physical uk geography Flashcards
describe north norfolk coast
rates of erosion are increased by strong prevailing winds from the north sea
exposure to weathering
soft rock
management in one location can affect other locations
depositional features
bar and lagoons
types of coastal zone managements
hold the line
advance the line
strategic realignment
do nothing
types of hard engineering
sea walls
types of soft engineering
planting vegetation
beach nourishment
offshore breakwater
cliff drainage
types of erosion
hydraulic action
hydraulic action
water breaks pieces off after it gets into cracks
rounded through bashing together
friction wears down
igneous rocks
old, formed from lava and magma
sedimentary rocks
formed from eroded sediments on the sea bed
metamorphic rocks
heated and compressed sedimentary rock
as land is uplifted, rivers erode into it creating v shaped valleys
ice ages bring glaciers to upland areas
a variety of features is left behind once it melts
upland - weathering
freeze thaw creates scree slopes
scree is unstable and moves easily in rockfalls
heavy rain increases the risk of landslides
upland - post glacial river processes
deep u shaped valleys
misfit streams
mud and silt deposited in valley bottoms making them fertile
lowland landscape - weathering
chalk is affected by chemical weathering
tree and shrub roots break up solid rock (biological weathering)
lowland - post glacial river and slope processes
rivers form on clay soils, but not on chalk
slope processes are slow (soil creep)
how does human activity change the landscape
cleared land for farming
tees exes line
from newcastle to plymouth
north of the tees exes line
older, more resistant rocks
igneous and metamorphic
upland areas
south of the tees exes line
younger, weaker sedimentary rock
easily lifted and folded
sandstone clay and chalk
rocks are pulled from the back wall as water freezes to them
scarp and vale
resistant rock, like chalk form steep escarpments
human activities - agriculture
cleared land
field boundaries
human activities - forestry
plant trees in a straight pattern, not native to the uk
human activities - settlement
straightern river to build houses, land concreted over
deposition, low frequency
erodes, high frequency
mass movement - sliding
when large sections of rock rapidly shift downslope along a straight slip plane
mass movement - rockfall
when fragments of rock break away from the cliff face and fall
mass movement - slumping
when material shifts downwards, rotating along a curved slip plane, usually as a result of becoming saturated
dissolved materials are carried along. you cannot see it
small pieces of sediment are held in the water it looks muddy
rocks bounce
rocks roll