Physical Findings Associated with Common Respiratory Conditions Flashcards
Asthma- Inspection
Nasal Flaring
Intercostal Retractions
Asthma- Palpation
Diminished Fremitus
Occasional hyperresonance
Occasional Limited:
-Diaphragmatic Descent
- Diaphragmatic Level Lower
Asthma- Auscultation
Prolonged Expiration
Diminished Lung Sounds
Atelectasis- Inspection
Delayed and/or diminished chest wall movement, narrowed intercostal spaces on affected side
Atelectasis- Palpation
Diminished fremitus
Apical cardiac impulse- deviated ipsilaterally
Trachea deviated ipsilaterally
Atelectasis- Percussion
Dullness over affected lung
Atelectasis- Auscultation
In upper lobe, bronchial breathing, egophony, whispered pectoriloquy
In lower lobe, diminished or absent breath sounds
Wheezes, rhonchi, and crackles in varying amounts depending on extent of collapse
Bronchiectasis- Inspection
Respiratory distress
Bronchiectasis- Palpation
Few, if any, consistent findings
Bronchiectasis- Percussion
No unusual findings if there are no accompanying pulmonary disorders
Bronchiectasis- Auscultation
A variety of crackles, usually coarse, and rhonchi, sometimes disappearing after cough
Bronchitis- Inspection
Occasional tachypnea
Occasional shallow breathing
Often no deviation from expected findings
Bronchitis- Palpation
Tactile Fremitus undiminished
Bronchitis- Percussion
Bronchitis- Auscultation
Breath sounds may be prolonged.
Occasional crackles, expiratory wheezes and rhonci
COPD- Inspection
Respiratory Distress Audible wheezing Cyanosis Distention of neck veins, peripheral edema (in the presences of R-sided Heart failure) Clubbing (rarely)
COPD- Palpation
Somewhat limited mobility of diaphragm
Somewhat diminished vocal fremitus
COPD- Percussion
Occasional hyperresonance
COPD- Auscultation
Postpertussive rhonchi (sonorous wheezes) and sibilant wheezing
Inspirational crackles (best heard with stethoscope held over open mouth)
Breath sounds somewhat diminished
Emphysema- Inspection
Tachypnea Deep Breathing Pursed lips Barrel Chest Thin, underweight
Emphysema- Palpation
Apical impulse may not be felt
Liver edge displaced downward
Diminished Fremitus
Emphysema- Percussion
Limited descent of diaphragm on inspiration
Upper border of liver dullness pushed downward
Emphysema- Auscultation
Diminished breath and voice sounds with occasional prolonged expiration
Diminished audibility of heart sounds
Only occasional adventitious sounds
Pleural Effusion- Inspection
Diminished and delayed respiratory movement on affected side
Pleural Effusion- Palpation
Cardiac apical impulse shifted contralaterally
Trachea shifted contralaterally
Diminished Fremitus
Pleural Effusion- Percussion
Dullness to flatness
Hyperresonant note in area superior to effusion
Pleural Effuision- Auscultation
Diminished to absent breath sounds
Bronchophony, whispered pectoriloquy
Egophony and/or crackles in area superior to effusion
Occasional friction rub
Pneumonia consolidation- Inspection
Tachypnea Shallow breathing Flaring of alae nasi Occasional cyanosis Limited movement at times on involved side; splinting
Pneumonia Consolidation- Palpation
Increased fremitus in presence of consolidation
Decreased fremitus in presence of a concomitant empyema or pleural effusion
Pneumonia Consolidation- Percussion
Dullness if consolidation is great
Pneumonia Consolidation- Auscultation
A variety of crackles with lobar and occasional rhonchi
Bronchial Breath sounds
Egophony, bronchophony, whispered pectoriloquy
Pneumothorax- Inspection
Respiratory distress
Bulging intercostal spaces Respiratory lag on affected side
Tracheal deviation with tension pneumothorax
Pneumothorax- Palpation
Diminished to absent fremitus Cardiac apical impulse. trachea, and mediastinum shifted contralaterally Diminished to absent tactile fremitus Tachycardia Subcutaneous crepitance from air leaking
Pneumothorax- Percussion
Pneumothorax- Auscultation
Diminished to absent breath sounds
Succussion splash audible if air and fluid mix
Diminished to absent breath sounds
Sternal and precordial clicks and crackling (Hamman sign) if air underlies that area
Diminished to absent whispered voice sounds