physical and physiological changes in older adults Flashcards
Changes to the cardiovascular system
Heart and blood vessel walls become stiffer with age → increased blood pressure
Heart tends to fill with blood more slowly
Reduced capacity to increase heart rate and output volume when necessary,
e.g. during exercise or illness → reduced exercise tolerance, increased fatigue
Regular aerobic exercise can still improve cardiovascular performance in older adults
Changes to the respiratory system
Number of alveoli (air sacs) and capillaries in the lungs decreases, resulting in small reduction in capacity to absorb oxygen from the air
Lungs become less elastic → reduced ability to expand and contract
These age-related changes do not usually affect daily activities, but may
reduce exercise tolerance
Respiratory muscles tend to weaken, especially the diaphragm → adds to reduced exercise tolerance, cough may become weaker
Increased susceptibility to respiratory tract infections, due to reduced mucosal clearance of microorganisms and weakened cough
Smoking and lung disorders have a greater impact on respiratory function in older age
Changes to bones
Tend to reduce in density and strength with age
Reduced bone density → increased risk of fractures
Reduced calcium absorption from food → reduced calcium content of bone
Levels of vitamin D, which help the body utilise calcium, are lower
Bone weakness particularly affects the hip (femur) at the level of the hip, the wrist (radius and ulna), and the vertebrae in the spine → fractures at these sites are more common in older people
Vertebrae tend to become compressed → loss of height, stooped posture
Changes in cervical (neck) vertebrae can restrict neck extension (head tipping backwards), which can make swallowing more difficult
Changes to joints and ligaments
“Wear and tear” of joints
Thinning of the cartilage lining synovial joints
Joint stiffness – joint surfaces may not slide over one another as smoothly
Significant “wear and tear” changes in joints result in osteoarthritis
Ligaments and tendons also become stiffer, which may restrict range of movement at joints and impact on fine motor control
Ligaments and joints are more susceptible to injury and slower to heal after injury or surgery
Changes to digestive system
Difficulty tolerating large meals
Stomach is less elastic and holds less food
Stomach also tends to empty more slowly
Lactose intolerance
In older age the digestive tract may produce less lactase, an enzyme which digests sugars in milk → lactose intolerance
Can result in bloating or diarrhoea after consuming dairy products
Tends to be multifactorial – e.g. low-fibre diets, reduced fluid intake, slower intestinal transit time, lack of exercise, medication side effects
Can result in abdominal pain, loss of appetite, feeling non-specifically unwell
Changes to liver
Reduced capacity for the liver to metabolise drugs
Reduced liver size
Reduced blood flow to liver
Reduced levels of liver enzymes that metabolise drugs
Can result in prolonged drug effects (elderly may ned smaller or less frequent drug doses) and/or increased side effects
Changes to taste and smell
Taste and smell gradually diminish beyond the age of 50
Reduced taste may be due to:
Reduced sensitivity of taste buds, especially for sweet and salt tastes
Dry mouth (combination of reduced saliva production ± medication side effects) – food particles unable to circulate over taste buds
Reduced smell may be due to:
Nasal mucosa becoming thinner and drier
Deterioration in olfactory nerve endings in nasal mucosa
Taste and smell changes may cause food to taste bitter or bland
May interfere with appetite or enjoyment of food
Changes to skin
Increased skin fragility
Skin tends to become thinner, less elastic and drier
Reduced subcutaneous fatty tissue - loss of protective cushioning layer → increased vulnerability to skin tears, abrasions and bruising
Poor wound healing
Reduced skin elasticity and blood flow are contributing factors
Poor temperature regulation
Reduced tolerance for cold – due to less heat insulation (subcutaneous fat)
Impaired ability to lower body temperature –reduced number of sweat glands and decreased skin blood flow → ↑ risk of heatstroke
Reduced ability to produce vitamin D – contributes to bone ageing
Changes to kidney, bladder and urinary tract
Changes in kidney, bladder and urinary tract function with ageing can result in:
Urinary urgency = difficulty postponing urination
Urinary incontinence = uncontrollable leakage of urine
Urinary frequency = needing to urinate more often
Urinary symptoms may be exacerbated by:
Other health conditions, e.g. diabetes (may affect autonomic neural control of bladder function
Medications – e.g. bladder wall and sphincter function, ↑ urine output
Menopause (women)
↑ fluid intake
Mobility problems