Phys of Ex Second Exam Flashcards
All Neural Activity occurs extremely rapidly but a reflex is the fastest mode of response because you dont need time to make a conscious decision
only one response is possible
no options need to be considered
parts of reflex
Sense organ>affector afferent nerve (sensory) one or more synapse efferent neuron (motor) effector> such as muscle
Types of reflex
reciprocal inhibition
Flexor reflex/withdrawal reflex
(also supporting and conditioned)
Stretch Reflex
receptors> proptioceptors EX. posture antigravity relfexis knee jerk patellar reflex
Flexor/withdrawal reflex
di or multisynaptic withdrawal from pain opposes extensors of stretch reflex receptors nociceptors Ex twist ankle
Reciprocal inhibition
assures relaxation and removal of interference during completion of movement
Muscle Spindle
most abundant type of proptioceptor in the muscle (and body)
Before a muscle can contract it first must e put on…
Motor unit
1 nerve and the muscle fibers it innervates
Gamma motor neuron
functions to maintain peak operation at all muscle lengths
Types of stretches
physical stretches
load stretch (ms) brain muscle contraction firing motor unit EX table
Mental stretches
thought ends contract stretch brain muscle contraction EX bend elbow
be as… as possible and the least….
gamma system or gamma loop
provides a very sensitive system for the execution of smooth voluntary movements
holding a book in fixed position
important part of tonic stretch
#of motor units needed
Golgi tendon organs
activated by stretch from muscle contraction
- spindles facilitate (cause) contraction
- tendons inhibition >protective function
neurons specialize in the functions of
-capacity for being stimulated
-capacity to carry an impulse or stimulus throughout the body
Structure of a neuron
- Body/soma with nissl substance (high iron nucleoplasm as catalyst)
- processes dendrites carry too axons away (nerve fiber)
- Myelin sheath certain fibers do not display myelin sheath (spinal cord optic and auditory nerves)
- Neurilemma schwann cell area of peripheral nerve regeneration
- Nodes of ranvier play role in how fast impulse is transmitted
Classification of neurons
Structurally uni/bi/multi polar Functionally sensory motor internucial/ interneuron
Excitation or nerve impulse
electrical disturbance at a point of stim of a nerve that is self propagated along the entire length of axon
once it starts it keeps going
Action potential
stimulus change in environment which modifies the activity of the cell
this process of polarity reversal is referred to as
action potential
spike potential
saltatory conduction
jumping from node to node
increase the conduction velocity of the impulse
speed of conduction
proportional to fiber diameter and thickness of the myelin sheath