Physics Flashcards
What does pair production produce and when does it occur?
A high energy photon disappears and produces an electron and positron.
To produce a particle E = mc2
Photon energy must be >1.022 MeV, the rest mass energy equivalent of the created electron-positron pair.
The nucleus revoils with negligible energy
Annihilation radiation
Electrons travels through matter undergoing collisions until brought to rest
Positron travels in the same way until, when nearly at rest….
Annihilates with a few electron
Converts mass back to energy
When does probability of pair production increase?
Increases with increasing photon energy
Increases with increasing atomic number
Z squared
What is Compton scatter and when does it occur?
Incident photon interacts with a free or outer shell electron
A portion of incident energy of the photon is transferred to an electron in the form of kinetic energy
The incident photon (now called a scatter photon) is deflected in a new direction with less energy
Most common thing to happen at MeV energies in radiotherapy
What affects the energy of the recoil electron in Compton scatter?
Energy gained by recoil electron depends on :
Energy of incident photon Ey
-Higher photon energy -> more energy available to transfer
Angle of photon scatter 0
- Larger scattering angle of photon -> more energy transferred to electron
Note recoil electron can only go in direction +90- -90 degrees (no backscatter)
As energy increases scattering a forward direction more likely
The probabilty of Compton scatter increases with…
increasing electron density (hydrogen rich compounds_
The probability of Compton scatter decreases with
incident photon energy
Describe Rayleigh scatter and when it occurs?
Change in photon direction. Only occurs at low energies (<10KeV)
Probability of Rayleigh scatter increases with
Atomic number
Z squared
Probability of Rayleigh scatter decreases with…
increasing incident photon energy
Describe photonuclear interaction and when it occurs?
• A photon is absorbed by a nucleus, knocking out a nucleon. • Process is called photodisintegration. – Most common version is (γ,n) interaction – Neutron ejected from nucleus • Only at very high energies (and high Z) • Results in induced radioactivity in Linac
Probability of photonuclear interaction increases with…
atomic number, z and with incident photon energy
Describe photoelectric absorption and when it occurs?
A photon imparts all of its energy to an inner orbital electron
The photo vanishes and an electron may be ejected from atom producing an ion pair
Ejected electron will have energy of photon minus electron binding energy
Stage 2:
Space is left so electron has to fill space in energy shell which produces either characteristic x-rays or auger electrons
Occurs at low energies
Photoelectric absorption decreases with increasing..
Incident photon energy
Photoelectric absorption increases with
Atomic number, z cubed
What is the electron binding energy?
The energy required for an electron to escape the atom
What is the charge of a proton?
+1.6 x 10 ^-19
What is the mass of a proton
1.7 x 10^-27 (kg)
What is the charge of a neutron?
What is the mass of a neutron?
1.7 x 10^ -27
What is the mass of an electron?
9.1 x 10 ^ -31 (kg)
What is the charge of an electron?
-1.6 x 10^-19
What is the atomic number?
The number of protons in the nucleus
What is the atomic mass number?
The number of nucleons (protons and neutrons) in a nucleus
What is an isotope?
It has a same number of protons but a different number of neutrons