Physical Qualification Standards and Advisory Criteria - Hypertension Flashcards
____ and ____ are the mainstays of antihypertensive treatment regimens.
Lifestyle modification
An individual diagnosed with Stage 1 HTN (BP is _____) may be certified for _____
BP 140/90 - 159/99
One year
At recertification, an individual with stage 1 HTN with a BP =/<140/90 may be certified for _____.
One year
At recertification, an individual with stage 1 HTN whose BP is > 140/90 but <160/100 may…
Be issued a one-time certificate for 3 months
An individual diagnosed with Stage 2 HTN (BP is ______) should be…
BP 160/100 - 179/109
Treated and a one-time certificate for 3-month certification can be issued.
Once driver has reduced his/her BP to =/< 140/90, he/she may be recertified annually thereafter.
An individual diagnosed with Stage 3 HTN (BP ____) should….
BP >/= 180/110
Should not be certified until his/her BP is reduced to 140/90 or less
May be recertified q6mo thereafter
During history taking, a current diagnosis of HTN exists when…
One or more antihypertensive agents are used to control high BP.
When antihypertensive medication is being used to treat an underlying condition other than high BP, certification is based on the underlying condition and tolerance to the medication.
If initial BP reading is > 139/89, you should…
Confirm BP with a second measurement taken later during the examination
Also check pulse rate, strength, and rhythm
Factors that can cause fluctuations in BP (esp systolic)
Circadian cycle
Emotional and physical states
Transient HTN (“white coat syndrome)
Use of left vs right arm during measurement
Problems with technique
When discussing BP, you must document discussion with the driver about…
Any affirmative history (ie onset date, diagnosis, meds, any current limitations)
Potential neg effects of meds used while driving (incl OTC meds)
Any abnormal findings
Any additional tests and evaluation
The purpose of the one-time, 3 month certificate is …
To allow the driver with high BP that is an absolute indication for antihypertensive drug therapy to continue to drive while taking steps to lower the elevated BP
Is there a waiting period before certification for drivers with Stage 1 HTN?
No recommended time frame.
Maximum certification period for drivers with Stage 1 HTN
1 year (if no history of HTN and not using antihypertensive meds)
One-time for 3 months (if previous 1 year certificate for untreated HTN with no prescribed meds)
What does “one-time” mean?
You cannot issue consecutive 3-month certifiates for BP greater than 140/90. It does not mean once in a lifetime.
The driver with elevated BP or hypertension should have at least _____ medical examinations.
What stage of HTN is considered an absolute indication for antihypertensive drug therapy
Stage 2 (BP 160/100 - 179/109)
Maximum certification period for Stage 2 HTN
One time for 3 months
To qualify at f/u, BP should be at or less than 140/90
If a driver with stage 2 HTN qualifies at 3 mo follow up…
A one year certificate will be issued from the date of the initial examination (not the expiration date of the one-time 3-mo certificate)
Recommend not to certify driver with Stage 2 HTN who …
At 3mo f/u BP is still >140/90
A history of stage 3 HTN and BP >140/90
BP >180/110 regardless of any other considerations
What is the maximum certification period for a driver with a history of Stage 3 HTN?
6 months
MUST have lowered BP to <140/90 and treatment that is well tolerated
Waiting period for Secondary HTN?
3 months post-surgical correction
Once waiting period for secondary htn is satisfied, what is the maximum certification period?
1 year post-surgical correction provided BP is <140/90
Recertify annually