable if N:P ~ 1
large nuclides stable if N:P ~1.5
very large (Z > 82) all unstable (Bi-209 (Z=83) recently (2003) found to be unstable)
Why does the number of neutrons in the nucleus have to increase relative to atomic number in order to maintain stability in larger nuclei?
Neutrons/protons -> attractive residual strong nuclear force (act over very short distances)
Protons ->repulsive Coulombic forces (act over longer distances)
So, with ↑Z, ↑ N to counteract longer range Coulombic repulsion by protons
Why are atoms radioactive? What will make them stable?
Elements away from line of stability (i.e., N:Z = 1 for small nuclei and N:Z = 1.5 for large nuclei) tend to decay toward line of stability to become stable
Nuclear stability is determined by the nuclear shell structure. This depends on:
o Even numbers of nucleons (protons and neutrons) are more stable, while odd nucleon numbered nuclei tend to be less stable
o The ratio of protons to neutrons, which must decrease with increasing Z; those falling out of the range of stability, or which have too many protons and neutrons overall, are unstable and undergo radioactive decay, mediated by the weak nuclear force
describe 4 particles from nuclear transformation and what’s average energy and soft tissue penetration?
γ from IT: discrete energy; highly penetrating
e- from β- decay: Eavg ~ 1/3 Eβmax, mm-cm penetration
Neutrino: residual energy from β+ decay, essentially infinite penetration
Antineutrino: residual energy from β- decay, essentially infinite penetration
Auger electrons: discrete energy (BEK – 2 BEL), typically nm-μm penetration
Characteristic X-ray: discrete energies usually <100 keV, low penetration due to low energy
Given a beta minus decay scheme and asked to graph the energies of the beta particles and label. French: [Draw the energy distribution curve of a negatron emitted by beta minus decay. Label E-max, E-mean and both axes
n -> proton + electron + antineutrino
Also: AZX -> AZ+1X + antineutrino + energy
Decays to right
What other “particle” carries away energy in Electron capture?
Write the equation for positron decay for element with mass A and atomic # Z. If a particle undergoes positron decay, does it transmutate?
AZX -> AZ-1X + positron + neutrino + energy
Yes, transmutates
Transmutation happens when parent radionuclide (X) and daughter product (Y) are different chemical elements.
Transmutation: B-, EC, B+, alpha, only isomeric transition and internal conversion don’t
what’s common between positron and EC in terms of decay and what factor favours EC?
Both in low N:P ratio nuclides, results in Z-1 transmutation and are isobaric
↑Z favours EC
In both positron forms a neutron, both isobaric decay with transmutation, one by the emission of positron and neutrino (positron decay), the other by capture of K-shell electron by the nucleus and subsequent X-ray or Auger emission (EC). Larger elements favour EC as the K-shell is closer to the nucleus and more easily captured.
Two decay modes for a proton rich nucleus. What orbital process can occur after this? Emission that can accompany electron capture is?
Electron capture (EC) & positron decay
For EC, get hole in an inner electron orbital shell, results in emission of characteristic X-ray or Auger electron
Does the emission from a proton-rich isotope lead to transmutation?
Yes, EC or positron decay, resulting in Z-1
What type of radionuclides undergo decay by β+ and electron capture? What determines which decay the radionuclide undergoes? Why do heavier atoms undergo EC?
Low N:P ratio (proton rich) nuclei
If transition energy <1.022 MeV, can only have EC; must be >1.022 MeV, for positron decay; >transition energy makes positron more likely
↑ Z have inner shell electrons more tightly coupled to the nucleus ↑EC
Beta plus decay occurs in lighter elements, electron capture occurs in heavier elements.
What’s Auger electron? Can you have Auger electron from K shell? Why?
Occurs when an inner shell vacancy filled by an outer shell electron
Energy released enough to eject an outer shell electron, the Auger electron, but not enough to eject an inner shell electron such as from the K shell
Hole in K shell filled by L shell electron
Energy released ejects another L shell electron = Auger
Eauger = K-2L
Emitted from outer shell, result of characteristic X-ray overcoming binding energy
KLL = k-shell absence filled by L-shell electron; energy released overcomes binding energy of another L-shell electron which is ejected as the Auger electron; any energy above this L-shell binding energy is conferred as kinetic energy
Define Auger electron/effect, effect of Z on fluorescent yield. Can K shell electrons be ejected as Auger electrons? Why?
Occurs when an inner shell vacancy filled by an outer shell electron
Energy released enough to eject an outer shell electron, the Auger electron, but not enough to eject an inner shell electron such as from the K shell
Fluorescent yield = probability of characteristic x-ray / probability of Auger, ↑ with Z
Questions about internal conversion vs. auger effect and associated energies of the two processes.
Internal conversion Auger
Energy source: Excited/metastable nucleus vs Orbital electron transition
Origin shell: Inner vs Outer
Kinetic energy: Discrete (Eγ – BE) vs Discrete (BEhole – BEtransition – BEAuger )
Auger effect – when an outer shell electron moves in to fill a vacant inner shell electron, the energy released is transferred to an orbital electron which is then emitted instead of characteristic x-ray.
Internal conversion – nucleus decays by transferring energy to an orbital electron, which is ejected instead of the gamma ray. The conversion electrons usually originate from one of the inner shells (K or L), provided the binding energy can be overcome. The orbital vacancy is filled by an outer shell electron, accompanied by emission of characteristic x-ray or Auger electron.
Name two differences between beta emission and internal conversion.
Beta vs IC
Origin of electron - Nuclear decay vs inner shell orbit
Kinetic energy - Spectrum vs discrete (Egamma - BE)
Nuclear transmutation - Yes vs No
Electric charge (+1 or -1) vs -1
Associated particle emission - neutrino/antineutrino vs none
The important differences are that:
o In beta decay, the electron originates from the nucleus while in internal conversion it originates from an electron shell.
o Beta particles are emitted with a continuous spectrum of energies, while conversion electrons have a discrete series of energies determined by differences of gamma ray energy and orbital electron binding energies.
Protons vs. neutrons vs. electrons
P vs N vs e
Composition: baryones containing quarks vs same vs leptons
Charge - +1, 0, -1
Mass - 1.007 amu vs 1.009 amu vs 0.0005 amu
Stability - Stable; unstable; stable
What is the use of bateman equation?
Solution of Bateman differential equations allows calculation of daughter radionuclide activity in a decay chain given starting conditions (e.g., for generators)
A set of first-order differential equations describing the time evolution of nuclide concentrations undergoing a serial or linear decay chain (simplest scenario is parent-daughter decay); the solution allows for determination of
daughter activity given starting conditions (i.e., initial parent and daughter atom number, activity or concentration)
repeat of secular and transient equilibrium and examples
Secular equilibrium – T1/2 of parent is»_space; daughter that decrease of parent activity is negligible over course of observation (>= 100x)
o Ra-226 (T1/2 = 1620 years) -> Rn-222 (4.8 days)
o Cs-137 (30 years) -> Ba-137m (2.6 min)
o Sn-113 (117 days) -> In-113m (100 min)
Transient equilibrium – T1/2 of parent is longer than daughter T1/2 but not “infinite” (10-50x) FIGURE 4-8
o Mo-99 (66 hr) -> Tc-99m (6 hr)
o Y-87 (80 hr) -> Sr-87m (2.83 hr)
No equilibrium – daughter T1/2 is longer than parent T1/2 FIGURE 4-9
o Te-131m (30 hr) -> I-131 (8 days)
Know examples of generator pairs for both secular and transient equilibrium and their associated half lives and decay schemes
and decay schemes.
o 82Sr /82Rb/82Kr: 25.4d (EC)/76s (EC/β+)
o 68Ge/68Ga/68Zn: 271d (EC)/68m (EC/β+)
o 81Rb/81mKr/81Kr : 4.6h (EC/β+)/13.1s (EC/IT)
o 99Mo/99mTc/99Tc: 66h (β-)/6h (IT/IC)
o 87Y/87mSr/87Sr: 80h (EC/β+)/2.8h (IT)
What is the ratio of moly and technetium at equilibrium
Ratio of activities, Ad(t)/Ap(t) = (Tp / Tp - Td) x B.R. = (66 / 66 - 6) x 87% = 0.957
How long does it take to obtain ½ the maximum yield of a Tc generator
Numerical solution in Mathematica yields
o t½max = 4.47614 h
Define Carrier. Define Specific activity. Calculate the carrier-free specific activity for I-131
Carrier = stable isotope of the radionuclide within sample
Specific activity = ratio of the radioisotope activity to the total mass of the element present
Carrier-free specific activity (CFSA) radionuclide = The highest possible specific activity.
CFSA (Bq/g) = 4.8 x 10^18/(A x T1/2)
A= mass number, t1/2 = ½ life (days)
Shorter t1/2, higher the specific activity
I-131: 4.8 x 10^18 / (131x8) = 4.6 x 1015 Bq/g
Tc-99: 4.8 x 10^18 / (99x(6/24)) = 2.5 x 10^17 Bq/g
Specific activity of eluate after 24 hours (After 24 hours, what is the specific activity of 99m-Tc)
What are the physical half life and photon energy of I-123?
T1/2 = 13.2 h
Eγ = 159 keV
Complete the Table below regarding: I-123 vs. I-131
131; Reactor; β-; 8 d; Eγ = 364 keV; Eβmax = 0.61MeV
Range in soft tissue 0.4mm
I-123; Cyclotron; electron capture; 13 h; Eγ = 159 keV
Question on radionuclides and half lives including, but not limited to, krypton-81m, I-123, Indium-111, strontium-82, cobalt-58, chromium-51 and other odd nuclides
81mKr - 13s 123I - 13.2h 111In - 67h 82Sr - 25.5d 51Cr - 28d 58Co - 71d
4 radionuclides for radioimmunotherapy. Rank in order of longest path length
90Y (2.3 MeV) > 131I (606 keV) > 177Lu (498 keV) > 111In (Auger)
Nuclides and T½ given, mix and match: Rb-82, Ga-68, Tc-99, O-15, Kr-81m
Rb-82 75s Ga-68 68min Tc-99 211,000 years O-15 2min Kr-81m 13s
What are the 2 energies of gamma from 57Co
T1/2 = 271 days, decays by EC
22 3 gamma energies:
o 122 keV (86%)
o 136 keV (11%)
o 14 keV (9%)
67Ga. What are the 4 peaks? (4 energies of 67-Ga ) Other radionuclide that decay by EC
93, 185, 300, 394 keV
Other EC decay?
o I-123, I-125, Ga-67, In-111, Tl-201, Xe-127, Fe-52, Se-75, Co-57, Co-58, Cr-51
o All the positron emitters
Order the path length for F-18, C-11, N-13, O-15 from shortest to longest
PET tracer (from shortest to longest path length) F-18 (0.63 MeV) -> C-11 (0.96) -> N-13 (1.2) -> O-15 (1.7)
(Max energy)
Why do we prefer to use mean root squared as opposed to FWHM for describing positron movement
FWHM best for Gaussian functions
Positron range distributions have long-tails and are poorly described by Gaussian functions
Root-mean squared is better indicator of positron range effect on spatial resolution
What are two types of reaction to produce radionuclide in reactor?
what reaction is important to keep chain reaction going in the previous question?
Neutron activation
Fission (highly contaminated requiring meticulous methods of separation, high specific acitivity/NCA products, low yields)
Neutron capture (low specific activity, carrier added products, chemical separation not necessary unless impurities develop).
o 235U + n -> 236U*, the objective is to have each fission neutrons emitted from one fission event stimulate, on average on additional fission event. This is accomplished by moderators (Heavy water and graphite) that thermalize the ejected neutrons, and control rods (cadmium and boron) that absorb the neutrons
Energy is released by nuclear fission to produce radionuclides. What quantity? What is the substrate of this reaction? Write the reaction in question.
202.5 MeV into KE of fission products
235U + n 236U*
Fission of one atom of U-235 releases 202.5 MeV in kinetic energy of fission products.
Mo-99 is produced from fission in the —— solution. What is the physical half life of Mo?
Hot nitric acid is used to dissolve the target assembly (consisting of an alloy of enriched U-235 with aluminum)
This forms a nitrate solution of uranium, molybdenum and other fission products
This is eluted through an alumina column to trap the molybdenum
On radionuclide production and examples of each. Name four or five
Nuclear fission - 99Mo, 133Xe, 131I
Neutron Activation - 99Mo, 131I, 90Y
Generator - 99mTc, 82Rb, 81mKr
Cyclotron - 18F, 11C, 15O
How do you produce 123I? What’s the target source? Compare the direct and indirect methods. What’s the advantage of indirect method?
Indirect 124Xe(p,2n) 123Cs -> 123Xe -> 123I (most common) 15-30 MeV Contaminant free; High specific activity Gas phase extraction 123Xe is expensive
Direct 123Te(p,n)123I (direct) 124Te(p,2n)123I (direct) 15-8 (123Te) 26-20 (124Te) Contaminants = 124I > 125I Mineral acid to extract
What are the advantage of indirect methods of I-123 production?
high specific activity
less contamination by other iodine radioisotopes such as 124I and 125I
What is the common pathway in indirect methods of I-123 production? What is the target?
123Xe is intermediate in all indirect methods
Most common target: 124Xe
What are the parts in a medical cyclotron, how does a cyclotron work?
Particle accelerator consisting of:
o Vacuum assembly: prevents collisional losses of charged particles
o Ion source: produces charged particles to be accelerated
o Pair of hollow dee electrodes with gap: accelerates charged particles using alternating electric current
o Magnet: confines charged particles to spiral path
o Electrostatic deflector (positive ion) or foil extractor (negative ion): alters path of charged particles toward target
o Target: contains nuclei to be irradiated to produce transmutated products
Particles from the ion source are accelerated towards one of the dees by the electrical field generated by the applied AC voltage. In the presence of the magnetic field, they follow a circular path to the opposite side of the dee. The particles are accelerated across the gap because of direction change in AC voltage. They follow an outwardly spiraling path because of gain in energy and the beam of particles is extracted and directed onto an external target.
What are 5 advantages of self shielded cyclotrons over vault cyclotrons?
Smaller space requirement (less shielding required)
Lower cost of installation
Less radiation to surrounding structure
Lower cost of decommissioning
Easier access to target and cyclotron for maintenance
o Lower energy
o More difficult to access for service
List 4 advantages of negative ion over positive ion cyclotron designs.
High beam extraction efficiency
Requires less shielding
Allows multiple extraction sites & therefore more than one target can be simultaneously irradiated and different radionuclides can be prepared simultaneously
Easier to service
Multipart question on cyclotron vs. reactor produced radionuclides
Costs - Decreased up front capital, increased operating costs
Line of stability - Proton rich
Charge of bombarding particle - +/-
Purity - Increased specific activity; usually carrier free
Yield - Increased activity per mass of target; decreased total quantity produced
Costs - increased up front capital; lower operating
Line of stability - proton rich
Charge of bombarding particle - neutral
Purity - Fission & transmutative = increased specific activity; Non-transmutative = decreased specific activity
Yield - Opposite
Describe 2 methods of F-18 production, advantages/disadvantages and which is more common
Method 1: H218O (p,n)18F*(H218O)n -> anion exchange resin to reuse H2O18-> F18-
Advantages: Increased yield, no carrier added
Disadvantages: 18O expensive (not anymore); 18F- chemistry in water difficult; Cannot easily obtain F2 for electrophilic reactions
Method 2: 20Ne(d,α)18F* in passivated Ni target (NiF)
Advantages: Produces [18F]F2 for electrophilic reactions
Disadvantages: Decreased yield; usually carrier added
Most common reaction for 18F production via electrophilic substitution and write out reaction?
What particles bombard parent? I
Minimum energy and bombard for how long?
a) 20Ne(d,α) 18F* in passivated Ni target (NiF)
b) Deuterons bombarding 20Ne in a Nickel housing
• Exoergic reaction (releases energy), so threshold energy = 0, and minimum energy is the starting energy = 2.7 MeV (starting energy required to overcome Coulombic barrier and conserve momentum)
• Bombardment typically 2h
Principles of generator design.
decay-growth relationship between a long-lived parent and its short-lived daughter radionuclide
chemical property of daughter must be different from parent so it can be easily separated
Ideal generator:
o simple, gives high yield of daughter nuclide repeatedly and reproducibily
o properly shielded to minimize radiation exposure
o sturdy and compact for shipping
o eluate should be free from parent and adsorbent material
o sterile and pyrogen free
What is the concept behind 99mTc being eluted from the Al2O3 column and not 99Mo?
Mo-99 adsorbed on the alumina column in the form NH4+MoO4-
when it undergoes beta decay, loses affinity for the column and is free to be eluted with 0.9% NaCl solution via ion exchange (a Cl- ion is exchanged for a TcO4-)
Eluate should be ____,____ and free of _____.
Clear, colorless, free of particles
Label schematic of Mo/99mTc generator
Critical components o Eluting solvent/vial o Glass column with alumina adsorbent containing MoO42- o Filter o Evaculated collecting vial o Shielding
How many weeks after manufacture is Mo/Tc generator good? How long is the eluate good to use? Name 2 things to test the eluate for.
Generator: Lantheus Technelite expires 14 days post-manufacture
Eluate: 12h at room temperature
o 99Mo breakthrough <0.15 kBq/MBq at time of administration (RN purity)
o Al3+ breakthrough <10 μg/ml (chemical purity)
How do you dispose of a molybtech generator. Give two ways.
Store and decay until activity below exemption quantity, then dispose in garbage (10 half lives - 660 hours)
Return to manufacturer or approved disposal facility
20 cc saline into generator and only 10 cc out, ?cause and what could you do to fix it. (20 ml put into a dry generator, and 10 come out. How can this affect this next elution? How can you prevent this problem?)
Most probable cause for decreased volume out is partial loss of vacuum in the vacuum vial used to draw eluant out
Can use a second vacuum vial
If no additional eluent can be withdrawn, consider a leak in the system (tubing, cracked column), which depending on design, may require return to manufacturer
Also, may have excessive ingrowth with excessive Tc-99 if don’t complete elution
How do you assess for aluminum content. Briefly describe. What is the limit?
Al3+ breakthrough: <10 μg/ml (chemical purity = fraction of material in desired chemical form, whether or not all of it is in the labeled form)
Testing methods: aurintricarboxylic acid colorimetric test paper or methyl orange
Presence: may indicate lack of stability of column and can affect radiopharmaceutical synthesis and biodistribution
o MDP: colloid formation; increased liver uptake
o Sulfur colloid: ↑ particle size
o RBC damage causing ↑ splenic uptake
o DTPA dissociation: increased free pertechnetate
What is radionuclide purity? How do you test for 99mTcO4- impurity?
Fraction of total radioactivity in the form of the desired radionuclide present in a radiopharmaceutical
Assay in dose calibrator with and without shielded container to determine 99Mo activity
Define radionuclide purity. What is the limit for Mo-99 in Eluate? Name/ Describe two methods for testing for molybdenum contamination.
Fraction of total radioactivity in the form of the desired radionuclide present in a radiopharmaceutical
99Mo limit in administered dose (at time of administration): <0.15 kBq/MBq
Two methods:
o Assay in dose calibrator with and without shielded container to determine 99Mo activity
o Colorimetric: phenylhydrazine added to eluate
Question on detection / how a moly shield works in detecting molybdium in a technetium element. Second part on alternative to detecting molybdinium in the element.
Moly shield absorbs low energy 140 keV photons from 99mTc, but allows most of 740 and 780 keV photons from 99Mo through
o 6mm leads allows 35% of 740 & 780 keV photons through, so x3.5 to get breakthrough value
Alternative: colorimetric test with phenylhydrazine
Define chemical purity, radiochemical purity, and radionuclide purity and give examples
Chemical purity: fraction of material in desired chemical form, whether or not all of it is in the labeled form
Impurities: Al3+, carrier I, trace metals in In labeling, Kryptofix, non-radioactive FDG
Define radiochemical purity. List 5 possible causes of radiochemical impurities in a pharmaceutical prep.
Radiochemical purity is the fraction of total radioactivity in the desired chemical form in the radiopharmaceutical. Impurities include free and hydrolyzed Tc-99m TcO4-
5 causes:
o Decomposition of the radiopharmaceutical due to the action of a solvent
o Changes in temperature or pH
o Light
o Presence of oxidizing or reducing agents
o Radiolysis
Define Rf: “relative front” or “retention factor”
Rf = ratio of distance traveled by component to distance traveled by solvent front
Retention factor, Rf, or relative front = ratio of the distance travelled by the component to the distance the solvent front has advanced from the original point of application of the test material. It is used to identify different components in a given sample.
What is the major problem with allowing a long time between elutions. Explain why this is an issue with certain preps and give two examples. How could you overcome this. (If generator not eluted a long time, how does this affect eluate? Which two kits are particularly affected and explain why.)
With a long time between elutions, have buildup of essentially stable 99Tc (carrier)
Competes with 99mTc in kits limited stannous, i.e., limited reducing agents
Obtain generator eluate with short in-growth time
o HMPAO & Ultratag RBC particularly effected
What are two generators other than strontium rubidium-82 and moly-99 technetium 99m?
68Ge (271 days) - 68Ga (68 min)
81Rb (4.6h) - 81mKr (13s)
5 generator parents name daughters Sn113, Ge68, Rb81, Sr82, Zn62
o 99Mo – 99mTc; 99Mo has t1/2 66 hr & decays by β- to 99mTc (87%) & 99Tc
o 113Sn – 113mIn; 113Sn has t1/2 115 days & decays by e capture to 113mIn
o 68Ge – 68Ga; 68Ge has t1/2 271 days & decays by e capture to 68Ga
o 82Sr – 82Rb; 82Sr has t1/2 25 days & decays by e capture to 82Rb
o 81Rb – 81mKr; 81Rb has t1/2 4.5 hr & decays to 81mKr
o 62Zn – 62Cu; 62Zn has t1/2 9.2 hr & decays by e capture to 62Cu
o Yttrium-87 – Strontium-87m
o Tellurium-132 – Iodine-132
Describe 2 generator systems commonly used for PET imaging currently in 2009, list half lives
o 82Sr/82Rb; 25 days/75 s
o 68Ge/68Ga; 271 days/68 min
Four methods of radiopharmaceutical labeling and give an example of each
Isotope Exchange - I-131-MIBG
Introduction of a Foreign Label - Tc-99m compounds; In-111 labeled cells
Bifunctional Chelates - In-111 DTPA albumin; Tc-99m antibody
Biosynthesis - Co-57 B12;
Recoil labeling - Iodinated compounds
Excitation labeling - 123I-labeled compounds (from 123Xe decay)
Define and give two examples of each:
a) Fillers
b) Antioxidants
c) Reductants
d) Catalysts
A) Filler:
Used to achieve rapid solubilization & stable particle size during lyophilization, also gives radiopharmaceutical some bulk to make visible in vial
Mannitol (sestamibi kit)
NaCl (HMPAO kit)
B) Antioxidant:
o Prevents consumption of the reducing agent
Ascorbic acid
P-aminobenzoic acid (PABA)
C) Reductants
Reduces the TcO4 to a lower oxidation state, to make it more reactive
Tin: SnCl2, Sn-pyrophosphate, Sn-citrate, Sn-gluconate
Non-tin reducing agents (NaBH4 – sodium borohydride, HCl (hydrochloric acid), FeSO4)
D) Catalysts Used to maximize reaction yield, but are not part of the final product Kryptofix in FDG Tartrate (MAG3 kit) Citrate (MIBI kit)
What is the purpose of a buffer?
A buffer is used to dampen the change in pH following the addition of an acid or a base
It maintains the stability of the pH of the preparation
Examples: Na-citrate, Na-carbonate
Define “transchelation”. Name 2 tracers which are labeled by this method.
Transchelation = ligand exchange method
o Involves first forming a 99mTc-complex with a weak ligand in aqueous media and then allowing the complex to react with a second slowly reacting ligand that is relatively more stable
Tracers: o 99mTc-MAG3 (through 99mTc-tartrate or 99mTc-gluconate) 42 o 99mTc-ECD (through EDTA) o 99mTc-MIBI (through citrate)
Define chelation.
Chelation = The formation of coordinate covalent bonds between two or more separate binding sites within the same ligand and a single central atom
o Tc-99m DTPA
o Tc-99m glucoheptonate
What is a bifunctional chelating agent?
Molecule that is conjugated to a macromolecule on one side and chelates a metal ion on the other
Modification of the functional group alters the biodistribution
What is a ligand?
Ligands possess an unshared pair of electrons that can be donated to a metal ion to form a complex
What is the most stable oxidation state of Tc and What is the most common tracer in this state?
7+ oxidation state
TcO4- (also Tc-SC)
What are oxidation states of MIBI, DTPA, and pertechnetate?
Sestamibi 1+
Tc-99m TcO4- 7+
Oxidation state of SC, DTPA, MIBI?
7+; Pertecnetate and colloid
5+; citrate, gluconate, gluceptate, EDTA, MAG3, HSA, tetrofosmin, HMPAO
4+; HEDP (mixture of 3+ acid, 5+ basic, 4+ neutral), EDTA and DTPA (alkaline and neutral)
3+; DTPA and EDTA (acidic), DMSA, diphosphonates
1+; MIBI (1+) Coordination number of 6 net charge 1+
Which radiopharmaceuticals require heating?
- SC
- MAG-3
- Heat damaged RBCs
- Technegas
- Teboroxime
- I123/I131 MIBG
- 111IN-DTPA
- I-131 Hippuran
What’s the limit of maximum size of MAA particles?
Maximum size is 150 μm
What component you have to add to make MAA besides reducing agent and buffer?
Human serum albumin
110 particles in 1x1 mm square on hemocytometer, how many particles / ml of MAA?
110 particles in 1 mm2, hemocytometers have a depth of 0.1 mm
therefore there are 110 particles in 0.1 mm3 or 0.1 μl, 1100 in 1 μl. There are 1000 μl per ml, therefor there are 1,100,000 particles/ml.
There was a question on differences between pertechnegas and technegas production.
Production - >0.5% oxygen
Particle properties -> micro-aerosols of Tc oxides
Transit -> Rapid alveolar-capillary transit
Biological half life -> Short in lungs; behaves like TcO4
Production - > pure argon atmosphere (< 0.1% oxygen)
Particle properties -> graphite enscapulated microparticles
Transit -> No significant alveolar-capillary transit
Biological half life -> Essentially infinite
Both formed by combusion of pertechnetate in furnace
Describe the method of pertechnegas production. How long until it must be used. What will happen if you wait longer. What should you check if there is thyroid/stomach uptake (2 things). (Technegas: 1) How made; 2) how long is dose good for prior to use; 3) what happens to a dose held too long?; 4) If thyroid and blood pool seen post pertechnegas, what TWO things to check?)
Load crucible with Tc-99m generator eluent (400-900 MBq in 0.14 ml normal saline)
To make Pertechnegas, require >0.5% oxygen
How long until it must be used
o For Technegas, as soon as possible, and certainly within the 10 minutes allowed
o For Pertechnegas, uncertain, but probably also <10 min
What will happen if you wait longer
o For Technegas, get aggregation into larger particles and migration to walls of the chamber
o In contact with water vapour, Technetium oxides in Pertechnegas hydrolise back to pertechnetate
What should you check if there is thyroid/stomach uptake (2 things)
o Impurity of Argon gas (99.99%) and introduction of oxygen
o Make sure correct eluate and have not over-filled crucible
Name 2 contents of DTPA kit. Once Tc04 added, what are the relative proportions of these 3. Why is this important?
DTPA and stannous chloride
10^5-10^8 mol DTPA:10^3-10^6 mol Sn2+ : 1 mol 99mTc
o Need enough Sn2+ to reduce all 99mTc
o Need greater amount of chelate to drive chemical equilibrium to form chelated complexes, and prevent Sn and Tc colloid formation
In kit preps, why is it important to keep O2 out of your vial.
O2 oxidizes Sn2+ (less Sn2+ available to reduce Tc) -> increases free pertechnetate
Increases radiolysis -> leads to free radicals that in turn produce free Tc99m-O4
What solvent to use for evaluating radionuclidic purity of In-111-DPTA-pentreotide
Methanol to elute product
Water to elute free In3+
Regarding WBC labelling, what needs to be in acidic environment and what pH?
111In-chloride (pH 5 in acetate buffer) to avoid In hydroxide formation
What are the uses of thiosulfate, gelatin, EDTA in SC kit?
Thiosulfate: source of S
Gelatin: maintains zeta-potential preventing aggregation
EDTA: chelates cations (e.g., Al3+) to prevent flocculation
Question on the size of filter to use for sulphur colloid in melanoma lymphoscintigraphy
0.1-0.2 μm
Question on particle sizes for various colloids or uses of colloids in clinical nuclear medicine. Particle size for lymphoscintigraphy, particle size for lung scan and particle size for sulphur colloid study.
Lymphoscintigraphy (filtered SC): 0.1-0.2 um
Sulfur colloid study: 0.1-1 μm
Lung scan/MAA: 10-100 μm
Technegas - 0.05-0.15 um
Name 3 biological tests performed on radiopharmaceuticals.
- Sterility: absence of any viable bacteria or microorganism
- Apyrogenicity: USP Rabbit test, limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) test
- Toxicity
How do you ensure sterility of radiopharmaceuticals?
Use sterile technique in preparation
Filter sterilize
Autoclave heat stable radiopharmaceuticals
Define pyrogenicity and two tests that are used to test for this. What is the most common cause of pyrogenicity in nuclear medicine radiopharmaceuticals?
Pyrogenicity: ability of substance to induce fever
Rabbit test and limulus amebocyte lysate test
Most common: bacterial endotoxins
rabbit test - inject 3 rabbits, if 1 temp increases > 0.6 degrees or total > 1.4 degrees then inject 5 more; if more than 3 greater than 0.6 degrees or total > 2.6 then the test is positive
How do you interpret the first part of the USP rabbit test for pyrogenicity.
First test:
o 3 mature normal rabbits weighing ≥ 1.5 kg are kept in a room with uniform temperature.
o A test sample is injected into the ear vein of each rabbit. The volume of the test sample must be an equivalent human dosage, on a weight basis, and often 3-10 times the human dosage by volume.
o The rectal temperature of each rabbit is measured at 1, 2 and 3 hours after injection.
o If the rise in temperature of each individual animal is less than 0.6oC AND if the sum of the temperature rises in all three animals does not exceed 1.4oC then the test sample is apyrogenic.
Second test:
Second test (if first test abnormal):
o Repeat initial study with 5 more mature normal rabbits.
o If not more than 3 of the total of 8 rabbits show a temperature rise of 0.6oC or more individually and if the sum or the individual temperature rises does not exceed 3.7oC, the material is considered to be pyrogen free.
What is a pyrogen? Modern method for detecting pyrogens, advantages over rabbit test. (What is the current standard test? Why is this preferred over the rabbit rest? Three reasons
Pyrogen: substance that can induce a fever when injected (i.e., systemic inflammatory response)
Limulus amebocyte lysate test
o No live animal testing
o Rapid result (1 hour)
o Less radiopharmaceutical needed
Describe 2 ways to sterilize a radiopharmaceutical
Filter sterilize (0.2 μm filter)
Kits with highest incidence of adverse reactions.
Historically: Tc-99m albumin microspheres
Current kit: highest is Tc-99m sulfur colloid (25%)
MDP (10%)
Reaction involved in most common method of FDG production. What is the typical yield? What is the minimal radiochemical purity allowed?
Nucleophilic substitution in acetonitrile with Kryptofix as a phase transfer catalyst
Mannose triflate in acetonitrile added to Kryptofix 2.2.218F-
Acid hydrolyzed to 18F-FDG
Typical yield: 60%
Minimum radiochemical purity: 90%
Most common production method of 18 FDG and what is its’ target? French: [36. What is the minimum energy required for F-18 production?
Target: 18O-H2O (minimum energy 2.6 MeV)
a) How do you produce 18F?
b) What is the FDG yield?
c) How do you check F-18 FDG for radiochemical purity?
d) What limit is allowed for radiochemical purity?
18O(p,n)18F (heavy water target, 10-18 MeV proton bombardment)
o 18F recovered as 18F-NaF by passing the irradiated water through anion exchange resin (QMA) column
o 18F- retained on column, eluted with potassium carbonate and Kryptofix 2.2.2 in acetonitrile
Nucleophilic substitution in acetonitrile with Kryptofix as a phase transfer catalyst (85°C 5 min)
o Mannose triflate in acetonitrile added to Kryptofix 2.2.218F-, with K2CO3
o 18F- attacks #2 C position on mannopyranose ring, displacing highly electronegative triflate group
Then acid or base hydrolysis
Acid or base hydrolyzed to 18F-FDG by removing acetyl protecting groups
Typical yield: 60%
Preparation time: 50 min
Final solution is filtered through 0.2 μm filter and diluted with saline as needed
Minimum radiochemical purity: 90%
o Visual inspection
Clear, colorless solution free of particles, pH (4.5-7.5) – test with pH paper
o Specific activity >1 Ci/μmol (no special test, as 18F is carrier free)
o Radionuclide purity Must be >99.5% Use dose calibrator and do decay analysis Acceptable t ½ = 109.7 min (105-155) Or by gamma ray spectroscopy
o Radiochemical purity
Use silica gel 60 TLC plates developed in acetonitrile/water (95:5)
Must be >90%
18F-FDG (Rf=0.4)
18F-F- (Rf=0.1)
18F-FDG non-hydrolyzed intermediate (Rf=0.6)
o Chemical purity
Kryptofix 2.2.2: use color spot test that takes 5 min using pretreated strips of plastic based silica gel. Limit <50 μg/ml of sample volume
Acetonitrile, ethanol and 2-chloro-2-deoxy-D-glucose can be determined by gas chromatography
F-18 is produced by irradiation of O-18 water with protons in a cyclotron and recovered as F-18 sodium fluoride by passing the irradiated water target mixture through a carbonate type anion exchange resin column. Water passes through, but F18-(-) is retained on the column.
O-18(p,n) F-18 reaction
Yield is 6.5 Ci, <1.0 Ci for the Ne method.
Deoxyglucose is labeled with F-18 by nucleophilic displacement reaction of an acetylated sugar derivative (mannose triflate) followed by hydrolysis. The yield can be as high as 60%. This is highly dependant on the kit used.
List 2 FDG chemical impurities (worded as 2 NON radioactive contamination)
Kryptofix 2.2.2
Chemical purity:
o Kryptofix 2.2.2: use color spot test that takes 5 min using pretreated strips of plastic based silica gel. Limit is < 50 μg/ml of sample volume.
o Acetonitrile, ethanol and 2-chloro-2-deoxy-D-glucose can be determined by gas chromatography
What is the effect of radioactive decay on chemical reactions
o Transmutation of radionuclide in decay alters chemistry
o Long-lived isomeric decay daughter may compete for labeling (e.g., Tc-99)
o High energy recoil or daughter radionuclides can participate in labeling reactions
o Radiolysis may be:
Direct with high LET radiation like alpha paraticles, causing e.g., degradation of kit constituents
Indirect with low LET radiation, causing free radical production, that can interfere with labeling
o Autoradiolysis or indirect radiolysis can disrupt product as well
Methods of Radioiodination
o Triiodide method o Iodine monochloride method o Chloramine-T method o Electrolytic method o Enzymatic method o Conjugation method o Demetallation method o Iodogen method o Iodo-bead method
What is the dominant interaction of energy with matter at nuclear medicine energies?
For photons cross-over energy between photoelectric and Compton interactions are:
o Soft tissue/water: 20-30 keV
o NaI(Tl): 200-300 keV
o Pb: ~500 keV
Therefore, at Nuc Med energies of 100-200 keV, Compton dominates in soft tissues; photoelectric for NaI scintillators; photoelectric with high Z materials like Pb
Describe photelectric effect
Atom absorbs all energy of incident photon and an orbital electron is ejected. This electron is called photoelectron and KE = E(incident photon) – BE of photoelectron
Describe Compton scattering
Incident photon has much higher E than BE of electron it collides with so photon loses part of energy and is deflected through a scattering angle. Part of E is transferred to the recoil electron
E (scatter photon) = E0 / [1 + (E0/0.511) (1-cos Ѳ)], max when Ѳ = 0
E (recoil electron) = E0 – E (scatter photon), max when Ѳ = 180
Describe pair production
a photon interacts with the electric field of a charged particle, producing a positive-negative electron pair and the photon disappears.
KE of the electron pair = K0 – 1.022 MeV
Describe Coherent (Rayleigh) scattering
photon is deflected with essentially no loss of energy. Only important at relatively low energies (<= 50 keV)
At what angle of Compton scatter would the scattered photons be within 20% symmetric window?
Eγs = Eγ / (1 + (Eγ/511 keV) (1 - cos θ))
For Eγ = 140 keV photon, scattered photons are lower energy, so assuming 10% reduction in energy, Eγs = 140 – (10% x 140) = 126 keV yields 53.5°
Does the increase of the interaction media’s atomic number, Z, affect energy of Compton scatter photon?
No, Z does not affect Eγs
Eγs = Eγ / (1 + (Eγ/511 keV) (1 - cos θ))
No, Compton involves outer shell electrons
Generally independent of Z, proportional to 1/E
A small chart on the three mechanisms of question #30 with secondary photon and secondary electron, and you were to fill in the boxes for all three.
Secondary photon = characteristic xray
Secondary electron = photoelectrons (inner shell); Auger electron
Compton scattering
Secondary photon = Scattered photon (outer shell)
Secondary electron = recoil electron
Pair production
Secondary photon = annihilation photons
Secondary electron = positive/negative electron pair
What is minimum energy for pair production?
1.022 MeV
Describe 3 common interactions in NaI detector crystal
Photoelectric effect <250 keV
Compton >250 keV
Pair production >1.022 MeV
There is increased ionization density of charged particle at the end it track length. What is it called?
Bragg peak
Question on fluorescent iodes and what affects it.
o Fluorescent yield is the probability that the transition of an orbital electron from an outer shell into an inner shell vacancy will yield characteristic x-rays instead of Auger electrons.
o Fluorescent yield increases with increasing Z. In other words, heavy elements have a higher fluorescent yield because they are more likely to emit x-rays
Bremstrahlung: define. How can you shield most effectively?
Electromagnetic radiation produced by deceleration or altering direction of charged particles
Use low Z material to slow charged particles with minimal Brehmstrahlung production
Particulate radiation versus electromagnetic radiation - their differences and interactions with matter and give two examples.
Particulate interactions – (collisional) ionization, excitation (radiative) bremsstrahlung
EM interactions - photoelectric, Compton scatter, pair production, rayleigh coherent scatter.
Photon vs particulate radiation
Photon Mass = 0 Charge = 0 Velocity = c Ionization = indirectly ionizing Interactions = photoelectric, etc...
Particulate radiation Mass = + Charge = possible Velocity = < c Ionization = directly ionizing Interactions -> if charged particle: Collisional losses (ionization, excitation); Bremsstrahlung -> if neutral particles: elastic and non-elastic collisions
Name three interactions of particulate radiation with matter.
Ionization (collisional)
Excitation (collisional)
Bremsstrahlung (radiative)
Question on what type of ionization neutrons perform in matter. Second part of the question was what are the effects of indirect ionization? (Another recall: How does neutron react with matter?
Neutrons are indirectly ionizing, losing energy by collisions that produce secondary electrons (which in turn directly ionize)
When sufficiently slowed, can be captured (neutron activation)
Describe what happens with charged particle and matter “collision”?
Collision can result in ionization (when orbital electron is lost) or excitation (when an atom enters excited state)
Collisional interactions include ionization and excitation; charged particle passes close enough to exert an electrical force on the orbital electrons, if the force is strong enough the orbital electron will be removed and an ionization occurs, if not then excitation may occur and the energy can be dissipated in a number of ways (atomic emissions of IR, UV, visible radiation etc.)
what is delta ray?
An ejected electron that is energetic enough to cause secondary ionizations on its own.
Define Bragg Peak, Cerenkov Effect and LET
Bragg Peak – increase in ionization density from a charged particle near the end of its track length
Cerenkov effect – electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle travels faster than the speed of light in a medium
Linear energy transfer (LET) – rate of energy transferred per unit track length
Define the inverse Square Law. If you triple the distance, the exposure is reduced by?
Inverse square law = as distance increases, the flux of radiation decreases as 1/r^2
So triple the distance, 1/9 the exposure
HVL for Tc-99m, Ga-67, Co-60 (another recall: HVL in lead)
99mTc: 0.03 cm
67Ga: 0.07 cm
60Co: 1.6 cm
HVL in lead:
1 mm tenth value layer for Tc-99m
What is soft tissue penetration for F-18 and C-11?
Maximum positron range: 18F 2 mm, 11C 4 mm
Three types of gas filled detectors.
Dose calibrator
Geiger-Muller counter
Survey meter
Name two ionization chambers used clinically
Dose calibrator
Geiger-Muller counter
Ionization chambers are quite inefficient for detection of x- and gamma- rays. Only < 1% actually interact with and cause ionization of gas molecules
Ionization chamber vs GM counter?? (isn’t GM counter an ionization chamber?
Ionization chamber: Voltage - 50-300 Discriminate individual events - N Energy discrimination - N Efficiency for detection of γ & x-rays - Poor Measure - Exposure rate (mR/hr or Gy/hr) Quenching - N Amplification - N
GM counter: Voltage - 800-1000 Discriminate individual events - Y Energy discrimination - N Efficiency for detection of γ & x-rays - Poor but better by factor of 10 Measure - Exposure rate (mR/hr) Quenching - Y Amplification - Y
GM more sensitive than ionization chamber types because they respond to individual ionizing radiation events
o display event counting rates (cpm)
Quality control of dose calibrator including testing frequency and deviation limit
o Constancy: The activity of a known amount of a long lived source should be checked daily and the measured value and decay corrected calculated value should not vary by >10%
o Linearity: ensures that the dose calibrator can indicate the correct activity over the range of use between 10 mCi to the highest dose that will be administered. Performed on installation and quarterly. Values should not deviate more than 10%
o Accuracy: The activity of a known amount of a calibrated source is measured and the measured value should be within 10% of the calibrated value. Performed on installation and yearly
o Geometry Dependence: ensures that the indicated activity does not change with volume or configuration. Usually perfomed by the manufacturer.
Name 2 ways to check dose calibrator linearity
- Decay method (large dose of 99mTc measure decay every 6 hours over 72 hours, point on the graph that deviated most from the line <10%)
- Sheilding method (series of lead shield, various thickness, apply correction and average, the result that deviates the most must deviate <10%)
3 Daily QC on Survey Meter
Battery check
performed daily to assess the sensitivity and consistency of the meter.
Probe is placed directly over a sealed source (eg. 226Ra or 137Cs) to measure the exposure. This exposure reading is compared with the annual calibrated source reading (should be within 10%).
Draw schematic of Geiger-Muller counter, describing function
High sensitivity counting-type ionizing radiation detector
Ionizations in gas chamber (argon + quenching gas) result in avalanches due to high voltage operation (accelerated electrons excited gas molecules UV photonsmore ionizations)
Label the parts of a GM counter
Input window Gas/ionization chamber with cathode and anode o Fill gas: argon + quenching gas High voltage source Counting circuitry
Characteristics of “quenching gas”
Ionized quenching gas can recombine with electrons without giving off UV radiation (by dissociating into molecular fragments)
Absorb UV radiation inhibiting further ionization
Electron donor
Used in the gas chamber of Geiger-Muller counters
What is TLD? What is the mechanism of TLD? What’s the range of TLD?
TLD = thermoluminescence device, a type of dosimeter
Radiation crystal excites electrons into long-lived trap states
Heating drops electrons from trap state to ground state produces detectable visible photons
Range: 0.05 mSv-10 Sv
Most common material: LiF
Describe OSL?
optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) aluminum oxide (most common), quartz, feldspar, and irradiation produces valence electron ionization and electron/hole pair formation, the electron get trapped between the valence and conduction bands, irradiation causes excitation into the conduction band and the electron can that relax and recombine with the hole via fluoresence). Single site vs. multiple site read. OSL can differentiate dynamic (normal) vs. static (contamination of the detector) exposure.
What are 4 advantages of NaI detectors? What are 2 disadvantages of NaI detectors?
o Good stopping power for 50-250 keV photons (photoelectric absorption)
o Efficient scintillator (1 visible photon/30 eV absorbed)
o Transparent to own scintillations
o Relatively inexpensive
o Fragile
o Hygroscopic
o Higher γ energies Compton interaction dominates, requiring thicker crystal
Compare NaI, BGO and LSO for their photon yield, density, atomic number and hygroscopic property
Photon yield: NaI > LSO > GSO > BGO
Density: LSO > BGO > GSO > NaI
Zeff: BGO > LSO > GSO > NaI
Hygroscopic: NaI yes, others no
Name four crystals that are commercially available PET detector materials and rank them according to the following: density, light output and annihilation photon attenuation.
Density: LSO, BGO, GSO, BaF2, NaI
Light output: NaI, LSO, GSO, BGO, BaF2
Photon Attenuation: BGO, LSO, GSO, BaF2, NaI
Decay Constant: BaF2 (shortest), LSO, GSO, NaI, BGO
How does the decay constant affect PET performance?
Decreased randoms: can shorten coincidence timing window
TOF imaging: higher SNR
Decreased dead time losses: for high count rate studies
Properties of PET crystals:
given list of BGO, LSO, NaI, CsF, and BaF2
asked which has highest light output, highest density, which is BEST for PET
Light output: NaI
Highest density: LSO
LSO is best for PET
Of 5 given PET scintillator materials (LSO, BGO, GSO, NaI, BaF2), which is the best for each of the following properties: effective z, density, stopping power, decay time, light output.
Effective Z: BGO Density: LSO Stopping power: BGO Decay time: BaF2 Light output: NaI
Name 3 properties of detector crystal and rank them for NaI
One of highest light output crystals
Good stopping power for 50-250 keV, but poor compared to other PET crystals
Which crystal is radioactive in PET (autoscintillation)? What is the nuclide? Is this important? Why or why not? (Lu-176)
LSO, LYSO: 176Lu
Theoretically autoscintillations can increase background
Name the components of a photomultiplier tube
photocathode – converts light photons into electrons
focusing grid that directs the photoelectron to the dynode
dynode – maintained at positive charge and attracts photoelectrons, producing many secondary electrons, which in turn are attracted to the next dynode, producing a large amount of current due to the electron multiplication factor
anode – collects shower of electrons to produce the current
glass housing to protect inside components and preserve vacuum inside tube
stable high voltage supply
Define detector efficiency? (I think they meant detection efficiency?) Describe each component of geometric efficiency equation?
D = g x e x f x F
Detection efficiency = efficiency with which a radiation measuring instrument converts emissions from a radiation source into useful signals from the detector
Geometric efficiency = efficiency with which the detector intercepts radiation emitted from the source, determined by detector size and distance from source to detector
Intrinsic efficiency = efficiency with which the detector absorbs incident radiation and converts them into potentially usable detector output signal, depends on detector thickness, composition, type and energy of radiation
f = fraction of output signals within PHA window
F = factor for absorption/scatter occurring within source or between source and detector