Phylum Platyhelminthes and Nematoda Flashcards
What type of worm is Phylum Platyhelminthes?
Free-living flatworm (tapeworms, liver flukes)
What kind of opening do flatworms have?
Gastrovascular cavity with one opening that is both mouth and anus
Which Phylum are acoelomates?
Platyhelminthes (flatworms)
_____ have no body cavity. Their mesoderm is a solid mass of tissue with no internal cavity.
Which Phylum are pseudocoelomates?
_____ have a body cavity consisting of a fluid filled space between the body wall and digestive tract. (developed between mesoderm and endoderm)
______ have a body cavity bounded by mesoderm.
Which Phylums are Coelomates?
Annelids and Mollusca
What type of worms are Phylum Nematoda?
Roundworms (pinworms, hookworms)
What are the 3 classes of Phylum Platyhelminthes?
Turbellaria, Trematoda, & Cestoda
What type of receptors are eyespots?
Individuals have both male and female sexual organs
The head of flatworms has lateral lobes and sensory organs called ______
Dugesia, a common freshwater turbellarian, feeds by sucking food through its mouth and into a tubular ____ leading to the ______.
gastrovascular cavity
The muscular ____ is usually retracted in the body but can be everted through an opening in the midventral epidermis.
middle of the lower surface of Flatworms.
Most digestion in the gastrovascular cavity is _____
extracellular, but phagocytic cells line the cavity and complete digestion of small particles intracellularly.
What body plan of Dugesia (planaria) allows it to regenerate and regrow its head and the right side of its body?
The mesodermal tissue which is the loose mass of cells between the ectoderm on the surface and the endoderm lining the gastrovascular cavity and pharynx
Which classes of Platyhelminthes are parasites?
Trematoda and Cestoda
Trematodes lack an _____ and are covered by an acellular but metabolically active epicuticle.
What is the epicuticle made of?
Proteins and lipids secreted by mesodermal cells.
The epicuticle helps in respiration and ____.
absorbing nutrients
The ventral surface of a fluke usually has two adhesive organs called _____
Are Class Turbellaria monoecious or dioecious?
Monoecious (hermaphroditic)
Is Genus Opthisthorchis monoecious or dioecious?
Monoecious (hermaphroditic)
This oriental liver fluke attaches to the bile duct and releases eggs that move through the digestive system of the host and exits with the feces.
Humans are infected by this fluke when they eat raw or poorly cooked fish.
Which flukes are endoparasites?
Opisthorchis, Schistosoma and Fasciola
Humans acquire this parasite by eating water chestnuts and other aquatic plants with larvae attached.
This blood fluke inhabits the intestinal veins and other organs of many vertebrates, causing the disease schistosomiasis.
An _____ host is an organism harboring immature stages of a parasite.
A _____ host contains sexual mature, egg-laying stages of the life cycle.
Snails are intermediate hosts of which fluke?
Unlike most trematodes, _____ is dioecious.
Which class of Trematodes are Tapeworms?
_____ lack a mouth or digestive tract. Their cuticles efficiently absorbs nutrients from their host.
The anterior end of a tapeworm, bearing suckers and hooks for attachment. Adhere’s to host’s intestinal wall.
Series of segments in tapeworms. Chain may be 10-15 m long.
_____ eventually break from the end of the worm and pass out of the host with its feces.
Gravid (egg-carrying) proglottids
Humans infect themselves from ____ by eating POORLY cooked pork.
Humans infect themselves from _____ by eating UNCOOKED meat from pigs.
Elephantiasis is commonly caused from the nematode ____.
Parasitic nematode that appears in the eye of its host
Loa Loa
_____ lack flagella and cilia and are covered with a flexible and chemically complex cuticle.
The ____ resists digestive enzymes and is permeable only to water, dissolved gases, and some ions. Permits locomotion and growth.
Roundworms have a body cavity called a ______ consisting of a fluid-filled space between the body wall and digestive tract..
Nematodes have a ______ exoskeleton that aids in locomotion.
____ are the most common parasite in the United States.