Physical Assessment Exam 1 Flashcards
What is the importance of cultural awareness?
- Increased understanding of cultural diversity by being self-aware and knowledgeable about one’s own culture
- Awareness is an interactive and ongoing process for members of the healthcare profession
- Performing cultural self-assessment is an integral part of becoming culturally competent
It is important that we have what?
Cultural Sensitivity
Health related beliefs and practices is what?
One component of the cultural assessment
What is a basic patient right?
To have an interpreter present
What are some emerging minority group trends?
- Differences noted in age, poverty level, and household composition
- All ethnic and racial minority groups exceed the national poverty level
- Low educational attainment and lower income are correlated with likelihood of disability
- Family size and multigenerational families are more evident in minority groups
What are some Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)?
- Education
- Social and Community Context
- Health and health care
- Neighborhood and built environment
- Economic stability
What are health care disparities?
A particular type of health difference that is closely linked with social, economic, or environmental disadvantage
What are the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care?
- Set of 15 standards
* Provide blueprint to improve quality of care for diverse populations to eliminate health disparities
Title IV Civil Rights Act 1964
* Providing assistance with communication utilizing resources such as interpreters
In a culture there are what?
Basic characteristics that are learned from birth through a process of language accuisition and socialization
Culture is not what?
Biologically or genetically determined
When people join a culture and then based on a subculture they have a shared interest
Assimilation is what?
- An immigrant loses their ethnic identity to take on the identity of the common culture
- Ex: person from Japan comes to U.S. and they start to wear clothes from U.S. (Adapting to surroundings); it doesn’t change their heritage
- One sided
What is spirituality?
•It is a broader term that encompasses something larger than one’s own existence with a belief of transcendence.
- Effort to find purpose and meaning
- Comes from one’s own life experiences
What is religion?
- An organized belief system that has a shared experience that can assist in meeting one’s individual spiritual needs
- Peoe can have jewelry and clothing related to beliefs
What is the biomedical or scientific theory?
•Cause and effect that can provide physical and psychological illnesses
Example: germ theory
What is the naturalistic or holistic belief?
- Belief in the forces of nature that there is a balance in the universe
- Example: yin/yang theory like eastern medicines
- Illnesses that can cause cold: ear ache, chest cramp, gastrointestinal cramping, joint pain, tuberculosis
- Ilnessea that can cause hot: sore throat, absessed teeth, rashes, or kidney disorders
- Will only consume warm after pregnancy
What kind of healers do Hispanics use?
- Curandero
- Espiritualista
- Yerbo
- Sabedor
What kind of healers do black people have?
- Hougan
- Spiritualist
- Old lady
What kind of healers do American Indians have?
- Shaman
- Medicine woman
- Medicine man
What kind of healers do Asians have?
- Herbalists
- Acupuncturist
- Bone setters
What kind of healers do Amish people have?
In traditional treatments and folk healers healing is not complete unless what?
Body and mind are healed
What developmental competence do we need to have?
Based on someone’s culture, they may or may not accept some of the treatments that we think are necessary.
What is a cultural taboo?
Example: If a jahovas witness accepts a blood transfusion
Transcultural expression of pain is:
- Expectations, manifestations, and management of pain are all embedded in a cultural context
- Pain has been found to be a highly personal experience, depending on cultural learning, the meaning of the situation, and other factors unique to the person
- Silent suffering has been identified as the most valued response to pain by health care professions
What is Culturally sensitive?
Caregivers possess basic knowledge and understanding
What is Culturally appropriate?
Caregivers apply knowledge to improve health outcomes
What is Culturally competent?
Caregivers apply a universal concept of understanding to all contextual aspects of care
What is cultural care?
Provision of health care across cultural boundaries in consideration of context
What should we do first as nurses to help us know where our culture stops and the patients culture starts?
Explore your own personal history to develop cultural sensibility so you don’t impose your cultural beliefs onto the patient.
How to individual care for someone’s culture?
- Ask ooen-ended questions
- Make care specifically adapted to them
- Make adaptions by
What is the interview purpose?
- This is the best chance to gain an understanding of the patients beliefs, concerns, and perception of their individual health state
- Allows for complication of subjective data and awareness of objective data (physical appearance, posture, ability to carry on a conversation, and demeanor)
What are successful interview characteristics?
- Gather complete and accurate data about person’s health state including description and chronology of any symptoms
- Establish trust to foster acceptance and allow for data sharing
- Teach person about their individual health state
- Discuss health promotion and disease prevention
- Build rapport to continue therapeutic relationship
An interview helps what with a patient?
Helps build rapport
What is the contract terms of the interview?
- Location
- Explanation: Intro and role
- Purpose:Mutual goal
- Time frame: How long?
- Participation: Who?
- Confidentitality: can promise if hurting themselves or someone else
- Cost: How much?
What is verbal communication?
Words you speak and tone used
What is nonverbal communication?
- Body language helps to provide cues which may be correlated with true feelings.
- Recognize importance of unconscious messages
What are some internal factors of communication?
- We should try to maximize our communication skills
- Be an active listener
- Some times awkward silence is okay
What are some external factors?
Something that can interupt the interview process
•Ensure privacy
•Avoid interruptions
•Physical environment: equal seating
•Dress: appearance and comfort
•Note taking: keep to a minimum; give focused attention