physical exams near/musc Flashcards
back pain
gait heel to toe
inspection scoliosis seats, palpation, rom
neuro: lower limb, motor, sensory DTRs, peripheral pulses
straight leg test Babinski
arm pain
musc- inspection palpation, rom - elbow shoulder wrist joint
neuro: motor, sensory DTRs, peripheral pulses
calf pain
musc- inspection palpation, rom - hip, knee, elbow, peripheral pulses, dorsalis pedis pulse posterior tibial pulse
extremities - inspection palpation
neck pain
musc- inspection palpation, rom neck special tests
spurling test, lhermitte test
upper limb neuro: neuro: motor, sensory DTRs, peripheral pulses
HENT: fundoscopic temporal mandibular joint, sinuses.NECK!
neuro: cranial nerves, motor +babinksi, DTR
hearing loss
back turned hearing test + HENT+ webber + rinnes test
fundoscopic, nystagmus
optional full neuro+ heel to shin/ finger to nose + cranial nerves
HENT:+ webber + rinnes test
fundoscopic, nystagmus
neuro: CN, motor, sensory, DTR +babinski, Romberg gait, dixhallpike
knee pain
musc : lower limb +upper limb inspection palpation, rom effusion, crepitus, peripheral pulses
blood culture systemic arthritis systemic symptoms present anti-ccpRA + xray hands pelvic axam cervical culture xray knee knee aspiration culture stain analysis ANA antiDsdna cbc with differentials
Heel pain
foot: inspection- non weight bearing , weight bearing, walking. palpation, achilles tendon, retrocalcaneal bursitis , medial calcaneal tuberosity, plantar fasciitis, ROM- ankle knee, hip.
neuro: motor, sensory, dtr peripheral pulses * great toe extension
heel pain differential
plantar fasciitis- pain with dorsiflexion, worse morning gradual onset, worse first steps, tenderness medial calcaneal tuberosity, overuse, excessive weight tx analgesic orthotics, night splinting
calcneal fracture- jumping running athlete, repatitive use diffuse heal pain , osteopenia risk factor, refactory to conservative treatment
achilles tendonitis: pain with dorsiflexion, posterior heel pain, tender achilles
retrocalcaneal bursitis- ill fitting shoe poster heel pain
tarsal tunnel- pain went, reproducible with percussion, dorsiflexion of foot
foreign body
ankle sprain - popping
xray ankle/foot
MRI ankle/foot
forgetfulness/ confusion
neuro: mini mental, cn, motor +babinksi sensory, DTR, gait, heel toe
neuro: mini mental cn, motor+ Babinski sensory, DTR, gait heel toe
cardiovascular: palpation, auscultation, orthostatic vitals
neuro- only 3x orientation, cranial nerves, motor sensory, DTR cerebellum, Romberg, gait
DM follow up
HENT: eyes fundoscopic exam,
CV: palpation, auscultation
musc- inspect feet peripheral pulses
neuro: motor+ Babinski, sensory, vibration sense, position sense
HTN follow up
cv- carotid auscultation, auscultation, palpation
HENT: eyes fundoscopic exam
neuro : lower limb motor+ Babinski sensory, DTR, peripheral pluses- could do all