PHYS Flashcards
major functional processes of the GI system:
motility, secretion, digestion, absorption and excretion which are initiated by the ingestion of food
where are absorbed nutrients circulated before entering the systemic circulation?
the liver via the portal venous circulation
what are sphincters? (list the 5)
one-way valves containing rings of circular muscles that maintain positive resting pressures to prevent backflow and are relaxed by inhibitory motor neurons
- UES: highest resting pressure to prevent entrance of air and is made of striated muscle
- LES: made of a special type of smooth muscle but incompetency leads to heartburn
- pyloric: incompetency leads to acid reflux that causes gastritis :( , ulcers or perforation
- ileocecal: incompetency leads to IBS due to bacterial overgrown in the SI
- anal: controls elimination of waste products
ingested and secreted fluids vs. absorbed fluids
ingested/secreted (10L): diet (2L), saliva, gastric juice (from parietal (oxyntic) cells in the oxyntic glands of the stomach), pancreatic juice and bile, SI
absorbed fluids: colon, SI
submucosal plexus/Meissner’s plexus
part of the enteric nervous system located between the circular muscle and submucosal layers and is involved with controlling secretions, absorption and contraction of the submucosal muscle affecting the local infolding of the small and large intestines
myenteric plexus/Auerbach’s plexus
part of the enteric nervous system located between the longitudinal muscle and circular muscle layers involved with tonic contraction, increasing the velocity of contraction and therefore enhancing peristalsis
*stimulated by mechanoreceptors
purpose of HCO3-
secreted into the lumen of the duodenum by the exocrine pancreas the neutralize the acidic chime delivered from the stomach
which neurotransmitter is found primarily in the bowels?
serotonin (95%)
*more than 30 neurotransmitters are used by the enteric nervous system
intrinsic and extrinsic connections in the ENS
sensory afferent neurons monitor luminal activity changes and activate interneurons which relay signals that activate efferent secretomotor neurons stimulating or inhibiting effector cells all of which is modified by the ANS via the vagus nerve
can control the amount of chyme entering the SI and the amount of secretions needed to buffer it by detecting the osmolarity of the chyme
SNS and PNS regulation of the ENS
SNS: postganglionic fibers inhibit digestion and absorption through the use of norepi released by postsynaptic neurons
PNS: vagus and pelvic nerves work to increase motility and secretions through the use of ACh or peptides released by postganglionic fibers to stimulate APs in electrical slow waves (ex: substance P, VIP)
how are the facial (VII) and glossopharyngeal (IX) nerves involved in regulation of GI function?
they initiate salivation during the cephalic phage of salivation upon seeing, smelling and/or tasting food
interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC)
pacemakers in the myenteric plexus that connect the GI musculature with gap junctions in between and generate slow waves (changes in the resting potential that has the greatest frequency in the small intestines, intermediate in the colon and slowest in the stomach) and action potentials (above -40mV) that will generate contraction of the GI muscle wall through Ca2+ entry into L-type VSCCs
what will stimulate an AP/depolarization in electrical slow waves and what will stimulate hyperpolarization?
stimulates depolarization: stretch, ACh, parasympathetics (from neural and hormonal input)
stimulates hyperpolarization: norepi, sympathetics
different type of contractions
segmental/mixing/non-propulsive (approx. 2-3 per min.): contractions in the SI elicited by stretching
peristaltic (approx. 1 cm/min.): contractions enhanced by stretch and the gastroenteric reflex
3 reflexes of the GI tract
- gastroenteric: responds to stretch by enhancing peristaltic contractions
- gastroileal: triggers opening of ileocecal valve to permit chyme passage through relaxation of the sphincter and contraction of the ascending colon when they are distended
- enterogastric: senses an acidic pH in the duodenum releasing gastrin from G-cells to decreases gastric motility and secretions while contracting the pyloric sphincter to inhibit chyme from entering duodenum
what is the point of peristalsis and segmentation?
mixing optimizes contact between ingested food and digestive secretions and circulation of intestinal contents facilitates contact with mucosa (this motility is under local control of the myenteric plexus)
peristaltic rushes
occur when the intestines are irritated causing rapid movement of chyme through the intestines which could be due to infectious agents leading to diarrhea (movement is too quick for proper absorption)
peristaltic propulsion/myenteric reflex
distension/low pH will send signal to the sensory neurons which activate interneurons to stimulate motor neurons to release ACh and NO/VIP
ACh–> will contract the circular muscle while the longitudinal muscle is relaxed (only has excitatory motor neurons) creating a propulsive segment which propels the bolus
NO/VIP–> will contract the longitudinal muscle while inhibiting the circular muscle creating a receiving segment for the bolus (overall relaxation of segment- promotes digestion)
physiological and pathological ileus
physiological ileus: normal state of no movement due to inhibitory neurons
pathological ileus: takes longer for things to move through and could be due to abdominal surgery, anticholinergic or opiate drug treatment
Migrating Motor Complex (MMC)
characterized by three phases modulated by the vagus nerve: quinescence, little activity and strong activity in order to sweep the stomach and small intestines of residue that could build up and cause the production of “Bezoars” obstructing the lumen with the help of Motilin which is synthesized in the duodenal Mo cells
food in mouth stimulates swallowing reflexes causing the pharyngeal phase (once sensory neurons project to medulla through vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves and send back efferent impulses) and primary peristaltic wave (second peristaltic wave activated by esophageal distension and will remove any remaining food in the esophagus starting at the point of distension) along with receptive relaxation of the stomach
relaxation of the stomach to allow for more food storage without increasing intragastric pressure (mediated by the vagovagal reflex) since the fundus (top portion) is relaxed as well
*gastric emptying is slower after ingestion of a high-fat meal and rapid after ingestion of liquid saline
*achalasia and GERD
achalasia: failure of the LES to relax during swallowing (usually accomplished by NO or VIP) possibly due to damage to the myenteric plexus which cannot transmit the signal for receptive relaxation
GERD: LES tone is not properly maintained (supposed to be high at rest)
two division of the stomach
- proximal gastric reservoir: expands to accommodate for food and has muscle to keep tonic contration
- distal antral pump: grinds food and therefore has more muscle mass for the ICC to cause contractions
muscle unique to the stomach
oblique muscle layer
*also has longitudinal and circular muscle layers like the intestines
gastric contents are returned to the body of the stomach to be broken down further
GI regulatory substances
- hormones: secreted into the portal circulation and pass through the liver before entering the systemic circulation to be delivered to target cells
- paracrines: secreted by endocrine cells of the GI tract acting locally in the same tissue that secretes them (ex: serotonin from EC cells in response to distension to increase motility and secretions, somatostatin by D cells which acts as an inhibitor (acts on G-cells to inhibit gastrin secretion), histamine by EC-like cells to stimulate HCl secretion)
- neurocrines: released from neurons following an AP and diffuse across the synaptic cleft acting on the target cell (ex: ACh, norepi, VIP, gastrin-releasing peptide, substance P)
secreted by M cells in the duodenum and jejunum to mediate the Migrating Motor Complex (short bursts in fasting state) in order for large contractile waves to really open up the pyloric sphincter in order for indigestible material to pass through
secreted in the antrum of the stomach by G-cells in response to food to increase acid secretion by parietal cells (stimulates histamine release from ECL cells)
secreted in the SI by I-cells in response to fats and proteins/peptides/AAs to increase bicarbonate and inhibit gastric emptying
secreted in the SI by S-cells is response to the arrival of acidic chyme to increase bicarbonate and inhibit gastric emptying while acting on G-cells to inhibit gastrin
glucose-dependent insulinomic peptide (GIP)
secreted by K-cells in response to fat and carbohydrates to stimulate insulin secretion and inhibit HCl secretion by parietal cells
4 types of digestive enzymes (based on location of secretion)
salivary, gastric, pancreatic, intestinal
which glands are involved in salivary secretions and what is the purpose of these secretions?
parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands have acinar cells that produce a-amylase in the former and a sero-mucous product in the two latter
functions: lubrication (prevents dehydration and helps with swallowing), protection (protects against oral bacteria) and digestion
Sjogren Syndrome
autoimmune disorder that results in damaged salivary and lacrimal glands leading to xerostomia (dry mouth), difficulty speaking and bacterial overgrowth in mouth
duct cell
Na+ and Cl- are absorbed while K+ is secreted (stimulated by aldosterone)
what does the activation of salivary glands lead to?
the release of kallikrein resulting in the production of the vasodilator bradykinin to increase capillary hydrostatic pressure and capillary filtration (supplies the fluid for secretion)
cells of the gastric mucosa
body: oxyntic glands–> parietal cells (HCl and intrinsic factor) and chief cells (pepsinogen and gastric lipase)
antrum: pyloic glands–> G-cells (gastrin) and mucous cells (mucus pepsinogen)
* deeper pits
lack of stomach acid secretion due to the destruction of parietal cells (from chronic gastritis) which can occur along with pernicious anemia (since vitamin B12 is not stimulating the bone marrow to make RBCs)
how are proteins broken down?
at pH 3-5, pepsinogens spontaneously activate to pepsins by the removal of an N-terminal “activation peptide” and then the pepsins will function at a pH below 3.5 and can also catalyze the activation of pepsinogens
pepsins work in the stomach to break down proteins into proteoses, peptones and polypeptides and eventually amino acids with the help of trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypolypeptidase and proelastase
alkaline mucous layer
protects the gastric mucosa from acid and pepsins
*failure to prevent H+ from penetrating results in mast cell damage and release of histamine causing inflammation (mild injury–> blood flow promotes mucus and HCO3- production. severe injury–> decreased blood flow and cell injury)
gastric parietal cell ion movement
CO2 adds to H2O with the help of carbonic anhydrase to form H2CO3 which dissociates into H+ and HCO3-
the H+ is exchanged with K+ which comes into the cell through an H+ K+ ATPase pump at the apical membrane (target for proton pump inhibitors)
the HCO3- is exchanged with Cl- which comes into the cell at the basolateral membrane but will then leave the cell at the apical membrane
a Na+ K+ ATPase pump also exists at the basolateral membrane in which the Na+ goes to the blood and the K+ enters the cell
alkaline tide
due to the increase of buffers (bicarbonate ions) entering the blood when H+ is secreted by the parietal cells so the blood becomes alkaline but eventually, the bicarbonate ions are secreted back into the GI tract in pancreatic secretions
what happens during vomiting?
reverse peristalsis occurs when vomiting from the mid-SI to the pylorus allowing chyme to enter the stomach and then strong abdominal contractions force gastric contents to the esophagus and cause retching with further stimulation leading to the relaxation of the UES and expulsion of contents
*dehydration, alkalosis and hypokalemia can result
what muscles make up the UES and LES?
UES: striated muscle
LES: smooth muscle
bacterial overgrowth in the intestines due to a faulty ileocecal spinchter causing bloating and pain
what is the lamina propria made up of?
connective tissue, blood and lymph vessels
what is the sybmucosal layer made up of?
collagen, elastin, glands and blood vessels
which types of receptors are present in the myenteric pleuxus and in the submucosal plexus?
myenteric: mechanoreceptors
submucosal: chemoreceptors
hypertonic chyme and the response of osmoreceptors
hypertonic chyme will exert an osmotic force, pulling water out of the cells
osmoreceptors control the amount of chyme entering the SI and the amount of secretions necessary to buffer the chyme
where do parasympathetic preganglionic fibers terminate?
postganglionic cholinergic or peptidergic neurons located in the plexus
what is the blood’s role in GI?
it absorbs and also provides nutrients to promote digestion
where does the vagus nerve and pelvic nerve innervate?
vagus nerve: proximal 2/3 of ENS from pharynx to beginning of distal colon
pelvic nerves: distal 1/3 of colon
how does SNS activity inhibit digestion?
relaxes the gut wall, reduces secretions, contracts sphincters and diverts blood from the GI tract by contracting the vasculature
how are APs produced to stimulate contractions?
Ca2+ entry through L-type VSCCs
*stimulated by neural and hormonal input
what connects the ICCs to the circular muscle?
gap junctions (through which ionic current flows through)
innervation of circular muscle and longitudinal muscles
circular: innervated by excitatory and inhibitory motor neurons
longitudinal: innervated by excitatory motor neurons
- excitatory: ACh, substance P (contracts musculature)
- inhibitory: VIP (relaxes musculature)
what could cause a pathological ileus?
- abdominal surgery
- anticholinergic drugs
- opiate drug treatment
what modulates motilin release from Mo cells to stimulate Migrating Motor Complex (MMC)?
the vagus nerve
*MMC will be prevented if the vagus nerve is cut
somatic nerves vs. autonomic nerves
somatic nerves: regulate striated muscle directly
autonomic nerves: regulate smooth muscle via enteric nervous system or directly
what does food in the pharynx stimulate?
activation of sensory neurons that project via the trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerves to the swallowing center in the medulla to send back efferent impulses through trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, vagus and facial nerves
what do patients under anesthesia experience?
paralysis of the swallowing mechanism
what does a vagotomy lead to?
- prevention of MMC from occurring
- increase in pressure in the stomach with the addition of food due to inhibition of accommodation
salivary amylase that is identical to pancreatic amylase converting starch to sugar at pH of 7
*denatured at pH of 4
when saliva is secreted, which ions are involved?
K+ and HCO3- (bicarbonate) are secreted to create a K+ rich hypotonic salivary secretion while Na+ and Cl- are absorbed by the duct
*aldosterone promotes this
what is the ganglion that released ACh to the parotid gland after parasympathetic stimulation?
the otic ganglion
what can stimulate further pepsin production?
presence of pepsin and low pH (<3.5)
*pepsins digest collagen
alkaline layer
inactivates pepsin that penetrates into the mucus and traps bicarbonate which titrates any H+ present
what do NSAIDS inhibit?
prostaglandin synthesis which usually stimulates the secretion of mucus and bicarbonate
how is HCl secreted into the lumen?
H+ from the H+ K+ ATPase pump is pumped into the lumen while Cl- which was exchanged with bicarbonate in the blood will exit the parietal cell at the lumen and combine with H+ to form HCl
what does prolonged vomiting lead to?
dehydration, alkalosis and hypokalemia (low K+ in the blood)
*loss of H+, K+ Cl- and fluid from extracellular space
Gq and Gs
Gq: involved in Ca2+ stimulation of H+ K+ ATPase pump through ACh binding to M3 receptors and gastrin binding to CCKB receptors–> IP3/Ca2+ is increased
Gs: involved in cAMP stimulation of H+ K+ ATPase pump through adenylate cyclase (from histamine) binding to H2 receptor increasing cAMP
what acts on Gs?
Gi binding by somatostatin and prostaglandins
vagal stimulation and H+ stimulation of D cells
vagus: by ACh and inhibits somatostatin release
H+: directly stimulates D cells to release somatostatin