Physical Exam Flashcards
introduce self to patient, wash hands, general assessment, note height, weight, temp, take pulse, resp rate, BP, inspect skin, palpate skin (turgor,texture,temp)
inspect facial features, inspect hair/scalp/skull, test facial muscle function (CNVII), test light touch on face (CNV, sensory), palpate facial bones and sinuses, palpate TMJ, ROM of TMJ, palpate masseter muscle (CNV, motor), palpate hair, scalp, skull
inspect external eyes, test visual acuity (CNII), assess depth of anterior chamber, check corneal light reflection, test direct pupillary light reflex, test consensual pupillary light reflex, test extraocular movements, test accomadation, do opthalmoscopic exam(red reflex/fundus)
check hearing (CN VIII), inspect external ear, palpate external ear, otoscopic exam,
inspect external nose, test nasal patency bilaterally, palpate external nose, nasal speculum exam,
inspect lips, gums, mucosa, teeth, tonsils, ask pt to say Ah (CN IX/X), test tongue protrusion/side to side, palpate oral cavity (gloved/bimanual)
inspect (thyroid, trachea, JVD), ask pt to perform ROM, lateral neck rotation against resistance, shoulder shrug against resistance, palpate cervical lymph nodes, palpate carotids B/L, auscultate carotids B/L, palpate tracheal position (from front), palpate thyroid gland (from back)
Upper Extremities
inspect UE, palpate shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, and finger landmarks, check shoulder ROM, shoulder abduction and adduction against resistance, check elbow ROM, elbow flexion/extension against resistance, check wrist ROM, wrist flexion/extension against resistance, test grip strength, extend/spread fingers
body habitus/skin, note breathing pattern, chest symmetry, excursion/expansion, palpate posterior and lateral thorax, percuss posterior/lateral lung fields, fist percussion of spine and CVAs, auscultate posterior and lateral lungs, inspect/palpate/percuss/auscultate anterior chest
Pt seated: inspect chest wall for PMI, auscultate heart with diaphragm then the bell
Pt supine: inspect chest wall for PMI, palpate precordium (PMI/lifts), auscultate with diaphragm/bell, palpate axillary lymph nodes
inspect, auscultate four quadrants, auscultate aorta for bruits, percuss, percuss liver size in RUQ, palpate four quadrants lightly/then deeply, palpate liver in RUQ, palpate spleen in LUQ, palpate for kidneys, palpate abdominal aorta for size, palpate ingunail nodes, femoral pulses, and for femoral hernias, auscultate femoral arteries
Lower extremities
Pt supine: inspect hips/legs, palpate popliteal fossa(pulse, aneurysm, and cyst), palpate calf and achilles tendon, palpate ankle/foot for edema, palpate posterior tibial pulse, palpate dorsalis pedis pulse, check hip ROM
Pt seated: hip flexion against resistance, knee flexion/extension against resistance, check ankle ROM, ankle dorsiflexion/plantarflexion against resistance, check toe flexion and extension
Pt standing: inspect spinal curvature, inspect spine ROM
Pt Standing: romberg test, pronator drift, observe pts gait, obesrve heel-to-toe walking
Pt seated: note behavior, orientation and level of consciousness, check recent memory (give 3 words to memorize), check remote memory (3 events), check calculations (serial 7’s), finger to nose B/L, heel to shin B/L, light touch and pain sensory testing, biceps/triceps/brachioradialis/knee/achilles DTRs, plantar reflex B/L (babinskis)