Physical Assessment Flashcards
cause of excess fat stores
Excess energy intake
poor wound healing, pressure ulcers
Protein, Vitamin C, Zinc Deficienceis
Dry skin with fine lines and shedding
EFA & Vit. A deficiencies
Follicular hyperkaratosis
Vit. A deficiency and EFA
Pellagra Dermatitis
Niacin/Tryptophan deficiency
General Dermatitis
Zinc Deficiency or EFA deficiency (Omega 6)
Iron, Folate, B12
Yellow skin pigmentation
Carotenoid excess, B12 deficiency
Poor tugor (Skin bounce back)
Petechiae, Ecchymoses
Vitamin K and C def.
spoon shaped nails
Iron def
Dull nails
Protein or iron deficiency
Pale, mottled nails
Vitamin A or C def
Ridgin, transverse lines on more than 1 nail
Protein deficiency
thin, dull hair
protein, zinc, biotin or LINOLEIC acid deficiency
Easily pluckable hair
Protein or biotin deficiency
Corkscrew hair (Menke’s Syndrome)
Copper or Vit. C deficiency
Premature Whitening of hair
Selenium and B12
Depigmentation of the face
Protein deficiency
moon faced
protein deficiency
Bilateral temporal wasting
Protein deficiency or energy deficiency
scaly, greasy with gray or yellow around nose
Riboflavin, niacin, or B6 deficiency
pale conjunctiva
Iron, folate, B12
Bitot’s spots, night blindness, conjunctival xerosis, keratomalacia
Vitamin A Deficiency
Angular palpebritis
Riboflavin or niacin deficiency
Angular stomatitis
Riboflavin, niacin, b6 deficiency or dehydration
Riboflavin, niacin def. or dehydration
Chapped or peeling of lips/mouth
inflammation of lips/mouth
protein, energy, folate deficiency
Magenta red tongue
Riboflavin def
Riboflavin, niacin, b6, b12, folate, iron def
Smooth, slick, loss of papillae on tongue
Folate, niacin, riboflavin, iron, b12 def. or malnutrition
dysguesis of tongue
Zinc def
decreased taste (hypoguesia)- tongue
zinc or vitamin A deficiency
spongy, bleeding, receding gums
Vitamin C or Riboflavin def.
Red, swollen gums
Vit, C, folate, riboflavin def.
irregular heartbeat
magnesium/potassium def or excess
Ca def. phosphorus def.
pitting edema
Sodium excess
swollen painful joints
Vit C or D def
Enlarged wrist, ankle or knee
Vit. D or C Def
Pain in calves or thighs
Thiamin (beri beri)
memory loss, senory deficit, peripheral neropathy
Thiamin, B6, B12 def
bone tenderness
Vit. A excess
Thiamin, niacin, b12 def.
calcium/magnesium def.
sodium/phosphorus excess
hyperactive reflexes
hypoactive patellar reflex
thiamin or b12 def.