Physical Exams Flashcards
What are some things that can be found using an external PE?
- General: No acute distress, well developed & well nourished.
- Eyes: PERRL
- ENT: moist mucosa
- Neck: supple
- Respiratory: no respiratory distress
- Skin: warm and dry
- Neuro: alert and oriented
- Psych: normal affect
What are the 11 body systems reviewed in a PE?
- General/constitutional
- Eyes
- Neck
- Cardiovascular
- Respiratory
- Abdominal
- Extremities
- Skin
- Neurological
- Psychiatric
What are normal cardiac findings in a PE?
RRR, no murmurs, rubs, or gallops. Distal pulses intact.
What are normal findings when auscultating the lungs?
Clear to auscultation bilaterally, no wheezes, rales, or ronchi.
What are normal findings when palpating the abdomen?
Soft, non tender. Non distended. No guardig, rebound, or rigidity.
What are normal findings when examining the legs?
No edema, distal pulses intact.
What is a physician looking for when he…examines the throat?
Pharyngeal erythema or exudates
What is a physician looking for when he…examines the inner ear?
TM erythema or bulging
What is a physician looking for when he…auscultates the abdomen?
Hyper/hypo active bowel sounds
What is a physician looking for when he…touches the wrists?
Radial pulses
What is a physician looking for when he…squeezes the calves?
Calf tenderness
What is a physician looking for when he…pounds on the back?
CVA tenderness
In a general/constitutional exam, what is the opposite/abnormal finding of NAD?
Mild/moderate/severe distress (due to pain)
In a general/constitutional exam, what is the opposite/abnormal finding of well developed and well nourished?
In a general/constitutional exam, what is the opposite/abnormal finding of alert?
Somnolent, obtunded (blocked airway and unresponsive), unresponsive
In a PE of the head, what is the abnormal finding of AT/NC?
Any signs of trauma, sinus tenderness, angioedema
In a PE of the eyes, what is the abnormal finding of PERRL?
Anisocoria (unequal pupils)
In a PE of the eyes, what is the abnormal finding of EOMI?
EOM entrapment
In a PE of the eyes, what is the abnormal finding of sclera are anicteric?
Scleral icterus (yellow eyes)
In a PE of the eyes, what is the abnormal finding of normal conjunctiva?
Pale conjunctiva, conjunctival infection (red and blood shot)
In a PE of the eyes, what is the abnormal finding of clear anterior chamber?
Hyphema (blood in anterior chamber of eye)
In a PE of the eyes, what is the abnormal finding of sharp disc margins?
Papilledema (optic disc swelling)
In a PE of the eyes, what is the abnormal finding of normal cornea?
Corneal abrasion/ulcerations, fluorescein uptake, or foreign body
What instrument is used in a fundoscopic internal eye exam?
What instrument is used in a PE of the external eye?
Woods lamp or fluorescein
What instrument is used in a PE of the ears?
In a PE of the ears, What is the abnormal finding of a normal TM?
TM erythema, TM bulging, TM dullness, TM obscured by cerumen (ear wax)
In a PE of the nose, what is the abnormal finding of normal nares (nostrils)
Epistaxes, rhinorrhea, boggy turbinates (swollen inner nose), septal hematoma
In a PE of the mouth/throat, what is the abnormal finding of moist mucous membranes?
Dry mucous membranes (DMM)
In a PE of the mouth/throat, what is the abnormal finding of oropharynx (OP) normal?
Pharyngeal erythema, tonsillar exudate, tonsillar hypertrophy, peritonsillar abscess (PTA)
In a PE of the mouth/throat, what is the abnormal finding of normal dentition?
Edentulous (missing teeth), dental caries (cavities)
In a PE of the neck, what is the abnormal finding of supple?
Nuchal rigidity, meningismus, limited ROM, JVD, carotid bruit, cervical lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph), thyromegaly, vertebral point vs para spinal tenderness
In a PE of the cardiovascular, what is the abnormal finding of a regular rate?
Tachycardia (>100 bpm) or bradycardia (<60 bpm)
In a PE of the cardiovascular, what is the abnormal finding of a regular rhythm?
Irregular irregular rhythm
In a PE of the cardiovascular, what is the abnormal finding of heart sounds normal?
Murmurs, rubs, or gallops, or extrasystoles (extra beats)
In a PE of the perfusion rates, what is the abnormal finding of pulses equal and symmetric?
Unequal pulses
In a PE of the perfusion rates, what is the abnormal finding of capillary refill <2 sec?
Delayed capillary refill
What is the pulse grading scale?
0 absent 1+ barely palpable 2+ easily palpable 3+ full 4+ bounding/aneurysmal
In a PE of the pulmonary, what is the abnormal finding of no respiratory distress?
Mild/moderate/severe respiratory distress
In a PE of the pulmonary, what is the abnormal finding of normal respiratory rate?
In a PE of the pulmonary, what is the abnormal finding of normal effort?
Accessory muscle use
In a PE of the pulmonary, what is the abnormal finding of breath sounds clear and equal?
Wheezes (inspiratory or expiratory) rales, ronchi
In a PE of the abdomen, what is the abnormal finding of soft?
Rigid (involuntary guarding)
In a PE of the abdomen, what is the abnormal finding of non tender?
Mild/mod/severe tenderness, voluntary guarding
In a PE of the abdomen, what is the abnormal finding of no peritoneal signs?
Rebound tenderness, rigidity
In a PE of the abdomen, what is the abnormal finding of normal bowel sounds ?
Absent/hypo/hyper active bowel sounds
In a PE of the abdomen, what is the abnormal finding of non distended?
What is Murphy’s sign?
Palpating abd for gall bladder tenderness in RUQ
What is positive mc burneys pt?
2/3 of way b/t superior iliac crest and epigastrium
What is positive obturators sign?
Knee to chest
What is positive rovsings sign?
Palpate LLQ that causes inc. pain in RLQ
What are the 4 signs for appendicitis?
- Mc burneys point
- Positive psoas sign
- Positive obturators sign
- Positive rovsings sign
A normal rectal exam is…
Heme negative (guaiac)
What is a rectal prolapse?
Rectum protruding from anus
What does it mean when something is thrombosed?
Actively bleeding
What is. Decreased rectal tone indicative of?
Spinal cord injury
What is important to document during a male or female genital exam?
Female/male chaperone present
Adnexal tenderness or mass is an abnormal finding for what female genital exam?
Normal external genitalia?
Cervical motion tenderness, uterine tenderness is an abnormal finding for what?
Normal bimanual exam
Abnormal findings in a genital exam are?
- Testicular tenderness
- Epididymal tenderness
- Testicular edema
- Testicular mass
- Urethral discharge
- Inguinal hernia
What is a normal MS finding?
FROM, non tender
What does distal CSMT stand for?
Circulation, sensory, motor, tendon
What is abnormal FROM?
Decreased ROM 2 degrees, pain
What is pitting pedal Edema and how is it measured?
When palpating leaves a “pit” in the skin. Measured from trace to 4+
What are palpable cords/homans sign indicative of?
What is homans sign?
Pain in calves when pointing toes
Para spinal tenderness is indicative of what?
Muscular injury
Vertebral point tenderness is indicative of what?
Spinal injury
CVA tenderness is indicative of what?
Midline deformities/ step offs are indicative of what?
Spinal Injury/trauma
Cyanotic skin is
Blue (hypoxia)
Urticaria are
Petechiae/purpura is
A dangerous rash
Increased warmth
Induration is indicative of…
Fluctuance comes from
An abscess
Streaking visible infection
Similar to skin tear but no longer there (older PT)
Normal neuro is
A&O x4 (person, place, time, event)
What do you document when deep tendon reflexes are normal?
DTR 2+ and equal
What do you document when all cranial nerves intact?
CN II-XII intact
What do you document with normal walking?
Norm gait
What do u document when motor strength is normal?
Motor strength 5/5 and symmetric
Difficulty speaking
Decreased sensation
How do you measure Motor strength?
0/5-5/5 (flaccid to normal)
What is a positive babinski?
Toes fan out and up (normal is fanning down)
What is positive Romberg?
PT stands and closes eyes and sees if off balance
Vertical nystagmus
Eyes shake
What are 2 abnormal psych findings for normal speech?
Tangential and pressured speech
Battles sign is indicative of what kind of trauma?
Bleeding behind ears…head trauma
If the physician notes bruising across the abdomen after an MVA, what will he verbalize to you?
Positive seatbelt sign
Why is it important to note “crying with tears” in a pediatric exam?
It indicates hydration
MAE X4 means what in a pediatric exam?
Moves all 4 extremities
What is the most important thing to know when examining an abnormal pediatric pt?
Never document an abnormal finding unless the physician tells you to do so.
Why is it important to document no scleral icterus in an abdominal exam?
It rules out liver failure
Normal finger-nose-finger