physics Flashcards
What is a photon?
Packet of energy
Single particle of light/x ray
X-ray beam made up of many photons
What atomic physics should be known?
Transition of electron to higher energy orbit= photon input
Transition of electron to lower energy orbit= emitted photon
What is ionisation?
If an electron has enough energy it can be freed from the pull of the nucleus= positive ion and a free electron
What is electromagnetic radiation?
Light, UV, microwave, radio waves, X-rays and gamma rays
Not charged Beams of many single photons Travels at speed of light Energy determines frequency and wavelengths E=hv (h is Planck constant) (v is frequency)
What is particle radiation?
Alpha and beta particles from radioactive decay
Many particles are charged
Beams on many individual particles
Speed and energy dependent on initial emission conditions
What are alpha particles?
2 neutrons and 2 protons (helium nucleus w charge of 2+)
Unstable nucleus can emit this to reduce the proton no and become more stable
Relatively high mass and charge= highly ionising
Stopped by ~10mm air or less than mm of Aluminium
What are beta particles?
Unstable nucleus ejects electron by internal conversion or when neutron converts to proton and electron
(n—>p + e- + y)
Emitted particle= -1 charge
Highly ionising and faster
More penetrating- few mm of Aluminium and metres of air
What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
As energy increases, frequency increases but wavelength decreases
What are gamma rays?
Excited nucleus emits gamma ray in order to return to ground state
Alpha/beta p. emit gamma rays- daughter (Y) nucleus produces are in excited states as a result of decay
No charge
Less ionising
Can be v penetrating- 100mm lead
What is the difference between x rays and gamma rays?
Identical except manner of production
What is an X-ray?
Produced by accelerating electrons towards metal target in high voltage, evacuated tubes
Stopped by 1-2mm lead
2 processes- Bremsstrahlung (braking radiation) and characteristic formation
What is a diagnostic X-ray tube?
Generates a lot of heat
Anode needs high Z to to absorb electrons and high melting point
Tungsten melting point= 3410 degrees
Tungsten atomic/proton no= 74
What is the glass envelope for?
Keeps vacuum in (generated by electrons interaction w air)
What is the copper block for?
Transmits heat away from target so it doesn’t melt and crack
What is the focusing device for?
Electrons are focused into small area before they’re accelerated
What is the lead shield for?
What is rectification?
Stable power supply- maximum intensity and quality
If not- lower quality beam
(Reduced by ripple)
What is Bremsstrahlung (braking radiation?
Continuous spectrum produced by rapid deceleration of electrons passing close to target nuclei
(Loses some energy [photon])
High no of photons w low energy
Low no of photons w high energy
What is characteristic X-ray formation?
Electron is knocked out of K shell leaving gap
L shell electron falls into gap and emits energy as an X-ray photon
Energy of photon emitted= (energy of electron in L shell) - (energy electron now has in K shell)
How are radiations compared via spectra?
Line spectra- alpha/beta particles (nuclear medicine)
Continuous spectra- x rays
How are radiations compared via fluorescence on a phosphor?
Alpha- yes
Beta- less
Gamma- v little but observed w some eg. Sodium iodine
X-ray- yes
How are radiations compared via speed?
Alpha- ~x10^7m/s
Beta- ~x10^8m/s but variable
Gamma- 3x10^8m/s
X-ray- 3x10^8m/s
How are radiations compared via no of ion pairs per mm in air?
Alpha- ~10^4
Beta- 10^2
Gamma- ~1
X-ray- <1
What is the tube current (mA)?
No of electrons hitting target
Intensity proportional to mA
Beam quality unaffected
Shape of spectrum unaltered
What is the tube voltage (kVp)
Peak tube voltage= kVp- maximum photon energy
Voltage between cathode and anode (60-70kV)
Intensity is proportional to kVp^2
Beam quality is increased
What is the target atomic number?
Intensity proportional to Z
Beam quality is unaffected
What is filtration?
Intensity decreases w filtration
Beam quality increases w filtration
Removes low energy radiation
What is attenuation?
u= linear attenuation coefficient (higher for lower energy photons) t= kg/m^2 u/p= mass attenuation coefficient, m^2kg^-1
X-ray beams are polyenergetic
What is filtration?
Result of attenuation
Beam hardening
Low energy photons- no use in image formation but contribute to patient dose
Legal requirement- 1.5mm Aluminium
What is photoelectric absorption in tissue?
Photon interacts w tightly bound inner electron
Photons energy absorbed
If energy absorbed higher than electron binding= electron emitted (photo electron)
Gap in shell filled by electron from higher shell- emits characteristic radiation
What is Compton scatter absorption in tissue?
If binding energy small= ignored As binding energy increases, interaction w whole atoms Scattering Fogging on film Patient receives dose No energy lost Wavelength remains same
What is the appropriate kV?
Most tissue similar density and Z so low kV optimises contrast
Transmission increases w kV so less mA or time which decreases patient dose
So need compromise between contrast and dose