Physical Case Studys Flashcards
When and where was black Saturday
2009, in Victoria, Australia
Why was Victoria vulnerable to wildfires
Covered in eucalyptus forest which is oil rich and burns easily
Area often reaches 40c with low humidity
Susceptible to high winds
Power cables access area
Depopulation has led to a decline in services in rural areas
Indian dipole effect
Responses to black Saturday 2009
- new fire hazard warning systems announced in 2009
- new building regulations
- debate on wether housing should be banned in high risk areas
- government under criticism for rebuilding in marysville which had been 90% destroyed
How many died in black Saturday
How many properties destroyed in black Saturday
How many displaced in black Saturday
How many hectares burnt in black sat
450 000
How many livestock died in black sat
12 000
How many animals perished in black sat
1 mill +
Total insurance claims in black sat
1.2 bill
How high was storm surge in tacloban
5 metres
How much of tacloban was destroyed
90 %
How many farmers/ fishers lost income in typhoon haiyan
How many died in typhoon haiyan
6 200
Where did typhoon haiyan hit
How many homeless in typhoon haiyan
4.1 mill
How much oil leaked in typhoon haiyan
800 000 litres
How many hectares of mangroves contaminated during typhoon Haiyan
10 hectares
How many people died due to stampede for rice after typhoon haiyan
How much did rice prices rise after typhoon haiyan
11.9 %
How many people evacuated in typhoon haiyan
800 000
Where did people take refuge during typhoon haiyan
Stadium - however this flooded and people died
Short term responses to typhoon haiyan
Emergency aid supplies arrived after 3 days by plane as airport was closed
Power restored after a week
1 mill food packs distributed after 2 weeks
Curfew introduced to reduce looting
1.5 bill promised in foreign aid
Long term responses to typhoon haiyan
Government scheme ‘build back better’
No build zones along some coasts
New storm surge warning. System
When was typhoon haiyan
What magnitude was tohoku earthquake and when did it happen ( Japan and Sendai earthquake)
2011 and mag 9
Where was epicentre of tohuku earthquake
70km of coast of coast
How many people reached with emeregency aid and supplies
147 000
Long term responses to tohoku earthquake
Toyota and and Sony stopped production there
Railway repairs went rails back in action by September
How many aftershocks in tohoku earthquake
How many died in tohoku earthquake
22 000 ( including 2500 missing persons )
How many displaced in tohoku
300 000
How tall was tsunami in tohoku
The plate moving 5-8 m caused a tsunami of up to 40.5 meters and swept 10 km inland
How high was tsunami that reached Chile tohoku
2 metres
How many people died in Haiti earthquake
222 500
When was Haiti earthquake
How many made homeless in Haiti
1.5 mill
How many people immediately buried In mass graves in Haiti
How many houses damaged/ destroyed in Haiti
300 000
How many prisoners escaped in Haiti
Secondary impacts of Haiti
Poor management so poor distribution of aid
1 in 5 lost their job
Why is Haiti vulnerable to hazards
On plate boundary between n America and Caribbean
Buildings designed for hurricanes not earthquakes
Poor infrastructure
How much co2 absorbed in Amazon
2.2 billion tonnes in 1990
Only 1 billion in 2015
How fasts is the Amazon being deforested
20 000 km2 per year
How much carbon released via slash and burn technique
50 - 60 % released immediately
How much rainfall in Amazon annually
2000 mm +
Deforestation on Amazon
Flooding as reduced water storage in trees rocks and soil. Fewer trees means less evapotranspiration and precipitation, run off also increases. So reduced cloud formation as reduced humidity
How many live below poverty line in phillipines
21.6 %
Pop density in phillipines
Average 240/km2 , but in Manila 2000
What does phillipines Red Cross ( PNRCA) have plans to do
Training local volunteeers in disaster management
Land use mapping
Initiating mitigation measures
Dissertation of information to whole community
Corporation/ partnerships with government bodies
How much money in phillipines in long term and short term responses
70 % long 30 short
Are phillipines reactive or proactive
Reactive as the hazards are so frequent and so varied it would be difficult to plan them all as they are not hic
How many hospitals damaged in tohoku
Heights of tsunami walls after tohoku
Went from 12 m to 18 m
When was hurricane Katrina
How many died and how many homeless in Katrina
1800+ dead, 500 000 listed homeless
How long was drinking water contaminated after Katrina
5 months
How many jobs lost after Katrina
230 000
How many victims in Katrina were black
How much were damages in Katrina
108 billion
How much of Bangladesh is less than 3 m above sea level
Natural Challenges in sundarbans
Coastal flooding
High salinity in soils
Instability of islands
Remoteness and accessibility
Human challenges in sundarbans
Over exploitation of coastal resources
Conversion of wetlands
Destructive fishing techniques
Resource use conflicts
Opportunities of sundarbans
Mangroves provide high resilience against storms
High soil fertility
1 hectares of mangrove has annual value of 12 000
30 trees per 0.01 hectares can reduce the force of tsunamis by 90%
How are the sundarbans mitigate
Khans land ( governament land that supposed to be protected for use by locals
Wetlands and fisheries
Investment in local infrastructure ( cyclone shelters, hospitals, flood protection)
When was east coast flooding in uk
5 December 2013
How many died in east coast flooding
How fast were winds in east coast flooding
Preparation for east coast flooding
800 000 houses protected
5 1/2 mill homes deemed at risk
Thousands evacuated
Thames barrier closed
Impacts of east coast flooding
1400 homes flooded
What type of volcanoes was eyjafjallajokul
Location of eyjafjallajokul
Mid Atlantic ridge in southern Iceland
When did eyjafjallajokul erupt
What did eyjafjallajokul score on VEI
How many flights were cancelled as a result of eyjafjallajokul
100 000 and 10 mill air passenger affected
How many evacuated eyjafjallajokul
What were water supplies contaminated with in eyjaffjallajokul
Impacts of eyjafjallajokul
Initially tourism dropped
But money created threw tourism eg lava centre
Losses at 50 mill
Responses to ejafjallajokul
People who got money from tourism= positive outlook
Fatalism- no mass outwards migration afterwords
Lots of volcanoes in area so people used to it
Local flood defences constructed
Flights being cancelled
Dredging rivers
Embankment’s also made
What type of rainfall do Eden mountains encourage
Orographic rainfall. So rainfall higher than national average as a result of the relief
Is the Eden basin narrow or wide
Narrow and long which increases lag time, less likely of a flashy flood , however as all rivers converge in Carlisle it increases flood risk there
How steep are slopes in Eden
Steep, reducing lag time and increases peak discharge in the drainage basin
What type of rock Is the heights points of river Eden
Igneous rock which is impermeable so infiltration is slow reducing lag time and increasing flood risk in Carlisle
What is most of river Eden made up of
Limestone and sandstone , so infiltration is quick and little surface runoff increasing the lag time
Storms in river Eden
Desmond 2015, 262mm in 48 hours in village of shap
Agriculture on river Eden water cycle
More intense farming so compacted soils from livestock and machines, reduces infiltration and increases run off , so flashy floods
Increase in cattle in valley of Eden
30% 2000-2009
Why is New Orleans vulnerable
Gulf of Mexico , lake ponchartrain, Mississippi River , water fuels the storm
New Orleans history
Indigenous people, French , Spain, french until napoleon sold to USA in 1803
2 primary ethnicity’s= french speaking creoles and English- speaking Anglo-Americans competing for power
What did scientific American magazine quote New Orleans
‘New orleans is a disaster waiting to happen’
How far did water reach into New Orleans
6-12 miles
How many remained in New Orleans before hurricane Katrina
150 000 - elderly , disables, poor, fatalistic couldn’t/didn’t want to leave
How high was storm surge in Katrina
How many refugees after Katrina
1 million
How much of New Orleans was under water during storm
How many houses flooded in New Orleans
110 000 out of 180 000 houses , 55 000 to bad to repair
How large was the disaster zone of hurricane Katrina
233 000 km2
Why was the fact the french quarter was damaged so bad in New Orleans
Reduced tourism
How many died whilst looting in New Orleans
4 shot by police
Where was the flood water put and how long did this take in New Orleans
Took 43 days to pump water into lake pontchartrain . This was filled of bacteria and sewage so worries of fish populations
How much oil leaked in New Orleans
26 million litres from 44 facilities
How many national wildlife refuges closed after hurricane Katrina
How much forest was destroyed from hurricane Katrina
1.3 million acres
How much flooding wouldn’t have occurred if levees had held
Was hurricane Katrina path accurate
Yes very
How many national guard personal were dispatched to deal with hurricane Katrina
58 000 from 50 states
How much in aid for victims of hurricane Katrina
62.3 billion authorised by congress
What did FEMA provide
Housing assistance . To more than 700 000 applicants , but only 1/5 were supplied . Also paid for 12 000 individuals for hotel costs.
As of 2010 how many Katrina victims still living in FEMA provided trailers
260 families
What did Kanye west claim about hurricane Katrina
There was racial reason for slow response , given that most people stranded were African American
How much did Kuwait pledge for hurricane Katrina
500 mill
Why did George w bush make hurricane Katrina worse
Was on golfing holiday. Allowed photos to be taken of him looking out of plane but this backfired as he was viewed as detched and uncaring
Why did governor kathleen Blanco make hurricane Katrina response worse
Plans weren’t getting to New Orleans , bad job at communicating relief
Why did Micheal d brown make hurricane Katrina worse
Director of fema . Told CNN he wasn’t aware that evacuees were stranded at convention centre. Shortage in food and water, basically got his job from bush
how many of the people displaced in hurricane katrina were poor
1/5 likely to be poor according to CRS, and 30% had incomes that were 1 1/2 x below poverty line
what % of hurricane katrina victems african american
how many elderly people and children displaced in hurricane katrina
88 000 elderly and 183 000 children
how long for 1/4 white and black residents to return to new orleans
white - 2 months
black-3 months
time taken for half white and black populations to return new orleans
white - 3 months
black - fewer than half returned by the time a survey done 14 months later
why were black residents less likely to return after hurricane katrina
they experienced higher rates of severe housing damage, this is because of ratial segregation , so structural/ systematic racism
by 2006 what % of people had returned
drop in black and white communites after hurricane katrina
100 000 less african americans and 11 500 less white residents in city now than in 2000
how much has hispanic community risen in new orleans
2 % ( or 6000 people)
how many in public housing hurricane katrina
during katrina 5000 now 1900
after hurricane katrina public housing changes
replaced old council houses with mixed income developments
goal to deconcentrate poverty met with partial success
how long is river eden
human causes of flooding along river eden
how many new houses built in south carlisle
10 000
physical causes of flooding on river eden
drainage basin shape
geology in river Eden
upland areas are mainly igneous
lowland areas sedimentary rocks like sandstone and limestone.
gradient of river eden
690m to 180m , 30km downstream
eden weather
2800mm in upland and 800mm at mouth
what rivers run into carlsle
petteris , caldew , eden
how many people died in river eden flood
how many without power in river eden flood
70 000
how many homes flooded in river eden
1600 homes
how long did roads and bridges close for in river eden flood
2 days
how many trees fell in river eden flood
1150 from wind
how much new embankments were built after river eden flood
flood managment techniques in river eden
- 350 hectares of peatland to hold water upstream restored
- dams upstream
- remove gravil from river bed to increase capacity
- made 250 water pumps available
how many sandbags made available in river eden
500 000
parica project in rondonia aims to plant how many trees
How many boast destroyed in typhoon haiyan
30 000
What was the earthquake called an when did it occur in phillipines
Luzon 2018 mag 6.1 , killing 5 people and in 1990 killing 1600
How fast is holderness coast eroding
2 m per year
How many miles of land lost and how many towns lost since Roman times
3 miles . 23 towns
Engineering at Bridlington
4.7km long sea wall
Engineering at Hornsea
Sea wall, groynes, rock armour
Engineering at withersea
Groynes , seawall, with aims to make beach wider
Engineering at mappleton
Rock groynes and revetments as main road
Engineering at spurn head
Groynes and rock armour
Why does easington have engineering in place
They have revetments and groynes as it has a gas station that provides 20 % nations gas
What have groynes at mappleton actually done
Increased erosion down coast at Cowden , leading to farms being destroyed
Somewhere along holderness coast where outcome is do nothing
East Riding as it has small population. Sand caravan park owned by lee Reid . He has lost 50 caravan spots and so is loosing land and money
Why is holderness eroding so quick
Cliffs are made up of soft boulder clay and strong prevailing winds creating longshore drift
After tohoku earthquake how many still in temporary housing after 4 years
230 000
Total damage costs for tohoku
300 billion dollars
What percentage of people followed tsunami warnings
How much did Japanese Red Cross receive in donations
1 billion
How often do earthquake drills take place now in Japan
Every year on September 1st
Central Amazon conservation complex
- Protects area of land that’s 50 000 km2
How many acres of reforestation in Peru
2016 - 2019 , replanted 100+ acres of trees
What percentage of australias forest burn in 2019-2020 wildfires
How many hectors of forest burned by beggining of march 2020
How many homes killed and how many people died in Australia wildfires in 2019/20
5900 buildings (2779 homes ) 34 killed
How far did smoke travel in Australia wildfires 2020
11 000 km across South Pacific to Chile and Argentina
How many tonnes of co2 emitted from Australia 2020
306 millions tonnes of co2
Earthquake in phillipines
2013 bohol mag 7.2 killing 200
- 850 dead
How many disaster has the phillipines experienced over the last 2 decades