Physical Examination Preparation Guidelines Flashcards
A complete health assessment generally conducted from head to toe
Physical Examination
what type of data does a physical exam present?
TRUE OR FALSE: for physical examinations, the examiner must have technical skills to be effective.
FALSE: The examiner must have both technical skills
and knowledge base to be effective.
Performed in organized manner
basic techniques
what are the basic techniques?
- Inspection
- Palpation
- Percussion
- Auscultation
TRUE OR FALSE: the basic techniques Must be done in a sequential manner in
all parts of the body except the
what is the order of the techniques used for the abdomen?
- Inspection
- Auscultation
- Percussion
- Palpation
hospital room
patient’s home
it should be warm, private, and free from distractions, and interruptions
● Determine best method for communication
● Patient may be asked to sign a consent form
● Patient should empty bladder in most cases
● Show patient how to put gown on
● Leave patient to undress in privacy
● Drapes preserve privacy and provide warmth
preparation and privacy
TRUE OR FALSE: Many patients experience anxiety during physical examinations
what are the equipments needed for all examinations
what are the equipments needed for vital signs?
● Sphygmomanometer
● Stethoscope
● Watch with second hand
● Thermometers
what are the equipments needed for skin, hair, and nail examination?
● Ruler
● Wood light
● Magnifying glass
what are the equipments needed for head and neck examination?
● Small cup of water
these tools are required for what type of examination?
● Penlight
● Ophthalmoscope
● Cover card
● Newspaper
● Snellen Chart
● Rosenbaum Pocket Screener
eye examination
what are the equipments needed for ear examination?
● Otoscope
● Tuning fork
what are the equipments needed for mouth, nose, throat, and sinus examination?
● Tongue depressor
● Penlight
● Otoscope (with wide tip attachment)
● Piece of small gauze
what are the equipments needed for thoracic and lung examination?
● Stethoscope
● Ruler (with centimeter markings)
● Marking Pencils
what are the equipments needed for heart and neck vessel examinations?
● Stethoscope (bell and diaphragm)
● Two-centimeter ruler
● Marking pencils
these tools are need for what examination?
● Stethoscope
● Tape measure (with centimeter markings)
● Two small pillows
● Marking pencils
abdominal examination
these tools are needed for what type of examination?
● Vaginal speculum (with lubricant)
● Cotton applicator
● Bifid spatula
● Slide and specimen container
Female Genitalia Examination
what are the equipments needed for anus, rectum, and prostate examination?
● Clean gloves
● Specimen containers
● Lubricating jelly
these are the equipments needed for what examination?
● Paper clips
● Stethoscope
● Flexible tape measure
● Cotton balls
● Tuning forks
● Sphygmomanometer
● Doppler Ultrasound probe blood
Peripheral Vascular Examination
what are the equipments needed for musculoskeletal examination?
● Goniometer
● Tape measure
these tools are needed for _______ examination
● Paper clips
● Cotton wisp
● Tuning fork
● Tongue depressor
● Reflex hammer
● Soap, coffee, vinegar, salt, sugar, lemon, and pickle juice
neurological examination
● Hand Hygiene
● Gloves
● Mask, Eye Protection, Face Shield
● Gown
● Patient Care Equipment
● Environmental Control
● Linen
● Occupational Health and Blood-Borne Diseases
● Patient Placement
this position is for evaluating the skin, head, and neck; eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and throat; back; posterior thorax and lungs; anterior thorax and lungs; breast; axillae; heart; peripheral vasculature; musculoskeletal; neurological.
sitting position
this position is For evaluating the head, neck, chest, breasts, axillae, abdomen, heart, lungs and all extremities.
Supine Position / Horizontal Recumbent
this position is for evaluating the head, neck, chest, axillae, lungs, heart, extremities, breasts and peripheral pulses; female genitalia.
Dorsal Recumbent Position
this position is for rectal and vaginal area assessment
Sim’s Position
this position is for assessment of posture, balance and gait; and male genitalia
standing position
this position is for hip, joint and back assessment
prone position
this position is for examining rectum and prostate
knee-chest position
this position is for examining female genitalia, reproductive tracts, and the rectum
Lithotomy Position
this position is when a Patient is sat up in a 60-90 degree position; Legs may be bent or straight. It is also suggested for feeding and feeding tube insertion, for taking upright X-rays at the bedside, and for dependent draining following abdominal or pulmonary surgery.
High-Fowler’s Position
this position is when a patient’s Head and torso are elevated at 30-45 degrees.
semi-fowler’s position
this position is for evaluating skin, thorax and lungs
side lying position/lateral
- poor wound healing seen in diabetic patients
- results in foul odor and loss in integrity of the affected limb
What is the reason for the use of IAPerPal for abdominal examination?
To ensure that the bowel movements of the patient will not be affected at first to provide more accurate assessment