Physical Development Flashcards
What is growth
This is a variable across different parts of the body and is an increase in some measured quantity such as height,weight or other dimensions
What is development
Complex changes that follow an orderly sequence including in skills abilities and capabilities
What are the key features of infancy
•grow rapidly approximately half the adult height
• around one years old they can walk
• at two years old, they can run
What are the key features of early childhood?
•Continue to go out steady pace
• continue develop strength and coordination
What are the key features of adolescence?
• growth spurts
• develop sexual characteristics during puberty
What are the key features of early adulthood?
Reach the peak of their physical fitness
What are the key features of middle adulthood?
•Aging process begins
•Some loss of strength and stamina
•Women go through menopause
What are the key features of later adulthood?
• aging process continues
• Loss of mobility
• loss of height
What is principles of growth?
During infancy and early childhood,children grow rapidly and this is monitored by health visitor to make sure baby is growing correctly.
This is measured on the centre chart to make sure the child is meeting their milestones
What is principles of development?
Development happens:
•From head to toe -an infant first control head then their body and finally legs
•From inside to outside -an infant controls movements in the body first then arms and legs until finally the small muscles in their fingers
What is a milestone?
An ability achieved by most children by a certain age for example walking
What is a milestone?
An ability achieved by most children by a certain age for example walking
What are gross motor skills?
Large movements that involve using the large muscles in the body for example rolling over
What are fine motor skills?
Smaller movements which require precise direction and involves small muscles for example picking up a pencil between the finger and thumb
What are the four development milestones for infant?
Sitting up=6mths
Cruising =8-10mths
Walking 12-13mths [1yr]
What is a palmer grasp?
When an object is placed in an infants hands, the fingers will close and they will grasp it [appears at birth under until five or six months]
What is a pincer grasp?
Use the index finger, middle finger and thumb to pick up an object [occurs at 9 to 12 months]
What is a tripod grasp?
Uses index finger and middle finger
Around 3-4yrs
Good pencil skills and fastening buttons on clothes
What is puberty?
A period of rapid change and growth which young people reach sexual maturity and become biologically able to reproduce and sexual characteristics develop
What does hormones?
Chemical substances produced in the body transported into the bloodstream that control and regulate body cells
What are primary sexual characteristics?
Changes under development of reproductive organs
What is secondary sexual characteristics?
Outward/external signs of development
What are the primary sexual characteristics of a female?
• uterus enlarges
• vagina lengthens
• ovaries release eggs
• menstrual cycle
What are the secondary sexual characteristics of a female?
• Breast develop and areola swell and darkens
• hair grow in armpits and pubic area
• Re distribution of body fat causing hips to widen
What are the primary sexual characteristics of a male?
• enlargement of penis and testes
• Spontaneous erections in penis
• Testes produce sperm, beginning of ejaculation
What are the secondary sexual characteristics of a male?
• changes in the larynx causing voice to deepen
• hair growing armpits and pubic area facial hair
• redistribution of muscle tissue and fat
What are the main functions of primary and secondary sexual characteristics?
• Act as desirable characteristics that a mate me look for
• they signal reproduction
What are the female hormones?
• oestrogen and progesterone
• produced in ovaries
• responsible for menstruation and ovulation
What are the male hormones?
• testosterone
• produced by the testes
• Similar sperm production
• responsible for development of secondary sexual characteristics eg voice deepens
What happens in perimenopause?
Oestrogen levels decrease causing ovaries to stop producing an egg each month. This causes physical and emotional symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweat, mood swings, loss of libido and vaginal joiners.
What is maturity?
To have fully developed and physically grown (physically intellectually emotionally socially)
What are the physical strength peaks of people in early adulthood stage?
• physical strength and stamina at its peak
• sexual characteristics are fully developed
• women are Most fertile and become pregnant and lactate(breastfeed)
• full height is reached
• reaction times quickest