Physical and metabolic Flashcards
what are the prediposing factors to a uterine torsion
greater than average foetal weight
multiparous cows
large, ellipitical abdominal size increase risk
what are the Cs associated with uterine torsion
signs of abdominal discomfot, increase pulse & RR
advanced pregnancy
spiral folds in the vagina of cow
broad lig advanced over the uterous
incomplete dilation of cervix
foetus located in dorsopubic position
Rotation b/w 180 and 270 most common- usually rotate in the direction of the non gravid horn
Torsion will interfere with the foetuses ability to dilate the cervic during labour
How do you treat a uterine torsion
< 90 rotates the foetus into a normal position
> 90-240 - rolling rotation (by hand or use of detorsion rod)
360 - rolling or caesarean section - c-section usually preferable
decriped the plank on the flank method for correcting a uterine torsion
rolling the cow arround the foetus which is kept in place by applying pressure to her abdomen by a person standing on a plank
Roll the way of the torsion - roll the way the torsion is - like the cow is catching up with the twist of the foetus
What are the risk factors of a vaginal prolapse
Pluriparous, bos indicus, overweight or in poor body condition, large calves, steep terrain
More common in late gestation but can occur following parturitiom or during oestrous
what is the aetiology of a vaginal prolapse
Develops progressively
want to advise the farmer to cull the cow - as it may reoccur
repeated partial prolapse and return on lying down and standing
swelling trauma drying of mucosa leads to straining and further enlargement & eventual permanent prolapse
high circulating concentrations of oestrogen may lead to greater softening of perivaginal region and laxity of ligaments
How do you treat a vaginal prolapse
rectal examination - check if cow is pregnant
apply epidural, clean and manually replace
reduce mas - sugar compression bandage
push it back in and insert retension sutures
BUHNER STITCH- method of choice, perivaginal purse string suture using umbilical tape
Foetal mummification
Death of foetus, in the absence of air and bacterial contamination
cervix remains closed, no bacterial colonisation of uterous
resorption of fluid, dehydration of foetus, uterus tightly adherent to foetus
what are the causes of foetal mummifcation
Viral infection e.g BVD, foetal death
what is the treament of foetal mummification
cull if economic/appropriate
PGf@alpha - may be followed by foetal expulsion and rapid resolution - recheck in a few days as some assitance may be needed
Foetal maceration
Death of foetus, dilation of cervix, with bacterial invasion of the uterous
Sequalae to abortion or dysticia
what is the txm for foetal maceration
cull - prognosis for future fertility is poor
PGf2alpha - evacuation may fail due to poorly dilated cervix and inadequatte uterine contraction
caesarian - ventral midline approach or extend flank or paramedian approach
aetiology of hydrops allantois
Abnormal or rapid = in alantoic fluid layer mid gestation in cattle
what are the CS associated with Hydrops allantois
Bilateral abdominal distension (apple shape)
HR and RR elevated recumbency and death
rectal palpation : tight, greatly enlarged uterus, difficult to palpate foetus/placentomes
How do you treat hydrops allantois
Gradual removal of allantoic fluid fluid replacemnt inductioon of parturition Salvage slaughter is a good option if detected prior to cow becoming immobile Prognosis for future fertility - poor