physical features Flashcards
Andes Mountains
along the western coast of south america
Sierra Madres
occidental - along the western side of mexico going north to south
oriental - along the east side of mexico going north to south
del sur - along the southern coast of mexico`
Atacama Desert
northern part of Chile
Amazon River Basin
the entire northern section of south america, to the east of the andes
on the south eastern coast of south america, primarily in Argentina
grassland in northwestern south america, east of andes, in columbia and venezuela
Amazon Rainforest
primarily in Brazil, the entire northern section of south america
Black Forest
southwest germany
ruhr valley
western germany
po valley
northern italy
iberian peninsula
southwestern europe, spain and portugal
scandinavian peninsula
northern europe, norway sweden and finland
italian peninsula
southern europe
jutland peninsula
northern europe, denmark
south-central europe, spanning several countries
mountains forming a border between spain and france
northern european plain
from southern united kingdom east to russia, central europe
danube river
central and eastern europe, empties into black sea
rhine river
begins in switzerland and runs through germany and the netherlands, northwestern europe
northern france
volga river
runs through central russia to northeast russia, largest river in europe
adriatic sea
bordered in the west by the italian peninsula, and in the east by the balkan peninsula
aegean sea
between greece and turkey
mediterranean sea
between europe, north africa, and western asia
baltic sea
northern europe, sweden in the west and mainland europe to the east
black sea
southeastern europe, between europe and asia, turkey in the south
north sea
between the british isles and the mainland of northwestern europe
strait of gibraltar
between southern spain and northwestern africa, connects atlantic to mediterranean
mississippi river
from the gulf of mexico to minnesota through the us going north to south
st lawrence river
flows northeast from lake ontario to the gulf of st lawrence, north atlantic ocean
colorado river
from the rocky mountains in colorado to the gulf of california in mexico, grand canyon
columbia river
starts in columbia lake in canada and flows south to the pacific ocean in oregon
rio grande river
starts in the rocky mountains in colorado to the gulf of mexico, forms border between us and mexico
gulf of mexico
bordered by the united states in the north and mexico in the west, with the island of cuba to the southeast
great lakes
on the united states-canada border in the east
hudson bay
east-central canada
aleutian islands
part of alaska, stem off of the west of alaska, with russia in the west, between russia and alaska
hawaiian archipelago
central pacific ocean
appalachian mountains
eastern united states
pacific coastal range
from northern washington to southern california along the west coast of the us
basin and range
southwestern us
rocky mountains
western canada down into northwestern us
great plains
through central north america, in the united states and canada
interior lowlands
between the appalachian mountains and the great plains
atlantic and gulf coastal plain
from the northeastern coast of the us down to the gulf coast of texas
canadian shield
eastern, northeastern, and east-central canada and the upper midwest us
grand canyon
atlas mountains
mountain range in north africa
taurus mountains
southern turkey
zagros mountains
southwestern iran
red sea
between north africa and asia, egypt sudan in the west and saudi arabia in the east
arabian sea
between india and the arabian peninsula, northern part of indian sea
persian/arabian gulf
between the arabian peninsula and iran
strait of hormuz
between united arab emirates and iran, connects persian gulf to gulf of oman
bosporus strait
located in turkey, connects the black sea to the marmara
north africa
dardanelles strait
northwestern turkey, connects marmara to the aegen sea
nile river
runs through northeastern africa
tigris river
southwestern asia, parallel to euphrates river
euphrates river
western asia, parallel to tigris river
jordan river
southwestern asia in middle east region, seperates jordan from israel and seperates israel from syria
kalahari desert
southern africa
namib desert
southwestern africa
zambezi river
flows through southern africa into the indian ocean
niger river
west africa
congo river
west-central africa
lake victoria
africa in tanzania kenya and uganda
lake tanganyika
southeastern africa, mainly in the drc and tanzania
ural mountains
in russia, form a boundary between europe and asia
volga river
northwest russia, longest river in europe
ob river
central russia
amur river
forms the border between northeast china and southeast russia
lake baikal
southeast siberia
caspian sea
between eastern europe and western asia
aral sea
central asia, between kazakhstan in the north and uzbekistan in the south
bering strait
seperates russia and alaska at their closest point
across the northeastern part of india, across the south of china
western and eastern ghats
western - west coast of india
eastern - east coast of india
mount fuji
southwest of tokyo in japan
bay of bengal
northeastern part of the indian ocean
ganges river
starts in western himalayas and flows down through india and into the bay of bengal
indus river
northwestern india and pakistan
brahmaputra river
southwestern china, northeastern india, and bangladesh
yangtze river
through central china
mekong river
southeast asia
yellow river
northern china
the great dividing range
eastern australia
great barrier reef
off the coast of queensland, australia
europe and asia
region in north-central africa
between the black sea and caspian sea