PHTLS Flashcards
EMT course
PHTLS = Prehospital Trauma Life SUpport
First Battle of Bull Run
3K wounded in the field for 3 days
tactical combat casulaty care
emergency medical technition
national registry of EMTs
NREMT (national association of EMT)
First Geneva COnvention
1864 INternational REd cross
*recognized hospital neutrality and safe ambulaton passage. equality of medical care regardless of side
Dep of Defense JOint Trauam SYstem
collection of data/statistics on wounded military personnel and the care they receive
DOD Trauma Registry
states & motorcycle helmet rules
1966: COngress gave the DOT authority to penalize states taht failed to pass legislation mandating helmets (over next 10 yrs, 47 states did)
* congress repealed the authoitty inb 1975 and states began to repeal toe mandatory helmets
* in 2017: 19 states mandated hellmets and 3 states including NHY did not have helmet laws regardless of age
Q’s to ask at teh scene for all trauma
is what I’m doing going to greatly benefit the pt?
does tghe benefit outweight the risk of delaying transport?
differences between level I and II trauma
medical education
specialty services
Defense Medical Readiness Training INstbute
continuing medical educaiotn
Frank Starling Law
increased end diastolic ovlume increases stroke volume
Fick Principle
CO & oxygen delivery
tactical emergency medical support
3 stages of TCCC
Care Under FIre
Tactical Field Care
Tactical Evauation Care
critical thinking w/pts-7
assess situation assess pt assess available resoruces analyze possible solutions develop plan initiate plan reassess pt response to plan and adjust
first do no harm
primum non nocere
designated to make medical decisions for you
distribution of medical resources ethically
% of reasons people die on scene
36%: massive hemorrhage
30%: severe injiury to vital organs like braib
25%: respiratory obstruction/ventilation failure
**76% die of nonsurvivabel injuries to head/heart/aorta..
what drives the metabolic processes
fuel like oygen, glucose (complex carbs)
stages in metabolic processes
KReb’s cycle
electron transport