Physical Exams Flashcards
head and neck
-------------------Sit \+T/L \+Pulm inspect head/scalp inspect/palpate sinuses open/close jaw EOMI accommodation PERLA inspect nose/nares inspect mouth /lips/tongue/pharynx inspect ear otoscopic exam of tympanic membrane Weber Rhine inspect neck palpate lymph nodes of neck inspect/palpate thyroid traps ----------------lay down cervicals CRI \+Cardio \+Abd
----------------sitting \+Pulm \+T/L eye inspection EOMI accommodation confrontation cover/uncover Snellen (turn off lights) PERRL corneal reflection opthalmascope: red reflex, anterior, optic disc --------------------Lay down cervical CRI \+Cardio \+Abd
central neuro
------------------Stand rhomberg/pronator drift ------------------Sit observe general appearance EOMI trigeminal nerve (open/close mouth, 3 areas) facial nerve (raise eyebrows, smile, frown, show teeth, puff cheeks, close eyes/resist) say ah stick out tongue acoustic rubbing rhine/webber shrug shoulders/turn head (+resistance) rapid alternating mvmts point to point mvmts \+Pulm \+T/L ---------------------Lay OA cervical CRI \+Cardio \+Abd
peripheral neuro
upper muscle strength (forearm f/e, wrist ext, finger flex, aBd)
Hoffmans (flick middle finger)
lower muscle strength (hip F, knee ex, foot d/p flex, toe extend)
DTR (babinski, achilles, patellar, bi, brachio, tri)
upper dermatomes (shoulder, outer forearm, thumb, pinky, inner forearm)
ankle clonus (dorsi foot)
lower dermatomes (front thigh, med/lat calves, little toes)
—————lay down
cardiac exam
--------------lay down OA pecs stand on R side ribs diaphragm inspect chest PMI auscultate (4) diaphragm auscultate (4) bell auscultate carotid arts (bell) check for JVD (+measure) arterial pulses (radial, ulnar, brachioradialis, abdominal aortic, femoral, dorsalis pedis, post tibial) \+Abd -----------------sit Thoracic ROM \+T/L \+Pulm
pulm exam
--------------sit \+T/L thoracic ROM inspect post auscultate (8) (b/d) palpate respiration auscultate (8) percuss post (8) tactile fremitus (99) (8) egophony (eeee) (8) ---------------lay OA upper ribs clavicle motion sternum lower ribs diaphragm inspect anterior auscultate 8 ant (d/b) \+Cardio \+Abd
periph vasc exam
-------------------sitting \+Pulm \+T/L thoracic outlet ------------------lay inspect extremities palpate extremities (+cap refill) check pulses (brachial, radial, femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, post tibial) check AA + auscultate AA inspect leg veins \+cardio \+Abd
upper extremity exam
-------------sitting \+Pulm \+T/L inspect shoulder palpate shoulder shoulder active passive ROM clavicle F/E Spurlings Adsons apprehension drop arm empty can Neers Speeds Yergason infra/teres minor subscap Hawkins-Kennedy inspect wrist palpate wrist wrist active/passive ROM Finklestein's Phalens Tinels -----------------------lay down cervicals upper ribs palpate/ROM clavicles labral grind (crank) test clunk test \+Cardio \+Abd
lower extremity
---------------------standing gait Childress test --------------------sit up \+pulm \+T/L --------------------lay down \+Cardio \+Abd *reset ASIS compression ASIS/PSIS psoas piriformis tenderness Fabere Fair knee inspection knee palpation milk knee patella ballottement apprehension test patellar grind fibular head ant/post drawer Lachman's McMurry's syndesmosis squeeze test bounce home test inspect ankle palpate ankle + plantar fascia ankle active/passive ROM ant drawer talar tilt test -----------------------prone Thompson test Apley's
male urogenital exam
-------------------sit \+pulm \+T/L seated flexion --------------------lay \+cardio \+Abd *reset* ASIS compression ASIS/PSIS *GLOVES* inspect above palpate above evaluate hernia inspect penis/test/epid palpate penis/test/epid inspect below ---------------------LLR sacral bases/ILAs inspect/palpate anus rectal and prostate exam hemoccult
supraspinatus test
empty can
infraspinatus/teres minor test
elbow F, ER
resist outside rotation
subscapularis test
elbow F, IR
resist inward rotation
drop arm test
passively abduct shoulder
tell pt to lower
apprehension test (shoulder)
aB, ER
ant force on post shoulder