Physics 4.3.3 Flashcards
What is a ‘Medical Tracer’?
A Radioactive Isotope that can be Used to Track the Movement of Substances, like Blood, around the Body.
Why is Gamma Radiation often Used in Medical Tracers?
Because of their High Penetrating Power, they can be Detected from Outside the Body. Because of their Low Ionising Power, they cannot Cause any Substantial Harm to the Patient.
Isotopes with Short ___ ___ are chosen to further Reduce the Risk of Harm to the Patient.
What is ‘Radiotherapy’?
The Treatment of Cancer Using Radiation.
Radiation can Kill ___ Cells.
Gamma Radiation is Used to ___ Medical Equipment. Why?
Sterilise. Because it is the Most Penetrating Radiation.
What are the Risks of Using Radiation in Medicine? (3)
-Kill or Damage Living Cells.
-Cause Cancer.
-Cause Mutations.