PHYSICISTS by Susie An Flashcards
Developed a theory that the world consisted of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms.
Formed theories concerning change in many areas of physics using deduction and logic.
also wrote Physics
(Greek)- Discovered Archimedes’ principle concerning buoyancy. According to legend, shouted “Eureka!” in his bathtub on discovering it.
Tycho Brahe
Danish astronomer,
made extensive observations of the planets. Had brass nose (lost the original in a duel). Kepler was his assistant.
And that bladder problem…
Johannes Kepler
developed the three laws of gravitation (or planetary motion)
Gailieo Galilei
Leaning Tower of Pisa: demonstrated that bodies of different weights accelerate uniformly.
Forced to recant support of Copernicus during Inquisition.
Used telescope to discover craters on the moon and the four brightest moons of Jupiter.
Evangelista Torricelli
Barometer and improved microscope and telescope.
Torr is a unit of pressure.
Christiaan Huygens
Discovered wave theory of light and invented pendulum clock.
Sir Isaac Newton
Conceived the theory of universal gravitation in Principia, (after seeing an apple fall).
Formulated three laws of motion, and foundation for modern study of optics. Formulated calculus (also formulated by Leibnitz).
Gabriel Fahrenheit (
Invented first practical mercury thermometer, Fahrenheit temp. scale in which melting point of ice is 32 and boiling point at 212.
Daniel Bernoulli
Theory of pressure of gases on walls of container.
Bernoulli’s Law/Principle on pressure and liquids and gases.
Henry Cavendish
Discovered hydrogen and water is a compound of oxygen and hydrogen. Showed that “common air” (atmosphere) is 4/5ths nitrogen and 1/5th nitrogen.
Alessandro Volta
Invented voltaic pile and electric battery. Electromagnetic unit (volt) is named in his honor.
Georg Ohm
Ohm’s Law: steady current through any portion of an electric current is directly proportional to the applied electromotive force. Ohm is unit of resistance.
Michael Faraday
Discovered electromagnetic induction. Farad-unit of capacitance named in his honor.
Christian Doppler (
Doppler effect: apparent change in the frequency of sound, light, or radio waves is caused by change in distance between source of wave and receiver.
James Clerk Maxwell
Developed mathematical explanation of electromagnetic theory of light. Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism is foundation of present day electromagnetic theory. Formulated Maxwell’s Wave Equations.
Heinrich Hertz
Discovered electromagnetic radio waves. Hertz-unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second, named in his honor.
Ernest Mach
Established study of philosophy of sciences. Known for Mach number, unit relating speed to velocity of sound
Wilhelm Roentgen
discovered x-rays for which he was awarded in 1901 the first Nobel Prize for physics.
Antoine Becquerel
Co-discoverer with Pierre and Marie Curie of natural radioactivity.
Marie and Pierre Curie
Work in radioactivity; discovered radium and polonium, the latter named after Marie’s native land.
Nobel Prize in physics in 1903
Sir Joseph John Thomson
discovered electron.
Albert Michelson &
Edward Morley
German American & American
The famous Michelson-Morley experiment showed that measurement of the speed of light is constant regardless of how fast the observer is moving.
Guglielmo Marconi
Known as “Father of Wireless Telegraphy” (radio)
Hans Wilhelm Geiger
Developed Geiger counter with Ernest Rutherford.
Ernest Rutherford
“Father of Nuclear Physics”
first explanation of radioactivity.
Best known for description of nuclear structure of atom.
Max Planck
developed quantum theory of energy.
Also known for Planck’s constant
Albert Einstein
developed theory of relativity. Nobel Prize in physics for work on photoelectric effect. Began career in Swiss patent office
Niels Bohr
Early model of the structure of the atom.
Robert Hutchings Goddard
- launched first successful liquid fueled rocket.
- “father of Modern Rocketry and Space Flight.”
- Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland is named in his honor. Known as
Werner Heisenberg (
- Nobel prize for physics for work in the development of quantum mechanics. Famous for “uncertainty principle” that holds that position and momentum of subatomic particle cannot be precisely determined at the same time.
- headed Nazi Germany atomic program.
Sir James Chadwick
discovered neutron.
Enrico Fermi
Italian American
-split atom in nuclear fission.
-Produced first chain
reaction in laboratory under the University of Chicago football stadium
J. Robert Oppenheimer
- directed construction of first atomic bomb as part of Manhattan Project.
- Known as “Father of the Atomic Bomb.”
- On witnessing the first atomic explosion at Trinity: “I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” – quote from the Bhagavad-Gita, a sacred text of ancient India.
Edward Teller
- “Father of the Hydrogen Bomb”
- Worked on Manhattan Project to develop atomic bomb.
- Model for movie Dr. Strangelove
Andrey Sakharov .
Russian)- “Father of the Soviet Hydrogen Bomb.” Won Nobel Prize for Peace for his defense of human rights and democracy.
John Bardeen…Walter Brattain…William Shockley
- Nobel Prize for development of transistor while at Bell Labs
Peter Higgs
– Nobel laureate, predicted the existence of the “God particle,” the Higgs boson, an elementary particle in the Standard Model of Particle Physics, discovered at the CERN particle accelerator in 2012
John Goodenough, Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino
won the 2019 Nobel in Chemistry for developing these ubiquitous power sources: Lithium Ion Batteries