Physical Training Flashcards
forward leaning stance (term)
preparatory position for high jumper exercise
forward leaning stance (user)
- Both
- Feet as in straddle stance
- Bend both 45°
- Knees
- Hips
- Align hands w/ torso
front leaning rest (term)
- Promotes stability in the shoulders, trunk, and hips
- Trains controlled movement to and from ground
- Resting position for the hand-release push-up
front leaning rest (user)
- Squat
- Shift body weight
- Both
- Thrust both feet
- Rearwards
- Together
- Don’t dip hips but form straight line
- Thrust both feet
half-kneeling (term)
transition position for the sitting and supine position
half-kneeling (user)
- Straddle stance
- Both
- Move one foot to the rear
- Lower body until rear knee touches the ground
preparation drill (term)
- Series of exercises reversed engineered from a combat-specific task that decrease the chance of injury in more rigorous physical training
- Increases
- Body heart rate and temperature
- Flexibility of joints and muscles
- Responsiveness of nerves and muscles
prone (term)
- Starting position for hand-release push-up
- Transition position to and from ground
prone (user)
- Front leaning rest
- Lower body to the ground
sitting (term)
transition position for certain ground exercises
sitting (user)
- Half-kneeling
- Both
- (Recommended) Do not use hands
- Sweep rear leg under the body
- Sit back onto buttocks
- Straighten both legs
- Unless transitioning to supine place hands on ground next to hips
six-point stance (term)
modified position for the front leaning rest
six-point stance (user)
- Front leaning rest
- Drop knees to ground
- Point toes to rear
squat (term)
- Promotes flexibility in the spine
- Transitional position reached when moving to and from the ground
squat (user)
- (Position of attention)
- Both
- Lower body
- Heals may be off the ground
- Place hand on ground w/
- Index finger inside the outside edge of shoulder
- Arms between knees
- Weight evenly distributed between balls of feet & hands
straddle stance (term)
preparatory position for some training exercises
straddle stance (user)
- Feet
- Directed ahead
- Shoulder width apart
supine (term)
transition position for certain ground exercises
supine (user)
- Sitting
- Both
- (Recommended) Do not use hands
- Lay back on the ground
- Align arms close to body
Standard Preparation Drill
bend and reach
rear lunge
high jumper
squat bender
forward lunge
prone row
bent-leg body twist