Physical Activity, the cheap wonder drug Flashcards
Explain the change in disease profile from the pre-agricultural period (until 8000 BC) to the technological period (1945-today)?
In the pre-agricultural period, physical activity was very high as it was necessary for survival, and people primarily died due to accidents, food shortage, predation and infections.
In the technological period, physical activity is significantly lower as it is unnecessary for survival, sedentary activity is high in all domains, and most people die from non-communicable diseases.
What can you say about the global disease trends of non-communicable diseases
Percentage of deaths increases as the years pass by
What are examples of non-communicable diseases?
Cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic obstructive lung disease, diabetes
Relationship between physical activity and death
More like a lopsided smiley face that sees a slower decline on the left side than on the right.
The more PA one does, the lower his risk of dying, however, past a certain threshold, the individual may die due to overexertion.
Global implications of physical activity and NCD
Global life expectancy could increase by 0.68 years if all inactive people would become active.
Inactive - some activity: 17% risk reduction of dying from coronary heart disease.
Inactive-moderate activity: 41% risk reduction of dying from coronary heart disease.
Relationship between PA and mental health
- Increases endorphin levels
- Reduction of stress hormone cortisol
- Diversion from negative thoughts
- Mastery experiences
- Meeting others
What does inactivity cost?
Rise in disease burden and billions of dollars lost
Are breaks from sedentary time linked to health?
Yes, those with more frequent breaks had a more positive metabolic profile
Can PA buffer SB?
- Risk of death increases with more sitting time
- PA can buffer some of the risk related to sedentary behaviour, but you need quite a lot and quite intense PA.