physics 1 Flashcards
What is a fossil fuel?
A natural fuel such as coal, oil or natural gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.
How is coal formed?
Plant fossils turn into coal after many years of being pressed into layers of earth.
How is oil formed?
The sun gives energy to plants floating in the ocean. Sea creatures eat the tiny plants, die and get buried under sediment. Over time soft parts turn to oil. This is then pumped out of the ocean.
How is natural gas formed?
Sun gives energy to plants floating in the ocean. Plants die and bury. The break down to form gas. The gas is piped up for energy.
How does a steam turbine generate energy?
steam is formed when water is boiled. The steam at high pressure turns a turbine. A generator is connected to the turbine which transforms kinetic energy into electrical.
Ways of generating electricity are..
Fossil fuels, solar, tidal, wind, wave, Nuclear,Hydroelectric
What are the advantages of Oil?
It can be easily stored and transported from one place to another.
What are the advantages of Coal?
It is cheaper and more affordable.
What are the advantages of Natural gas?
Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel and a highly efficient form of energy. It has fewer impurities, is less chemically complex, and its combustion results in less pollution.
What are the disadvantages of fossil fuels?
They are not renewable energy sources. Powering plants, factories your home or car with fossil fuels leads to the release of high levels of carbon dioxide. Fossil fuels are not green sources of energy.
How is energy transferred to our homes?
Electricity is transferred from power stations to consumers through the wires and cables of the National Grid. When a current flows through a wire some energy is lost as heat. The higher the current, the more heat is lost. To reduce these losses, the National Grid transmits electricity at a low current. This needs a high voltage.
At what voltage is electricity supplied to your home?
It is produced at 22000V in a power station but step down transformers step down the voltage to 230V for your home.
What is carbon capture?
It is when CO2 is captured from the environment, stored, and pumped underground where if pressure is high, it could solidify.
What types of fuel do nuclear power stations use to release energy and what is the reaction called?
uranium, plutonium
nuclear fission.
What is biomass?
Living or once living matter.
What is the national grid?
A network of cables running across the country.
What happens when you increase voltage?
The current goes down.
What are waves?
Oscillations or vibrations of particles which transfer energy not matter.
What happens in a sound wave?
Air particles vibrate back and forth, causing compressions and rarefractions
What is wavelength?
The shortest distance between two coherent points on the same wave. E.g. the distance from peak to peak.