physics principles Flashcards
Bandwidth refers to:
range of frequencies in a pulse
In sound wave propagation, a region of elevated pressure is termed?
What is pulse duration?
time to complete one pulse
what is frequency?
how many cycles occur in one second
If the number of cycles in a pulse is increased but the wavelength remains the same, what else increases?
Pulse duration
When you switch from a 2.5 MHz to a 5 MHz transducer, the sound wavelength:
Grating lobe artifact and lateral resolution improve with this kind of imaging:
Tissue harmonic imaging
which of the following increases SPL?
increased PRF
decreased number of transmit pulses per frame
increased number of transmit pulses per sec
increased number of transmit pulses per line
increased number of cycles per pulse
increased number of cycles per pulse
when you adjust PRF you change: number of pulses per line number of pulses per frame number of pulses per second number of wavelengths per second number of wavelengths per pulse
number of pulses per second
what term refers to regions of decreased particle density in a sound beam? attenuation transmission compression rarefaction reverberation
particles are pushed together during compression and pulled apart during rarefaction
axial res is determined by: beam width transducer diameter pulse duration attenuation coefficient intensity
pulse duration
shorter PD = Better axial res
in sound wave propagation, a region of elevated pressure is: compression demodulation rarefaction period resonance
a region of low pressure is rarefaction
what is changed when you change the transmit freq:
displacement amp of the particles in the medium
speed at which the sound wave propagates through medium
number of cycles per second
pulses transmitted per second
number of electrical impulses applied to the xducer per second
number of cycles per second
interference patterns of reflected waves causes: acoustic speckle acoustic enhancement rarefaction volume averaging all of the above
acoustic speckle
when you are changing the PRF you change: number of pulses per line number of pulses per frame number of pulses per sec number of wavelengths per sec number of wavelengths per pulse
number of pulses per second
axial res is determined by: beam width transducer diameter PD attenuation coefficient intensity
Pulse Duration
doppler pulses used for diagnostic purposes are typically \_\_\_\_cycles long 0-2 2-3 4-5 5-30 greater than 100
the time it takes for one cycle to occur is: duty factor SPL wavelength PRF PD
What term refers to regions of decreased particle density in a sound beam? attenuation transmission compression rarefaction reverberation
particles are pushed together during compression and pulled apart during rarefaction
you may observe sound attenuation by all of the following except: reflection scattering conversion of sound to heat absorption compression
what freq are in audible range?