Physical Education And Health Flashcards
Generally refers to any physical activity where there is more muscle exertion then what the body is used to thus increasing the body’s energy level and heart rate
Why do people exercise ?
The basic aim of exercise is to improve or maintain one’s level of physical fitness and overall health
Benefits of P.E.M.S and it’s meaning
3 classification of exercise
Muscle strengthening
Bone strengthing
Makes your heart beat faster than usual you also brearh harder in doing this type of activity over time regular makes your heart and lungs to stronger and able to work better
Aerobic exercise
Improve the strength power and endurance of your muscles doing push ups and sit ups lifting weights climbing stairs and digging in the garden are example of ?
Muscle strengthening
Your feet legs or arms supports your body’s weight and their muscles push against your bones this helps make your bones strong running walking jumping rope and lifting weights are example of ?
Bone strengthing exercise
Also can be aerobic depending on whether they make your heart and lungs work harder than usual for example running is both an aerobic activity and a bone strengthening activity
Muscle strengthening and bone strengthening exercise
Refers to how many times you engage in any physical activity in a week
Refers to how hard your body is working during an exercise
Refers to the duration of your exercise
Refers to the type of exercise you do low moderate or vigorous
The frequency intensity time and type of exercise are related to one another
A fact
The amount of body fat muscle bone and other tissues that make up our body
Body composition