Physical Chemistry A2 Flashcards
Enthalpy change.
- ionic substances are made of charged particles which attract each other electrostatically.
- lattice enthalpy - the enthalpy change when one mole of solid ionic lattice forms from its gaseous ions under standard conditions.
- standard enthalpy of formation - the enthalpy chane when one mole of a compound is formed from its constituent elements in their standard states.
- standard enthalpy of atomisation - the enthalpy change when one mole of gaseous atoms is formed from its elements in its standard state.
- ionisations energies (1st and 2nd) - the enthalpy change when one mole of gaseous ions is formed.
- electron affinities (1st and 2nd) - the enthalpy change when one mole of a gaseous ion is formed.
Born - Haber cycles for dissolving.
- there is an energy change when we dissolve a solid called the standard enthalpy change of solution.
- this process can be broken down into two steps; lattice breakdown and hydration.
- the size and charge of an ion affects the magnitude of the enthalpy change of the lattice enthalpy and the standard enthalpy change of hydration - the smaller and more highly charged the ions are the greater the magnitudes.
- we can use Born-Haber cycles relating to solution and hydration.
Predicting enthalpy changes.
- enthalpy changes alone are not enough for predicting whether reactions will happen.
- entropy must also be considered, it is a measure of the disorder and total entropy always increases.
- ΔS(system) is given by: ΔS(system) = ΣS⦵(products) - ΣS⦵(reactants)
- calculating ΔS(surroundings): ΔS(surroundings) = -ΔH / T
- calculating ΔS(total): ΔS(total) = ΔS(system) + ΔS(surroundings)
- we can predict entropy changes to the system based on increases or decreases in the number of ways we can organise the system and the energy in it (disorder).
Free energy.
- the Gibbs’ equation is given by: ΔG = ΔH - TΔS(system).
- We can rearrange the Gibbs’ equation and show: - (ΔG / T) = ΔS(total)
- So if ΔG is negative the reaction will be feasible.
- When ΔG = 0 the system is in an equilibrium.
- the Gibbs’ equation doesn’t tell us everything, kinetic factors like the activation energy and rate of reaction mean some reactions don’t happen spontaneously.
Rate equations.
- A rate of reaction tells us hoe fast a reaction is happening.
- It is usually calculated by: rate of reaction = change in concentration of reactant or product / change in time.
- the order of a reagent tells us how its concentration affects the rate of reaction.
- we can express the relationship between the concentration of reagents and the rate of reaction with the rate equation: rate = k[A][B][C]*
- the overall order of a reaction given by the sum of all te orders of the reagents.
- we can use experimental data where we vary concentrations and measure the rate to find the orders of reagents.
Rate constant.
- we can qualitatively explain how temperature affects the rate of reaction and rate constant.
- we have met the arrhenius equation which shows the exponential relationship between temperature and rate constant: k = Ae -(Ea / RT).
- we can determine A and Ea graphically using: In(k) = In(A) -(Ea / RT).
Concentration time graphs and half-life.
- we can find the rate of reaction from a concentration-time graph by measuring the gradient.
- if the concentration-time graph is a straight line, the reactant that is changing concentration is zero order.
- if the concentration-time graph is a curved line, the reactant that is changing concentration is first order.
- the half-life is the time taken for the concentration to half and is constant for the first order reactions.
- we can determine the rate constant, k, from the half-life of a first order reaction using: k = (ln2 / t1/2).
Clock reactions.
- we know a clock reaction is a reaction with an obvious end point so we can measure the reaction time.
- we’ve met the iodine clock reaction and understand how to carry this out.
- we can use 1/time as a measure of the rate.
Rate-concentration graphs.
- we can recognise that rate-concentration graphs for reactions of order: 0, 1 and 2.
- we can find the rate contant from a first order graph by taking the gradient.
- we can use data from second order graphs and the rate equation to find the rate constant.
Rate determining steps.
- we know a reaction mechanism is the steps that make up our overall reaction.
- we know an intermediate is a species created in the mechanism which is then used up again.
- we know that rate-determining step is the slowest step in the reaction mechanism and controls the rate.
- we can predict the rate-determining step.
- we can suggest possible mechanisma consistent with the rate equation and overall reaction equation.
Equilibrium and Kp.
- partial pressures are the pressure a particular species of gas would exert on its own.
- the sum of the partial pressures of all gases in a mixture gives the total pressure.
- the amount of gas in a mixture is quantified by its mole fraction given by: XA = number of moles of substance A / total number of moles of all substances.
- you can find the partial pressure of a gas in a mixture using: p(A) = XA x total pressure.
- we can use a new equilibrium constant for equilibriums involving gases, Kp: Kp = p(C)^cp(D)^d / p(A)ap(B)b
- we don’t include solids or pure liquids in the equation for Kp.
Significance of k.
- equilibrium constants tell us how far an equilibrium reaction has progressed, with high K meaning products are favoured and low K meaning reactants are favoured.
- temperature changes push the reaction in the direction that will counteract the change.
- K values are only affected by temperature, if we change the concentration or pressure, the equilibrium position will move to keep K constant.
- catalysts do not affect the amount of reactants or products present, they just increase the rate.
- if we can harness the flow of electrons in a redox equation we have a source of electrical energy.
- Half-cells can be made with: metal in a solution of aqueous ions, gas and aqueous ions or two different aqueous ions.
- standard electrode potentials tell us about a half cells tendency to donate or accept electrons.
- the hydrogen half-cell is used as a reference with a standard cell potential of 0V so we can measure other standard cell potentials.
Full cells.
- constructing whole cells allows for the flow of electrons which generates electricity.
- the electrochemical series is a list of all the half-cells standard electrode potentials.
- standard cell potentials are the difference between the standard electrode potentials and tell us the extent to which electrons flow; E⦵cell = E⦵positive terminal - E⦵negative terminal
- cell diagrams are a neater way to draw out cells.
- as a cell generates electricity when a chemical reaction happens and we can work this reaction out using the electrochemical series.
- the higher the cell potential the more thermodynamically feasible the reaction is.
- the conclusions we draw from cell potentials can be limited as they only apply if we have standard conditions.
Fuel cells.
- we’ve seen that chemical cells are used for disposable batteries and rechargeable batteries.
- alkaline hydrogen fuel cells combine hydrogen and oxygen which they receive from external sources and the reaction generates electricity.
- acidic hydrogen fuel cells combine hydrogen and oxygen which they receive from external sources and the reaction generates electricity.
Brownsted-lowry acids and bases.
- the bronsted-lowry definition of acids and bases describes acids as proton donators and bases as proton acceptors.
- conjugate pairs are species in an acid-base reaction which become each other by gaining or losing a proton.
- Ionic equations provide a more simple way to look at acid-base reactions.
- mono, bi and tribasic acids release one, two and three protons per molecule respectively, the polybasic acids release each proton in separate steps.
Acid-base reactions
- neutralisation isthe reaction of an acid and a base to form a salt and water.
- acids react with carbonates to make a salt, carbon dioxide and water.
- acids react with bases and alkalis to make a salt and water.
- acids react with metals to make a salt, and hydrogen gas but this is a redox reaction rather than an acid base reaction.
pH of strong and weak acids.
- concentration of H+ ions gives a measure of the acidity of a solution.
- because of the vast scale of possible [H+] we use pH to measure it; pH = log10([H+]).
- strong acids dissociate fully so we may use [H+] = [acid] to calculate pH.
- weak acids do not fully dissociate so we found the formula for [H+] was [H+(aq)] = /Ka x [HA(aq)].
- we can use pH to kind Ka.
- pKa is usually more useful than Ka because of the scale of possible values.
Ionisation of water.
- we’ve seen that the water is amphoteric which means that it can act as both an acid and a base.
- we’ve looked at the dissociation of water and the ionic product of water. Kw = [OH-(aq)] x [H+(aq)].
- we know Kw is constant at constant temperature and so can be used to find [H+] if we know [OH-].
- we know that the strength of a base refers to how much it dissociates in water.
- we can use the expression for Kw to calculate the pH for a strong base.
Strong and weak acids and Ka.
- Dissociation is when an acid releases its protons.
- Strong acids dissociate 100% in water.
- Weak acids dissociate less than 100% in water.
- Ka is an acid equilibrium constant that tells us how much the acid dissociates and is given by; Ka = [A-(aq)] [H+(aq)] / [HA(aq)].
- A buffer solution minimises changes to the pH when we add small amounts of acid or base.
- Acidic buffers are made from a weak acid and its conjugate base.
- Buffers use an equilibrium to react with any extra H+ or OH- ions; weak acids(aq) ⇌ conjugate base(aq) + H+(aq)
- Carbonic acid and hydrocarbonate ions form a buffer to maintain the pH of human blood.
- We can use the expression for Ka of the acid in a buffer to find the pH; Ka = [A-(aq)] [H+(aq)] / [HA(aq)].